Oriental Institute Journal, 2018, №37 (1)

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UDC 947.05(571.6)   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-1/6-15

Galina A. ANDRIETS   «Native» and «foreign» in the leisure culture of the towns in the South of Russian Far East: the example of Russian-Chinese contacts (late 19th – early 20th century)

The article examines Russian-Chinese contacts in the leisure culture of Far Eastern towns of late XIX - early XX centuries from the standpoint of the categories «native» and «foreign». Particular attention is paid to Chinese cultural and entertainment events and theatrical stagings. The importance of studying Russian and Chinese languages as the «foreign» is underlined. Cultural leisure of Chinese people in the public assemblies which were the main cultural centers is characterized. The colorfulness of Chinese celebrations and Russian solemn events in the everyday life of the region is noted. The author comes to the conclusion that the dialogue of cultures is a tool for mastering the «foreign» in the common cultural space. «Native» or «foreign» culture possessed the status of «highest value» and has the right for free development and realization of its potential as a necessary link in the culture of the Far East.

Key words: culture, leisure, town, Russian-Chinese contacts, «native», «foreign», cultural space, dialogue of cultures, theater, celebration


  1. Andriecz G.A. Povsednevnaya zhizn` gorodov Port-Artur i Xarbin (konecz XIX – nachalo XX veka) // Kul`tura Dal`nego Vostoka Rossii i stran ATR: Vostok – Zapad: Materialy` XXI nauchnoj konferencii 9-10 dekabrya 2015 g. Vy`p. 21 / DVGII – Vladivostok: Dal`nauka, 2016. S. 5 – 11.
  2. Bajdak A.S., Mel`nikova T.V. Prazdnovanie kitajskogo Novogo goda v Xabarovske na rubezhe XIX – XX vekov // Aktual`ny`e problemy` izucheniya istorii stran ATR v XIX – XXI vv. – Xabarovsk: KGBNUK «Xabarovskij kraevoj muzej im. N.I. Grodekova», 2012. S. 32 – 37.
  3. Dacyshen V.G. Port-Artur. Istoriya odnogo russkogo goroda // Arxitektura Vostochnoj Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka. – Vy`p. 1. Russkie goroda na Dal`nem Vostoke. – Xabarovsk: Xab. gos. texn. un-t, 2002. S. 143 – 166.
  4. Duxovskaya V.F. Iz moix vospominanij. – M., 1901. 71 s.
  5. Istoriya Dal`nego Vostoka SSSR v e`poxu feodalizma i kapitalizma (XVII v. – fevral` 1917 g.). – M.: Nauka, 1991. 471 s.: il.
  6. Istoriya kul`tury` Dal`nego Vostoka Rossii (XIX v. – 1917 g.). – Vladivostok: Dal`nauka, 2011. 300 s.
  7. Korolyova V.A. Tradicionny`j kitajskij teatr i ego rol` v zhizni kitajskogo naseleniya na russkom Dal`nem Vostoke (vtoraya polovina XIX v. – 1935 g.) // Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki, kul`turologiya i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy` teorii i praktiki. – Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 10 (60): v 3-x ch. Ch. 1. S. 115 – 121.
  8. Morgun Z.F. Yaponskaya mozaika Vladivostoka: 1860 – 1937 (Kartina zhizni Vladivostoka na primere yaponskoj diaspory`) – Vladivostok, Primorskij gosudarstvenny`j muzej im. V.K. Arsen`eva, 2014. 310 s.
  9. Murov G.T. Lyudi i nravy` Dal`nego Vostoka. Ot Vladivostoka do Xabarovska. Putevoj dnevnik. – Tomsk: Parovaya Tipo-Litografiya P.I. Makushina, 1901. 161 s.
  10. Nesterova E.I. Russkaya administraciya i kitajskie migranty` na yuge Dal`nego Vostoka Rossii (vtoraya polovina XIX – nachalo XX vv.). Monogr. / Pod red. V.N. Sokolova. – Vladivostok: Izd-vo Dal`nevost. un-ta, 2004. 372 s.
  11. Petrov A.I. Istoriya kitajcev v Rossii. 1856 – 1917 gody`. – Sankt-Peterburg: OOO «Beresta», 2003. 960 s.
  12. Poznyak T.Z. «Aziatskaya specifika» dosugovoj sfery` v dal`nevostochny`x gorodax vo vtoroj polovine XIX – nachale XX v. // Rossijskij Dal`nij Vostok i integracionny`e processy` v stranax ATR: politiko-e`konomicheskie i social`no-kul`turny`e problemy`: VII mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya, posvyashhyonnaya 120-letiyu morskogo obrazovaniya v Primorskom krae, 1 – 3 dekabrya 2010 g., Vladivostok: sbornik dokladov / Sost. i red. A.S. Zakolodnaya. – Vladivostok: Mor. gos. un-t, 2010. S. 121 – 128.
  13. Poznyak T.Z. Inostranny`e poddanny`e v gorodax Dal`nego Vostoka Rossii (vtoraya polovina XIX – nachalo XX v.). – Vladivostok: Dal`nauka, 2004. 316 s.
  14. Presnyakova L.V. Tradicionny`j kitajskij teatr na russkom Dal`nem Vostoke i v polose otchuzhdeniya KVZhD v konce XIX – nachale XX v. // Vestnik DVO RAN. – Vladivostok: Dal`nauka, 2006. № 2. S. 114 – 124.
  15. Fetisova L.E. Chtoby` luchshe uznat` drug druga… Kul`turno-by`tovy`e kontakty` russkogo i kitajskogo naseleniya na Dal`nem Vostoke Rossii (vtoraya polovina XIX – nachalo XX v.) // Rossiya i ATR. – Vladivostok: Dal`nauka, 2001. № 4. S. 45 – 53.


