Creative Concepts of Architecture Activities

Lapshina E., Likhanskii A.

EVGENIA A. LAPSHINA, Ph.D. (Arch.), Professor, e-mail:; ALEKSANDR YU. LIKHANSKII, Assistant Professor, Department of Design and Interior Architectural Environment, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

Neotectonics in the images of modern architecture

Abstract: Since the mid-20th century, modern architecture has been demonstrating the growing popularity of form creation based on unveiling the composite potential of innovative design engineering technologies and concepts. In this connection, it is tectonics that may be considered to be the key category of the composition theory determining the specifics of form creation in recent architecture. The article substan-tiates the introduction of the "neotectonics” term as a special understanding of the tectonics of architec-tural form, different from the classic one. The term is conditioned by a modern variety of technological capabilities for the new strategy of form creation to be implemented. The specifics of neotectonics mani-fest themselves through special metaphorical interpretation of architectural construction that creates a new imagery.
Key words: architecture, innovative technologies, tectonics, form creation method, neotectonics, metaphor, image.


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