Manuscript Reviewing Rules

Manuscript reviewing rules of "Humanities in the Russian Far East"

1. All papers submitted to the editorial board of the "Humanities in the Russian Far East" are subject to the procedure of reviewing.

2. The chief editor reviews every submitted article in order to determine that it complies with the journal’s profile and formal editorial requirements. After that, he sends it for a review to a member of the editorial board or an external expert in the field of the research.

3. The review process is double-blind and entirely anonymous.

4. The reviewer shall review an article by filling in the unified manuscript review form, in which a reviewer is to assess, using 10-point scale, such characteristics of an article as: the relevance of the research topic, its scientific novelty, consistency of statement, the author’s knowledge of modern literature on the subject and original sources, the extent of the validity of the findings, etc. The reviewers may indicate in the "Comments" column their additional remarks and suggestions for improvement. Reviewing time is 1 month.

5. Based on the results of the review the editorial board reserves the right to accept an article for publication, reject an article or return it for revision. In case of rejection of an article the editorial board sends the negative review report to the author. An article not recommended for publication by a reviewer is not to be re-reviewed.

6. All review reports are kept by the editorial office for 5 years.

7. Editorial board may send a copy of a review to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on request.

8. Editorial board reserves the right to enter into correspondence with the authors only at its own initiative. Article publication dates are scheduled by the editorial board.