UDC 398(=551.3):623.444  doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-1/16-25

Tat’yana A. GOLOVANEVA   Alien become ours: Tea in culture of Kamchatka's Кoryaks in the beginning of XX century

In this article you can find ethnographic, folklore and literature evidences of the process which shows how Kamchatka's koryaks were mastering tea which was brought by Russian tradespeople in XVIII century. With time tea stops being the product of luxury and becomes the product of need. Tea helps to restore physical strength during  the way in the snowy tundra. The ritual of morning and evening teatime in the beginning of XIX century becomes tradition of every Кoryak family. Tea and tea party find their places in rites practice of Kamchatka's кoryaks, in Кoryak folklore and Кoryak literature. At the beginning of 20 century among settled koryak's (alutars) the symbolic tea party was before ritual for the first successful hunting and also before whale celebration. Tea, symbolic tea party can be found in modern  death ceremonies. And in an only area of koryak's rites life tea is still alien and seems out of this culture. Till nowadays koryaks make special sacrificial food of traditional components for feeding clan idols. Using tea (in way of dry welding or drink) for feeding family guardian spirits is forbidden.

Key words: Koryaks, Кoryak's ethnography, Кoryak's rites, Кoryak's folklor, Кoryak's literature, Kecay Keccetyn, cultural exchange, history of Kamchatka, tea


  1. Бергман С. По дикой Камчатке. – Петропавловск-Камчатский: Камчатский печатный двор, 2000. – 166 с.
  2. Беретти Н. Н. На крайнем Северо-Востоке // Вопросы истории Камчатки. Выпуск 8. – Петропавловск-Камчатский: Холд. комп. «Новая книга», 2014. – С. 240 – 318.
  3. Голованева Т. А.. Мальцева А. А. Голоса корякской культуры: Лилия Аймык. – Новосибирск: Аккадемическое издательство «Гео», 2015. – 217 с.
  4. Горбачёва В. В. Обряды и праздники коряков. – СПб.: Наука, 2004. – 152 с.
  5. Жизнь и судьба С. Н. Стебницкого. Методико-библографический материал / Сост. Г. Овчинникова. – Палана: Изд. окружной библиотеки, 1992. – 33 с.
  6. Зуев А. С. Сибирь: вехи истории XVI – XIX вв.; Учебное пособие для старших классов общеобразовательных учреждений. – Новосибирск: Инфолио-пресс, 1999. – 368 с.
  7. Иохельсон В. И. Коряки. Материальная культура и организация. – СПб.: Наука, 1997. – 238 с.
  8. История и культура коряков / Под ред. А. И. Крушанова. – СПб.: Наука, 1993. – 236 с.
  9. Кеккетын К. Последняя битва. Рассказ на корякском языке / Под ред. С. Н. Стебницкого. – Л.: Гослитиздат, 1936. – 80 с.
  10. Кеккетын К. Эвныто батрак. Рассказ на корякском языке / Под ред. С. Н. Стебницкого. – Л.: Изд. дет. лит., 1936. – 79 с.
  11. Хоялхот К. Х. Рассказ на корякском языке / Под ред. С. Н. Стебницкого. – Л.: Изд. главсевморпути, 1939. – 120 с.


UDC 930:355/359.07   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-1/26-41

Roman S. AVILOV  «To investigate in details the way from village Novokievskoye to Port-Arthur in Tumen and Yalu valleys…»: The expedition of Lieutenant colonel Vladimir A.  Oranovskiy to Korea and Manchuria in 1898–1899. Part 1

This article examines the history of the unknown Russian reconnaissance expedition under the command of Lieutenant colonel Vladimir A. Oranovskiy to Korea and Manchuria in 1898–1899. In June 2017 the final expeditionary report was found in the Manuscripts Collection of the Russian State Library. This 976-page manuscript consists of five chapters, includes two appendices, regrettably, without maps, and embraces full information about the expedition. The detachment was sent to investigate the ways from village Novokievskoye to Port-Arthur, in order to explore if it was possible to redeploy the Russian forces from Priamurye Military District to Port-Arthur by the shortest path through the Northern part of Korea in case of war. Another goal was to investigate the Korean peninsula in military terms. The well-appointed expedition that traveled from Novokievskoye to Port-Arthur and backwards in winter, had gathered a lot of information, not only military, but also geographical and ethnographical. Five years later, during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905, this data was very useful.

Key words: Korea, Manchuria, Priamurye Military District, military oriental studies, military intelligence, Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905, Port-Arthur, Vladimir A. Oranovskiy


