Water Supply, Heat Supply and Ventilation



Kundenok S., Popova T., Medved P.

 SVETLANA KUNDENOK, Postgraduate Student, Senior Lecturer, e-mail: 14sveta65@mail.ru

TATYANA POPOVA, Postgraduate Student, Assistant Professor,  e-mail: popova.tyu@dvfu.ru

PAULINE MEDVED, Postgraduate Student, Senior Lecturer, e-mail: paulinemedved@mail.ru

Department Engineering Systems of Buildings and Constructions, School of Engineering

Far Eastern Federal University
8, Sukhanov St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091


The experience with the water treatment plant
for artesian water with complex impurities


Abstract: In their article, the authors present the individual water treatment technology for boiler houses and for household and drinking needs they have developed, in which membrane nanofilters are used for modest water consumption.The technological scheme makes it possible to operate in two modes: 1) water treatment for boiler house and 2) simultaneous water treatment for boiler house and for household and drinking requirements. The technology involves mixing the filtrate with the initial water which minimises costs and the resulting water quality meets the requirements. Presented are the peculiarities of the nanofiltration process which were to be taken into account when calculating the membrane nanofilters for water treatment as well as the results of the starting-up and adjustment works carried out with the authors’ participation when installing the water treatment plant made under the individual order of the DalVODGEO LLC and put on the market in Vladivostok in 2014-2016.
Key words: water treatment, membrane nanofilters, catalyst for chemical reactions, deironing of water, removal of silicon, water softening.


1.      GOST 20995-75 Steam boilers stationary with pressure up to 3,9 MPa. Parameters of quality of feedwater and steam.

2.      GOST R 51871-2002. The devices are water-cleaning. General requirements for efficiency and methods for determining it.

3.      RD 34.37.504-83. Norms of quality of make-up and network water of thermal networks.

4.      Sanitary Regulations and Norms Hygienic requirements for Potable Water – Hygienic Requirements for Water Quality in Central Potable Water Supply Systems. Quality Control for safety of hot water supply systems.

5.      Code of Practice 31.13330. 2012. Water-supply and sewerage outdoor networks and structures.

6.      Cherkasov S.V. Reverse osmosis. Theory, practice, recommendations. SOK. 2005;11. URL: https:/-/www.c-o-k.ru/articles/obratnyy-osmos-teoriya-praktika-rekomendacii – 05.02.2018.