Guidelines for submitting manuscripts
The journal generally accepts articles not previously published in Russian-language publications. Manuscripts are subject to editorial selection and review.
Manuscripts that do not comply with preparation requirements are not considered for publication.
There is no charge for publishing the articles. Author copies are not sent for nonresident authors.
Requirements to the materials directed to an editorial board for publication:
- The file format must be compatible with Microsoft Office Word.
- The file should not contain embedded styles and special formatting.
- Page format – A4. Margins: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, right – 1,5 cm, left – 2,5 cm.
- Do not use capital letters in titles without the need.
- Font – Times New Roman, size – 14 pt, line spacing – 1,5.
- The volume of the body of the article (without annotation and list of references) should be:
- articles – 20000 to 40000 characters with spaces;
- materials under the headings “Scientific reports” – 8000 to 12000 characters, “Scientific life” – 12000 characters;
- commentary to the historical source (under the heading “Archive”) – 12000 characters, the text of the historical source should not exceed 40000 characters;
-materials under the heading “Reviews” – 20000 characters.
- The text of the publication should comply with the following structure: UDC, full name of the author (coauthors) in Russian and transliteration in Latin, article heading (in Russian and in English), abstract (in Russian and in English), keywords (in Russian and in English), text of the article, list of references, list of abbreviations (if any), captions to illustrations and charts (if any), data on the author (coauthors) in Russian and in English.
- The abstract should include the information on the subject, research methodology, and results of the study. The volume of the abstract should be 500 (±100) characters in Russian and 1000 (±100) characters in English.
- The number of keywords should be 5 to 7. The number of words in the keyphrase should be no more than 3, and the total number should be no more than 15 words. Keywords should be ordered as follows: from general keywords, corresponding to the subject, to specific, reflecting the details of research, methodology.
- The text of the publication may contain no more than two levels of headings.
- The references should always be made in the text and placed between square brackets in the following order: the ordinal number of the cited work, page number. In the event of simultaneous reference to several works, the references should be placed between square brackets and separated by semicolon.
- The reference to an unpublished archival document or any other document should be made in the text and placed in parentheses. It should not be included in the list of references.
- In the event the publication contains tables, illustrations, and charts, the text should contain references to these elements as well.
- Tables, illustrations, and charts should have explanatory captions that contain title, author (coauthors) or source of origin as well as reference to the cited work in the list of references, unpublished source or any other reference.
- Due to the fact that Illustrations should not be embedded in the text, explanatory captions should be placed after the list of references in a special list (even if there is only one illustration). All captions to illustrations must be accompanied by an English translation.
- Images, maps, etc. are accepted in the most common graphic formats (epc, ai, jpeg, bmp, tif) by separate files with resolutions of 350–450 dpi. Elements should not be embedded in the text!
- The image file should be named according to mention in the text.
- Charts should be submitted in the original form (not as images) and accompanied by data tables. Charts should be made in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. Each chart should be placed on a separate sheet of a spreadsheet file.
- The color scheme of illustrations should not contain more than three colors (black, white, gray 50%) if possible due to black-and-white printing of the journal.
- The transcript of acronyms and abbreviations (except for the generally accepted or according to State standard specification 7.0.12–2011) is obligatory and is given at the end of the publication after the list of references.
- The list of references should be arranged in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author and the title of the source without taking into account coauthors and chronology.
- Publications in Cyrillic are indicated at the beginning of the list of references, then followed by publications in Latin and other writing systems.
- There cannot be more than one reference to one volume of any publication in one item of the list of references.
- Bibliographic descriptions of references are arranged according to State standard specification 7.0.100–2018 “System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules” (see the sample).
- References to publications published in the Oriental language should include a description in the original language and a full translation of the description of the publication into Russian.
- If the cited publication has a digital object identifier (DOI), it must be specified.
- The Russian-language list of references should be accompanied by its English-language version (“References”). In “References”, after a full translation of the description of a non-English-language publication into English, its original language should be indicated. For example: (In Russ.). The order of publications in the Russian-language list of references and “References” is identical. Transliteration of non-English names and surnames is performed according to the BSI standard (British Standards Institution).
- Information about the authors (coauthors) of the publication should include: full indication of a surname, name, middle name, academic degree, academic rank, primary place of employment, position, e-mail address, ORCID (if available).
- The submitted file (files) should be named after the last name of the author (first author). In the event the publication has several authors, the editorial board is in correspondence with the first author.
- Materials are provided to the editorial board in electronic form by separate files (without archiving). E-mail address of the editorial board:
Attention: The manuscripts of articles prepared in violation of the above requirementsare not accepted.
Order of manuscripts processing
- Manuscripts of the articles received by the editorial board are checked to determine whether they are prepared in conformity with the established requirements.
- Editor-in-chief assigns the manuscripts corresponding to the preparation requirements to a member of the editorial board or to an external reviewer for review.
- The reviewer of the manuscript must be a specialist in the relevant area and have an academic degree.
- The review is anonymous for both the author of the manuscript and the reviewer.
- In preparing the text of the review, the reviewer must be guided by the requirements for the organization and content of the reviews approved by the editorial board of the journal.
- The reviewer is obliged to provide a signed and authenticated review to the editorial office of the journal within two weeks upon the receipt of the article, at the latest.
- In the event of a positive review and lack of comments, the manuscript is passed to the editorial department of Oriental Institute-School of Regional and International Studies, FEFU, for inclusion in the layout of the next journal issue.
- If there are comments by the reviewer, the editorial board informs the author of their contents with a proposal that the necessary corrections and additions be made to the text of the manuscript. After the author makes corrections and additions, the manuscript is submitted for publication.
- In the event of a negative review result, the author is sent the text of the review and notified that the article cannot be published.
A sample of organization and content of a review