  1. Avilov  R. S., Ayushin  N. B., Kalinin  V. I. Vladivostokskaya krepost`: vojska, fortifikaciya, soby`tiya, lyudi. Ch. I. «Nazlo nadmennomu sosedu». 1860–1905 gg. – Vladivostok: Dal`nauka, 2013. 383 s.
  2. Avilov  R. S. «Dlya oxraneniya granicz Yuzhno-Ussurijskogo kraya sformirovat`…» Istoriya sozdaniya i sluzhby` regulyarnoj kavalerii na Dal`nem Vostoke Rossii (1869–1914 gg.). – Vladivostok: Dal`nauka, 2011. 180 s.
  3. Avilov  R. S. Neizvestnaya e`kspediciya russkogo voennogo otryada v 1896 g. v Kitaj po materialam «Sibirskix vospominanij» barona A. P.  Budberga // Izvestiya vostochnogo instituta. 2017. № 1. S. 39–51.
  4. Avilov  R. S. Ot Kry`mskoj do Grazhdanskoj vojny`: k voprosu o periodizacii istorii voenno-suxoputny`x sil Rossijskoj Imperii na Dal`nem Vostoke (1850–1918 gg.) // European Social Science Journal. 2013. № 2. S. 310–318.
  5. Avilov  R. S. Chislennost` vojsk Priamurskogo i Varshavskogo voenny`x okrugov nakanune Russko-yaponskoj vojny`: opy`t sravnitel`nogo analiza // Novy`j istoricheskij vestnik. 2017. № 1. S. 40–50.
  6. Basxanov  M. K. Russkie voenny`e vostokovedy` do 1917 g. Biobibliograficheskij slovar`. – M.: Vost. Lit., 2005. 295 s.
  7. Letopis` vojny` 1914 goda. 1914. № 2.
  8. Lukoyanov  I. V. «Ne otstat` ot derzhav…» Rossiya na Dal`nem Vostoke v konce XIX–nachale XX vv. – SPb.: Nestor-Istoriya, 2008. 668 s.
  9. Nilus  E. X. Istoricheskij obzor Kitajskoj Vostochnoj zheleznoj dorogi. T. 1. 1896–1923. Xarbin: Tip. KVZhD, 1923. 690 s.
  10. Romanov  B. A. Rossiya v Man`chzhurii (1892–1906). Ocherki po istorii vneshnej politiki samoderzhaviya v e`poxu imperializma. – L.: Izd-vo Len. vost. inst., 1928 606 s.
  11. Russko-yaponskaya vojna 1904–1905 gg. Rabota voenno-istoricheskoj komissii po opisaniyu russko-yaponskoj vojny`: v 9 t. T. 1–9. – SPb.: b. i., 1910.
  12. Sbornik geograficheskix, topograficheskix i statisticheskix materialov po Azii. – SPb.: Voennaya tipografiya, 1883–1914. Vy`p. 1–87.
  13. Sbornik dogovorov i diplomaticheskix dokumentov po delam Dal`nego Vostoka 1895–1905 gg. – SPb.: Tip. A. M.  Mendelevicha, 1906. 763 s.
  14. Sximmel`pennik Van der Oje D. Navstrechu vosxodyashhemu solnczu: Kak imperskoe mifotvorchestvo privelo Rossiyu k vojne s Yaponiej. – M.: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2009. 421 s.
  15. Morse  H. B. The international relations of the Chinese empire. Vol. III. 1894–1911. – N.Y., Bombay, Calcutta: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1918. 530 p.
  16. Paine  S. C. M. The Sino-Japanese War of 1894–1895: Perceptions, Power and Primacy. – N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 412 p.



UDC 39(=941) doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-1/42-48

Roman V. GVOZDEV   The features of Uiltas (Orok) military knowledges (on the basis of folklore sources)

The subject of the study was the traditional military Sakhalin Uilta . By the middle of the XIX century, the Uilta were at the stage of decomposition of primitive society. The level of development of military Affairs was also consistent with the level of social and socio-economic development. As a source for the research was the folklore first and foremost, the ancestral traditions, as the genre is characterized by a lack of fantastic characters and most accurately reflects reality. The main contents were intergeneric relationships and conflicts, the cause of which was failure to women, bad matchmaking, revenge for the blood shed. Folklore sources Uilta details draw the image of the hero – the best hunter and invincible warrior. Economic causes of conflict, the Uilta and specialization of the soldiers are just beginning to emerge. Primitive society was in that condition when the war could start at any time and for any reason that has determined its role in society and influenced the formation of military аffairs.

Key words: the Uilta, Orok, military knowledges, warrior, folklore, epic legends, Sakhalin


  1. Vishnevskij N. V. Otasu. E`tnopoliticheskie ocherki. Yuzhno-Saxalinsk, 2013. 284 s.
  2. Kosarev V.D. E`kologicheskaya obuslovlennost` tradicionnogo vospitaniya i socializacii u orokov // Materialy` k izucheniyu istorii i e`tnografii naseleniya Saxalinskoj oblasti. Preprint. Yuzhno-Saxalinsk, 1986. S. 65–81.
  3. Nevskij N.A. Ajnskij fol`klor. M.: Nauka, 1972. 286 s.
  4. Obidelis`, potomu i voevali (Ajnskie narodny`e skazki) // Skazki (Biblioteka skazok: narodny`e skazki, avtorskie, novy`e, sovremenny`e skazki) [http://I-skazki.ru]. URL: http://www.skazki-online.ru/ainskie_skazki/nanaiskaia-voina-ainov-i-ororkov.html [data obrashheniya 29.01.2018]
  5. Pershicz A.I., Semyonov Yu.I., Shnirel`man V.A. Vojna i mir v rannej istorii chelovechestva. T.1. M.: Nauka, 1994. 176 s.
  6. Petrova T.I. Yazy`k orokov. L.: Nauka, 1967. 156 s.
  7. Pilsudskij B. O. Iz poezdki k orokam o. Saxalina v 1904 g. Preprint. Yuzhno-Saxalinsk, 1989. 76 s.
  8. Pilsudskij B. Materialy` dlya izucheniya ajnskogo yazy`ka i fol`klora. Perevod s angl. V. L. Kosareva. // Izvestiya INBP. № 7. Yuzhno-Saxalinsk, 2004. S. 26-205.
  9. Sem Yu.A. Problema proisxozhdeniya orokov Saxalina // Tez. dokl. i soobshh. na sessii gumanitarny`x nauk soveta DVF SO AN SSSR po itogam nauchno-organizacionnoj raboty` za 1964 g. «Obshhie zakonomernosti i osobennosti istoricheskogo razvitiya narodov sovetskogo Dal`nego Vostoka (s drevnejshix vremyon do nashix dnej)». Vladivostok: DVF im. V.L. Komarova SO AN SSSR, 1965. S. 79–87.
  10. Taksami Ch.M., Kosarev V.D. Kto vy`, ajny`? Ocherk istorii i kul`tury`. M.: My`sl`, 1990. 318 s.


