Научные мероприятия в РФ и за рубежом

2 марта 2016

Organizers are honored and proud to host the 22th International Round Table on Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids (XXII IRT) between the 18th of July and the 22th of July 2016 in Paris, France. The congress is jointly organized by french researchers from Institut Pasteur, Université d’Orléans and Université Paris-Descartes, together with the International Society of Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids (IS3NA, http://www.is3na.org). It will take place at the Institut Pasteur Conference Center in the heart of Paris, at one of the best season of the city.

The dedicated Local Organizers and the top-class Scientific Committee have set-up an exciting scientific program keeping in mind that analogues of nucleosides, nucleotides and oligonucleotides are finding increased applications in biotechnology, biology, and medicine. The XXII IRT will bring together chemists, molecular biologists, biochemists, biologists, medicinal chemists and others, interested in understanding all aspects of this field. The 2016 XXII IRT aims to put at the forefront the latest developments in innovation-driven nucleos(t)ide and oligonucleotide chemistry both in academia and industry, for dealing with the new challenges of our century. The program will feature keynote lectures on following area:

  • Approved-drugs: from bench to bedside
  • Anti-cancer, anti-infective and other biologically active nucleos(t)ides
  • Innovation-driven nucleos(t)ide chemistry
  • Nucleotide signaling molecules
  • Synthesis and structure of nucleic acids
  • Oligonucleotides for therapeutic applications and biotechnology
  • Biochemistry of nucleosides and nucleic acids

Young(er) colleagues (Faculty, Post-doctoral fellows, PhD students) are especially welcome to showcase their research (poster and oral presentations) and ideas, and to take advantage of this unique networking opportunity. Organizers also have planned a very rich social program in addition to the scientific program and they suggest that you spend a few extra days in order to really experience the true life and hospitality of Paris.

Deadline for abstract submission is opened until April 25, 2016

Early registration up to May 1, 2016

To keep up-to-date with the congress, please bookmark the web site of the congress: http://www.paris-irt2016.org