События года

11 марта 2021

Представительство Издательства Кембриджского университета (Cambridge University Press) в России приглашает вас принять участие в вебинарах авторов и спикеров Cambridge University Press в марте 2021 года.

Расписание мероприятий 

14 марта 13.50 мск - вебинар Анжелы Размиковны Татосян “Вовлеченность, уверенность, успех!” в рамках онлайн-конференции Trendy English "Подготовка к ЕГЭ и международным экзаменам".

Что является основой успешности? Огромную роль в процессе обучения играют используемые технологии и ресурсы. Практика - важная составляющая подготовки к сдаче кембриджских экзаменов. Знания, не подкрепленные практикой их использования, не ставшие частью личного опыта, быстро забываются. На этой сессии мы рассмотрим различные официальные ресурсы, основанные на инновациях и цифровой педагогике, для успешной подготовки к Кембриджским экзаменам.

Подробности и регистрация

16 марта 18.00 мск - бесплатный вебинар Мэтта Эллмана (Matt Ellman) "Digital Tools for Improving Speaking Skills" в рамках образовательной недели "Effective foreign language learning and teaching in a low-tech environment" на базе Центра Интерактивных технологий Learn Teach Web ФИЯР МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова.

Digital technology is often used to help students improve their grammar and vocabulary skills, but tools to help students develop their speaking can be harder to find. In this session we’ll look at a range of tools and techniques that involve using technology to develop students’ fluency, accuracy and pronunciation when speaking, particularly as part of Cambridge exams.

Подробности и регистрация

18 марта 18.00 мск - бесплатный вебинар Людмилы Александровны Кожевниковой "Integrating Learning and Assessment: a shortcut to exam success" в рамках образовательной недели "Effective foreign language learning and teaching in a low-tech environment" на базе Центра Интерактивных технологий Learn Teach Web ФИЯР МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова.

Assessment is a key component of learning and teaching. ‘Good assessment mirrors good teaching – they go hand in hand’ [Coombe et al, 2007]. However, when it comes to exam preparation, instruction time is often spent practicing for the test, while important and challenging topics and activities are dropped from the curriculum. This workshop will explore various ways of integrating learning and assessment in order to improve student performance in summative tests and examinations without sacrificing high-quality teaching. Examples from Cambridge University Press learning materials will be used.

Подробности и регистрация

19 марта 17.00 мск - бесплатный вебинар Бена Голдстина (Ben Goldstein) "Social Responsibility in the Time of Change" в рамках образовательной недели "Effective foreign language learning and teaching in a low-tech environment" на базе Центра Интерактивных технологий Learn Teach Web ФИЯР МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова.

One thing that the pandemic has brought into the focus is the increasing need for our teenage learners to becoming socially responsible citizens. Consequently, this webinar addresses those particular skills and attitudes that go beyond the language agenda and which embrace the broader issue of life competencies. It also focuses on the benefits of engaging teens in project work. Practical and engaging tasks which touch on social responsibility, as well as collaboration and communication, will be offered.

Подробности и регистрация

23 марта 17.15 мск - бесплатный вебинар Людмилы Александровны Кожевниковой 'Learning materials for A2 Key and B1 Preliminary from Cambridge University Press' в рамках онлайн-конференции Cambridge Days: Unpacking Cambridge Exams.

The central role of learning and teaching materials in enhancing the quality of learning and improving students’ exam performance is widely recognized. Choosing a course book can be one of the most important selections we, teachers, have to make. This presentation will give some practical tips on how to select a coursebook that will consolidate students’ language and skills for exam success, teach them essential exam strategies, help them build confidence and maximize their exam performance. We will also discuss what CUP resources can upskill teachers in digital skills so that they can meet the challenges of hybrid and remote learning.

Подробности и регистрация

24 марта 17.15 мск - бесплатный вебинар Джона МакНила (John Mc Neill) 'Learning materials for B2 First from Cambridge Exams Publishing' в рамках онлайн-конференции Cambridge Days: Unpacking Cambridge Exams.

2020 has impacted us all; the situation has tested and challenged the very process of teaching and learning not to mention the adaptability of materials. We will outline several broad approaches that were taken to support learning during school closures and look specifically at learning materials for B2 First. Which features made these more or less friendly to use in the various situations thrown up by the pandemic? This last year helped shape and accelerate our newest publishing offer for B2 First and we will look at what this means in print and on-the-go exam preparation solutions for mobile devices.

Подробности и регистрация