UDC 398.8(571.6)   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-1/49-63

Tatiana V. KRAYUSHKINA   Traditional representations of the Eastern Slavs of the Far East of Russia about strangers (on the material of the genres of folk songs of oral folk art)

In the article on the material of the song genres of oral folk art of Russians, Ukrainians and Byelorussians of the Russian Far East, traditional ideas about strangers are explored. Household contacts are called important for the formation of views about strangers, and mythological representations are reflected only in the calendar poetry and in ballad songs. There are types of strangers, typical for song folklore: among them are representatives of a foreign family, a foreign territory, different world. There are four variants of displacement in the categories of one's own – another's. Conclusions are drawn on the transformation of the traditional view of strangers in the Soviet era, where they begin to find someone else's (among their own family, among the citizens of their state). The ways of overcoming the conflict between one's own and another's, which are inherent in the traditional consciousness, are indicated.

Key words: Imagology, traditional representations, Eastern Slavs, Far East, foreign, song genres, calendar-ritual poetry, wedding poetry, folklore of the 20th century


  1. Baturin A.P. «Svoj» i «chuzhoj», obraz druzej i vragov v ispanskoj literature XVII v. (k voprosu o formirovanii nacional`nogo samosoznaniya v ispanskom obshhestve v rannee novoe vremya) // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2013. – №1. – S. 48–54.
  2. Borisova I.Z. Koncept «chuzhoj» v yazy`kovoj kartine mira // Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo texnicheskogo universiteta. – 2014. – №8. – S. 219–224.
  3. Geroicheskaya poe`ziya grazhdanskoj vojny` v Sibiri / sost. L.E. E`liasov. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1982. – 337 s.
  4. Dobrovol`skaya V.E. «Vsyakaya sosna svoemu boru shumit»: pover`ya, zaprety` i predpisaniya, reglamentiruyushhie povedenie «chuzhix» i «svoix» // Tradicionnaya kul`tura. – 2012. – №2. – S. 9–19.
  5. Zhernovaya O.R. E`tnokul`turny`e stereotipy` kak otrazhenie menyayushhejsya kul`turnoj i politicheskoj dejstvitel`nosti // Politicheskaya lingvistika. – 2010. – №2. – S. 109–113.
  6. Ivanova N.V. Leksicheskie reprezentacii oppozicii «svoj – chuzhoj» v duxovny`x staroobryadcheskix stixax // Nauchny`j dialog. – 2014. – №12. – S. 24–36.
  7. Ivtagina L.S. Protivopostavlenie «svoj / chuzhoj» v chukotskix geroicheskix skazaniyax o stolknoveniyax s koryakami // Vestnik RGGU. Seriya: Istoriya. Filosofiya. Kul`turologiya. Vostokovedenie. – 2008. – №9. – S. 294–302.
  8. Kagan V.E. Homo Xenophobicus: psixologiya «svoego i chuzhogo» // Nacional`ny`j psixologicheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – №2(6). – S. 40–45.
  9. Nikolaeva I.V. Semantika «e`tnicheskix» ukazanij «Povesti vremenny`x let»: obraz «chuzhogo» // Informacionny`j gumanitarny`j portal «Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie». – 2010. – №9. – S. 4.
  10. Novoselova O.A., Xramczova L.N. Nevestka i svekrov` v dialektnoj kartine mira // Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Istoriya, filologiya. – 2012. – T. 11. – №9. – S. 197–201.
  11. Obryadovy`e pesni russkoj svad`by` Sibiri / sost. R.P. Potanina. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1981. – 319 s.
  12. Russkij kalendarno-obryadovy`j fol`klor Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka: Pesni. Zagovory` / sost. F.F. Bolonev, M.N. Mel`nikov, N.V. Leonova. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, Sib. predpriyatie RAN, 1997. – 605 s. – (Pamyatniki fol`klora Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka; T.13).
  13. Russkij semejno-obryadovy`j fol`klor Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka: Svadebnaya poe`ziya. Poxoronnaya prichet` / sost. R.P. Potanina, N.V. Leonova, L.E. Fetisova. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2002. – 551 s. – (Pamyatniki fol`klora narodov Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka; T. 22).
  14. U klyuchika u gremuchego: Dal`nevostochny`j fol`klor / sost. L. Sviridova. – Vladivostok: Dal`nevost. kn. izd-vo, 1989. – 255 s.
  15. Fetisova L.E. Vostochnoslavyanskij fol`klor na yuge Dal`nego Vostoka Rossii: Slozhenie i razvitie tradicij. – Vladivostok: Dal`nauka, 1994. – 219 s.
  16. Fol`klor belorusov Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka. Chast` 1: Semejno-obryadovy`e pesni i prichitaniya / sost. N.V. Leonova (otv. sost.), T.G. Leonova, L.M. Sviridova, T.B. Varfolomeeva, K.P. Kabashnikov, A.S. Fedosik / otv. red. V.M. Gaczak. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2011. – 548 s. – (Pamyatniki fol`klora narodov Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka; T. 31).
  17. Fol`klor Dal`nerech`ya / sost. L.M. Sviridova. – Vladivostok: Izd-vo DVGU, 1986. – 288 s.
  18. Xly`shheva E.V. Konstrukty` mezhkul`turnogo vzaimodejstviya na frontirny`x territoriyax: k probleme kul`turnoj bezopasnosti // Zhurnal Frontirny`x Issledovanij. – 2016. – №1. – S. 33–43.
  19. Xly`shheva E.V. Svoj i chuzhoj v geterotopnom prostranstve media-kul`tury` // Kaspijskij region: politika, e`konomika, kul`tura. – 2015. – №3. – S. 275–280.
  20. Shhetinina E.V. K voprosu o formirovanii obraza «chuzhogo» v usloviyax massovoj kul`tury` // Omskij nauchny`j vestnik. – 2012. – №5. – S. 257–260.


