Мировая экономика/Business administration

Руководитель образовательной программы 

Потапова Марина Александровна, канд. экон. наук, доцент кафедры менеджмента

Контакты 8 (423) 265-24-24 (доб. 2993)


Мировой экономики
Направление подготовки 38.03.01 Экономика

Форма обучения


Основной язык программы


Языки, обязательные для изучения в рамках программы

Перечень ЕГЭ / ВИ

Математика (профильный уровень), обществознание, русский язык

Преимущества /
особенности образовательной программы

Экономия времени: получение степени бакалавра ДВФУ по Мировой экономике и степени бакалавра Университета Южного Квинсленда (USQ) по Деловому администрированию за 4 года.
Расширение возможностей: диплом зарубежного вуза (аналогичный тому, который получают граждане Австралии) позволит продолжить обучение в любом престижном вузе мира без дополнительных экзаменов по направлению.
Трудоустройство: российские и международные компании высоко ценят качество подготовки выпускников и ежегодно принимают их на работу (PWC, Coca-Cola, ВТБ, Сбербанк).
Язык международного общения: все студенты двухдипломных программ свободно владеют английским языком.

Дисциплины, изучаемые студентами в период с 3 по 4 курс в рамках австралийской части образовательной программы:

Business Communication

This course examines the underlying principles of communication theory and its application to, and impact on, organisational practice. Students will be introduced to a range of situations in which communicative competence is important; explore models and techniques which will enhance their understanding of the communication process and develop practical skills in written, verbal and non-verbal forms of business communication.

Organizational Administration

Effective administration is a key component of successful and sustainable business. All managers, irrespective of their specialist expertise, need a sound understanding of a wide range of administrative functions and an appreciation of the required features of an effective office environment including the virtual workplace. The importance of time management, problem solving ability, efficient workflow and an appreciation of cultural diversity are emphasised throughout the course. Having completed this course, students should be able to plan and organise a range of administrative functions in support of an organisation's operations.

Knowledge Management

The emerging knowledge economy is the basis for new knowledge-intensive industries. These industries need effective knowledge management strategies in order to conduct their core business. It is recognised today that tremendous amounts of knowledge are locked up inside organisations. It requires a dedicated effort to harness human capital and manage knowledge in order to ensure that optimal value is added to the knowledge which is available. In the knowledge economy leaders and managers need to understand new forms of best practice for how they manage knowledge and knowledge workers in modern-day organisations. Competitiveness in the knowledge economy will increasingly be driven by the capabilities of organisations to manage knowledge. The main objective of knowledge management is to achieve higher levels of organisational effectiveness, efficiency and competitiveness in emerging knowledge-based markets. This course examines the rise of the knowledge-intensive organisation and its broad relationship to the new demands of the knowledge economy. Key elements of the course consider the nature and purpose of knowledge and knowledge work. These elements are considered together with the roles of knowledge managers and knowledge workers. These connections form the basis for having purposeful knowledge management strategies and systems for developing high performance knowledge organisations. Current and prospective managers and leaders are introduced to essential knowledge management principles. This will help them move toward a more strategic use of knowledge in organisations.

Human Resource Management

This course focuses on how human resource management (HRM) can create sustainable value for organisations and society. Human well-being is given a central place in the strategy and implementation of human resource management in organisations and this approach emphasizes the importance of nurturing the cognitive, affective and behavioural qualities of people. This course presents the continuous-improvement HRM decision-making framework as a tool to develop critical and innovative thinking necessary to make HR-related decisions within the unique circumstances of any organisation - small, medium and large businesses and in private and public enterprises. The course concentrates on the process of effective strategic human resource management (SHRM) guiding students in how the HR practitioner turns theory into practice.

Macroeconomics for Business Government

It is important for businesses, households, and governments to understand the macroeconomic environment in which they operate. Consequently, students need to understand macroeconomic theory and be able to apply that theory in interpreting and analysing macroeconomic information, events and policy. This course focuses on contemporary macroeconomic events and theory that may be used in their explanation. Emphasis is placed on the development of skills required for macroeconomic analysis in the context of business and household decision making and government policy.

Global Management

This course examines the dynamics and challenges that today's managerial leaders increasingly face as the worlds of business, work and organisational life become more 'globalised' and internationally integrated. Increasingly managerial leaders are required to do their work across borders and cultures, spanning national and international boundaries, and engaging with people and systems that sometimes differ vastly. Organisations that operate in such international contexts thus require those people who take on management and leadership roles to have competencies that are different and particularly built around cross-cultural and transnational mindsets and capabilities. This course allows for the development of such knowledge and competencies. The overall focus is on general management of organisations that operate in diverse and multicultural environments, but because culture is so important to today's globalised organisations, the culture theme is emphasised throughout this course. Global and cultural contextual issues are addressed as well as issues related to international human resource management. In particular also, the relevant leadership and ethics challenges in such an international environment are explored in order to develop competencies and capabilities in managing and leading people in cross-national contexts. Similarities and differences in relation to particular management and leadership issues across countries in different parts of the world are therefore also covered.