Creative Concepts of Architecture Activities

Lapshina E., Kopyova D.

EVGENIA A. LAPSHINA, Ph.D. (Arch.), Professor, e-mail:, DARIA D. KOPYOVA, Master’s Degree Student, Department of Architectural Environment and Interior Design, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

Characteristics of color environment organization of public spaces in residential areas

Abstract: The article dwells on color aspect meaning in the urban environment organization. Special attention is paid to the specificity of the creation of color nature of the residential area environment. It also provides an overview of current practices in this area, as well as of urban phenomena, which affect the color usage and visual perception of the city open spaces. The authors identified the basic components of the environment, forming its functional content (buildings, elements of buildings, small architectural forms, landscaping elements, and the surface of the earth), as well as components that affect the identity and ease of orientation in space of a residential area (the elements of graphic design and art objects). The article provides an overview of specific ways to work with the colors, used in the design strategy to create a comfortable and harmonious environment of residential areas. It shows the importance of such envi-ronmental qualities as identity, memorability and ease of orientation by the example of creating the unique art objects and elements of navigation. The color combination of components of the environment organizations at different scale levels and within the framework of individual parts of residential areas or courtyards is also considered.
Key words: public space, color, residential area, color environment, urban environment components, place identity.


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