UDC 398(=571)    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-1/64-71

Lidiya E. FETISOVA   The «own / alien» opposition in folklore culture of indigenous peoples of the Russian Far East

The article is devoted to ways of realization of the “own / alien” opposition in the folklore culture of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Far East. The markers of “own” and “alien” (habitat, appearance, genealogical relationships, character traits) which are reflected in mythology, epic creativity and everyday stories of Far Eastern peoples are shown. The most widespread stories devoted to interethnic conflicts are considered; epic heroes description typology as ideal representatives of a concrete ethnos is revealed; different types of “alien” (“stranger”) endowed with features of the inhabitants of “other worlds” are showed. The strengthening of the realistic principle in texts of late origin is noted. Particular attention is paid to the concept of “others”, which is not a complete analogue of “alien”, but also opposed to “own”. The author considers the only possible way to overcome xenophobia is to foster respect for another culture by replacing the notion of ”alien” (“dangerous”, “hostile”) with the notion of “other”.

Key words: indigenous peoples, the Russian Far East, «own», «alien», «other», folklore culture


  1. Avrorin  V. A., Lebedeva  E. P. Orochskie teksty` i slovar`. – L.: Nauka, 1978. 264 s.
  2. Bury`kin A.A. «…Zlonraviya dostojny`e plody`» [Recz. na kn.:] Varlamov A.N. Istoricheskie obrazy` v e`venkijskom fol`klore. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2009 [E`lektronny`j resurs] // URL//www.zaimka.ru/review-varlamov-evenk-folklore/ (Data poseshheniya: 22.01.2018).
  3. Varlamova (Ke`ptuke`) G.I. Mirovozzrenie e`venkov: otrazhenie v fol`klore. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2004. – 186 s.
  4. Vasilevich G.M. E`tnonimy` v fol`klore // Fol`klor i e`tnografiya. – L.: Nauka, 1970. S. 25–35.
  5. Ermak G.G. Semejny`j i xozyajstvenny`j by`t kazakov yuga Dal`nego Vostoka Rossii. Vtoraya polovina XIX – nachalo XX veka. – Vladivostok: Dal`nauka, 2004. – 173 s.
  6. Zolotaryov A.M. Rodovoj stroj i religiya ul`chej. – Xabarovsk: Dal`giz, 1939. – 207 s.
  7. Ivtagina L.S. Protivopostavlenie «svoj/chuzhoj» v chukotskix geroicheskix skazaniyax o stolknoveniyax s koryakami // Vestnik RGGU. M., 2008. № 9/08/. Ser. «Literaturovedenie. Fol`kloristika». S. 294–302.
  8. Kuz`miny`x V.I. Obraz russkogo kazaka v fol`klore narodov Severo-Vostochnoj Sibiri // Uralo-Sibirskoe kazachestvo v panorame vekov. – Tomsk, 1994. S. 32–39.
  9. Mel`nikova T.V. Predaniya korenny`x narodov Priamur`ya o pervy`x vstrechax s russkimi (fol`klorizaciya rasskazov o dejstvitel`ny`x soby`tiyax) // E`tnologiya i obrazovanie: problemy` integracii e`tnograficheskoj nauki i vy`sshej shkoly`: Mat-ly` nauchno-prakticheskoj konf. Vladivostok. 12–15 noyabrya 2002 g. – Vladivostok, 2002. S. 123–129.
  10. Nanajskij fol`klor: ningman, sioxor, te`lungu. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1996. – 478 s.
  11. Ozolinya L.V. Grammatika orokskogo yazy`ka. – Novosibirsk: GEO, 2013. – 372 s.
  12. Pevnov A.M. Original`ny`e neopublikovanny`e nauchny`e nablyudeniya G.A. Otainoj i Ch.M. Taksami // Mezhregional`naya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya «Na rubezhe vekov» / Avt.-sost. V.G. Shabel`nikova. Xabarovsk: Xabarovskij kraevoj muzej im. N.I. Grodekova., 2016. S. 4–9.
  13. Podmaskin V.V. Narodny`e znaniya tazov Primor`ya (XIX – XX vv.) // Rossiya i ATR. Vladivostok. 2017. № 1. S. 138–156.
  14. Salinskij S.M. Pticy vozvrashhayutsya v sny`. Povest`-yav`. Povest`-son. – Vladivostok: Valentin, 2015. – 320 s.
  15. Skazki i mify` narodov Chukotki i Kamchatki / Sost., predisl. i primech. G.A. Menovshhikova. – M.: Gl. redakciya vost. literatury` izd-va «Nauka», 1974. – 646 s.
  16. Smolyak A.V. Shaman: lichnost`, funkcii, mirovozzrenie: (narody` Nizhnego Amura). – M.: Nauka, 1991. – 280 s.
  17. Taksami Ch.M. Fol`klorny`e materialy` ob istokax e`tnicheskix i kul`turny`x svyazej narodov Amura i Saxalina // Fol`klor i e`tnografiya. – L.: Nauka, 1970. S. 36–42.
  18. Toborukov N. Aborigeny` Nizhnej Koly`my` [E`lektronny`j resurs] // URL https://www.yakutskhistory.net/yakuty`/yukagiry`/ (Data poseshheniya: 04.08.2017).
  19. Cincius V.I. Negidal`skij variant skazanij vostochny`x tungusov // Fol`klor i e`tnografiya. – L.: Nauka, 1970. S. 51–58.


UDC 22/28(0:882:32)   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-1/72-84

Andrey V. POPOVKIN, Galina S. POPOVKINA   Sanctity as other of daily culture (on the example of stories "Not Saint Saints" by Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov))

Sanctity is one of the basic values of the religious life of a Christian, but the ideas about it among different groups of believers can vary greatly. This important concept has also not been unequivocally defined in the writings of theologians, often relying on the opposition of the sacred and profane, widespread in religious studies. In folk culture there is an intuitive knowledge of holiness, but there is no clear idea of it. Based on the analysis of the artistic text (the stories of Archimandrite Tikhon), by identifying the main theme, problems and ideas in it, through the disclosure of the artistic image of the characters (their character, external features, deeds), a generalized image of the saint characteristic of Russian Orthodox culture was created, significance and value. It is concluded that the holiness of man in the popular understanding is associated with love for people, the purity of the soul and otherness..

Key words: Christianity, Orthodoxy, culture, holiness (sanctity), other, interpersonal communication, corporality, power


  1. Adams R.M. Svyaty`e // Dobrodetel` very`. Ocherki po filosofskomu bogosloviyu. – M.: Izdatel`stvo BBI, 2013. 376 s.
  2. Arxim. Iannuarij (Ivliev) Biblejskij vzglyad na svyatost` Boga i svyatost` lyudej [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Portal: «Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Cerkov`. Sinodal`naya komissiya po kanonizacii svyaty`x». URL http://kanonkom.ru/docs/arhimandrit-iannuariy-ivliev-bibleyskiy-vzglyad-na-svyatost-boga-i-svyatost-lyudey.html (Data poseshheniya 28.01.2018)
  3. Arximandrit Tixon (Shevkunov). «Nesvyaty`e svyaty`e» i drugie rasskazy`. — M.: Izd-vo Sretenskogo monasty`rya; «OLMA Media Grupp», 2011. — 640 s.
  4. Svyatoe v Rossii: kto smotrit i chto ne vidit — interv`yu Aliny` Bagrinoj portalu «Pravmir» [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Portal «Issledovatel`skaya sluzhba “Sreda”». URL: http://sreda.org/2014/svyatoe-v-rossii-kto-smotrit-i-chto-ne-vidit-intervyu-alinyi-bagrinoy-portalu-pravmir/145964 (Data poseshheniya 28.01.2018)
  5. Svyatost` // Bogoslovskaya antropologiya. Russko-pravoslavny`j /rimsko-katolicheskij slovar`: izdaniya na russkom i nemeczkom yazy`kax / Pod nauch.red. prot. A. Lorgusa, B. Shtrubenrauxa. — M.: Palomnik; Nikeya, 2013. — 736 s. S. 445-450.
  6. Svyashhennost` /svyatost` // Bogoslovskaya antropologiya. Russko-pravoslavny`j /rimsko-katolicheskij slovar`: izdaniya na russkom i nemeczkom yazy`kax / Pod nauch.red. prot. A. Lorgusa, B. Shtrubenrauxa. — M.: Palomnik; Nikeya, 2013. — 736 s. S. 451-457.


UDC 882(075.8)    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-1/85-96

Elena O. KIRILLOVA   Art representation of cross-cultural and interethnic dialogue in the autobiographical story of S.-M. Salinsky «Birds come back to dreams»

The name of the Russian-Polish writer S.-M. Salinsky (1902 – 1969) is almost not familiar to the reader. Toponymic space of autobiographical stories «Birds Come Back to Dreams» (Vladivostok, 2015) – memories of the author of the childhood spent to Primorye on a joint of three borders: Russia, Korea and China – in Posyetskom (now Hasansky district) the area, near the boundary river Tumangang and lakes Hasan. The author actively addresses ethnographic, ethnological components, a folklore component of the foreign population of Southern Ussuri Krai of the end of XIX – the first quarter of the 20th centuries and different Far East ethnoses, living in this territory. The writer pays special attention economic household to way, sacral views, system of mythopoetic images, symbols, motives, miforitualny and ceremonial actions. The story is written on the Far East material. The images of foreign culture heroes apprehended including by means of the Korean-Udege and Chinese fairy tales and legends, folklore of Tazy, show cultural interactions in conditions of transboundary both interethnic and interpersonal in interaction of cultures: another, others..

Key words: cross-cultural and interethnic dialogue; cultural wealth in the system of cross-cultural ties of the Far East; Far East literature; S.-M. Salinsky; Birds come back to dreams


  1. Garin-Mixajlovskij N.G. Sobranie sochinenij v pyati tomax. T. 5 / podg. teksta i primechaniya A.I. Kuchminoj i I.M. Yudinoj. – M: Xudozh. literatura, 1958. – 721 s.
  2. Zabiyako A.A., Dyabkin I.A. Obraz razbojnika v kontekste «frontirnoj mifologii» dal`nevostochnoj e`migracii // Sborniki konferencij NICz Sociosfera. – 2011. – № 9. – S. 170–182.
  3. Zabiyako A.P. Russkie v usloviyax dal`nevostochnogo frontira: e`tnicheskij opy`t XVII-nachala XX vv. // Zabiyako A.P., Koby`zov R.A., Ponkratova L.A. Russkie i kitajcy: e`tnomigracionny`e processy` na Dal`nem Vostoke. – Blagoveshhensk: Izd-vo AmGU, 2009. – S. 9–35.
  4. Milyanchuk N.S. Yazy`kovaya reprezentaciya vzaimodejstviya kul`tur v idiostile pisatelya-e`migranta (na materiale tekstov M. Shherbakov) // Programma i tezisy` Pervoj sovmestnoj mezhdunarodnoj filologicheskoj konferencii Tamkanskogo universiteta i Dal`nevostochnogo federal`nogo universiteta. 5 dekabrya 2014 g. – Tajvan`, Tajbe`j: Izd-vo TKU, 2014. – S. 42–43.
  5. Primorskij kraj: Kratkij e`nciklopedicheskij spravochnik. – Vladivostok: Izd-vo Dal`nevost. un-ta, 1997. – 596 s.
  6. Salinskij S.-M. Pticy vozvrashhayutsya v sny`. Povest`-yav`. Povest`-son / per. s pol. A. Sapyolkina; red. A. Bryuxanov. – Vladivostok: Valentin, 2015. – 320 s.
  7. Sapyolkin A. Pticza schast`ya Stanislava Salinskogo // Salinskij S.-M. Pticy vozvrashhayutsya v sny`. – Vladivostok: Valentin, 2015. – S. 5–16.
  8. Sergeev O.I. Kazaki i korejskie pereselency v Primor`e // Primor`e: narody`, religii, obshhestvo / otv. red. G.G. Ermak. – Vladivostok: Izd-vo «48-chasov», 2015. – S. 20–24.
  9. Tolstokulakov I.A. Religiya v Koree: kratkij istoricheskij ocherk // Rol` religioznogo faktora v zhizni korejskogo obshhestva / pod red. I.A. Tolstokulakova: Ucheb. posobie. – Vladivostok: Izd-vo Dal`nevost. un-ta, 2004. – S. 7–71.
  10. Chalaya E.V. Sistema cennostej sovremennogo yuzhnokorejskogo obshhestva // Vestnik centra korejskogo yazy`ka i kul`tury`. Vy`p. 17 / otv. red. S.O. Kurbanov. – SPb: Izd-vo S.-Peterb. un-ta, 2015. – S. 162–168.
  11. Chzhun Kuj [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Mify` i legendy` narodov mira. Mify` Kitaya URL: http://www.legendami.ru/bod/china/china30.htm (data poseshheniya: 18.10.2017).
  12. Shaposhnikova T. Pol`skoe prisutstvie // Salinskij S.-M. Pticy vozvrashhayutsya v sny`. – Vladivostok: Valentin, 2015. – S. 290–295.


UDC 792(571.6)   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-1/97-113

Erika V. OSIPOVA   Far Eastern Theater Art as a Field for Intercultural Communications: Challenges of Audience Perception in the “Us vs. Them” Context

Dialogic cultural communication is originally a fundamental aspect of the human existence. Interaction, a problem of understanding and interpreting other cultures, steps forward in the structure of the study object. Unveiling intensity and tendency of such relations in regard to mutual influence of the Russian theater art (including the theater of the Russian Far East) and the drama art of three Pacific Asian countries: Japan, South Korea and China, the article focuses on audience perception since the intercourse of viewer <=> foreign art is the one that actually shapes the global theater processes.

The author concludes that the perception intensity of dramatic art, originally extraneous to oriental audience, is defined by personal specifics and social nature inherent to the Japanese, Chinese and Korean mentality.

Key words: Theater, Audience, Dialogue among Cultures, Japan, China, Korea, Stanislavski, Russian Drama School, Tour, Play


  1. Viktor Busarenko. Syuzhety` russkogo kukol`nogo teatra ponimayut i lyubyat vo vsyom mire. E`lektronny`j resurs // Primamedia.ru. 2017. Data obrashheniya 15.01.2018
  2. V Xarbine amurskie aktyory` vy`stupili na scene «Global teatr» // Amurskaya pravda. Blagoveshhensk, 2005. № 218.
  3. Guzikova M.O., Fofanova P.Yu. Osnovy` teorii mezhkul`turnoj kommunikacii: Uch.posob. M-vo obraz. i nauki Ros. Federacii. Ural.feder.un-t. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural.un-ta, 2016. 214 s.
  4. Kvon Dzhungtak. Osnovny`e osobennosti i problemy` teatral`nogo obrazovaniya v Koree // Vestnik SPbGUKI. Sankt-Peterburg, 2016. № 3. S.160-163.
  5. Kim Chzhun I. Osobennosti obucheniya korejskix aktyorov v russkoj teatral`noj shkole: avtoref. … kand. iskusstvovedeniya. M.: GITIS, 2010. 19 s.
  6. Kim Yun Chol`. God s bogaty`mi teatral`ny`mi kartinami // Ezhegodny`j spravochnik kul`turnoj zhizni Korei. 2007. S. 44-48.
  7. Li Mun Yon, Li Dzhi Yon. Analiz polozheniya kul`turnogo obmena mezhdu Rossiej i Respublika Koreya // Sociokul`turny`e issledovaniya. 2009. № 4. S.12-15.
  8. «Medved`» v samom kul`turnom gorode Korei // Vladivostok, 2013.
  9. Na San Man. Sistema Stanislavskogo i teatr Korei: avtoref. …kand. iskusstvovedeniya. M.: GITIS. 1995. 23 s.
  10. Oganov A.A. Kul`tura v e`poxu globalizacionny`x peremen // Filosofiya i obshhestvo. 2012. № 2 (66). S. 70-76.
  11. Osipova E`.V. Dal`nevostochny`j rezhisser Leonid Anisimov i ego vklad v populyarizaciyu russkogo teatra za rubezhom // Kul`tura Tixookeanskogo poberezh`ya. IV Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya 19-22 oktyabrya 2007 g. Vladivostok: Dal`nauka, 2007.
  12. O Sun Xan. Znachenie russkoj teatral`noj shkoly` dlya vospitaniya sovremennogo aktyora v Koree (sintez metodiki: K.S. Stanislavskij, V.I. Nemirovich-Dancheno, M.A. Chexov): avtoref. … kand.iskusstvovedeniya. M.: GITIS, 2005. 28 s.
  13. Pak Se Xiun. Sistema Stanislavskogo v obuchenii korejskogo aktyora: avtoref. dis. …kand. iskusstvovedeniya. M.: GITIS, 2011. 22 s.
  14. Pankrat`ev E. Yaponczam ne xvataet perezhivanij // Bortovoj zhurnal «Vladivostok Avia». 2006. № 29. S.44-47.
  15. Sato K. Sovremenny`j dramaticheskij teatr Yaponii. M.: Iskusstvo, 1973. 160 s.
  16. Sin``ti Murata: Teatr poznakomit yaponcev s russkoj kul`turoj. E`lektronny`j resurs// info-japan.ru/interview/sinti-murata-teatr-poznakomit-yaponcev-s-russkoy-kulturoy.19.09.2010 g. Data obrashheniya 13.12.2017
  17. Teplova A. Teatr iz Primor`ya vy`stupil na festivale myuziklov v Koree. E`lektronny`j resurs // Primpress.ru. teatr. Data obrashheniya 20.01.2018 
  18. Shavgarova A.V. Iz opy`ta rossijsko-yaponskogo sotrudnichestva municipal`nogo teatra «Triada» // Kul`turno-e`konomicheskoe sotrudnichestvo stran Severo-Vostochnoj Azii. Materialy` mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma 18-21 maya 2005 g. T.2. Xabarovsk: Izdatel`stvo DOGUPS, 2005.



UDC 338.487   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-1/114-121

Galina V. KONDRATENKO   The PITE tourist exhibition through the eyes of a potential tourist

The paper presents an overview of the trends in the development of inbound and outbound tourism based on promotional materials and presentations of tourist products presented at PITE (Pacific International Tourism Expo) in 2013–2017. Despite the entertaining format, the exhibition gives a rich analytical material that allows to judge the state of the tourist market of the APR countries, the orientation towards certain categories of tourists and the development of the tourist industry of the Far East of Russia. In general, it can be concluded that the tourist exhibition has the presentational character and tour operators from the Asian-Pacific countries have only a general idea of the potential customers. Their advertising products are often not targeted at tourists from Russia. Most of the Far Eastern tourist products represented at the exhibition are designed for the domestic consumer and the task of attracting foreign tourists is only to be solved.



UDC 327   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-1/122-130

Ivan N. ZOLOTUKHIN   Thalassocracy’s Landpower as an Instrument of Stabilization in the South China Sea

The article reviews the book of Clarence J. Bouchat «Landpower in the South China Sea», published by the Institute for Strategic Studies of the US Army War College and dedicated to the analysis of the role of US ground forces in the zone of tension of the Asia-Pacific. The author refutes the idea of the secondary significance of land forces in areas where ships, submarine fleet and aviation traditionally prevail. A scrupulous assessment of the potential of the ground forces, their strategic features, military-logistical significance, the possibility of their use in a probable conflict, reflects the anxiety for strengthening China's position in the South China Sea. The author seeks to show the strengths of US landpower as a basic component of US military power, which allows Washington not to yield its leadership in the area that relates to its foreign policy priorities.

Key words: military power, land forces, China, the United States of America, security, containment, Asia-Pacific


  1. Bouchat Clarence J. U.S. Landpower in the South China Sea – Strategic Studies Institute and US Army War College Press, 2017. 141 p.
  2. Deni John R. Strategic Landpower in the Indo-Asia-Pacific [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Parameters, Vol. 43, No. 3, Autumn 2013. URL http://ssi.armywarcollege.edu/pubs/Parameters/Issues/Autumn_2013/Parameters_Autumn2013_v43n3.pdf (Data obrashheniya: 18.02.2018).
  3. Echevarria Antulio J. How Should We Think about ‘Gray-Zone’ Wars? [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Infinity Journal, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, Fall 2015, p. 19. URL https://www.infinityjournal.com/article/158/How_Should_We_Think_about_GrayZone_Wars/ (Data obrashheniya: 18.02.2018).
  4. Gates Robert M. Helping Others Defend Themselves: The Future of U.S. Security Assistance // Foreign Affairs, Vol. 89, No. 3, May/June 2010.
  5. National Security Strategy of the United States of America. December 2017 [E`lektronny`j dokument] // The White House. URL https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/NSS-Final-12-18-2017-0905.pdf (Data obrashheniya: 16.02.2018).