Physical Fields of Ship, Ocean and Atmosphere 

Kiryanov A.

ALEXEY KIRYANOV, Senior Lecturer, Department of Instrument Engineering,
School of Engineering, e-mail:
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St. Vladivostok, 690091, Russia

Experimental-theoretical method
for determining the stochastic modes
of the sound speed field in deep sea

Abstract: The paper presents the results of modeling the effect of the stochasticity level of sound speed on formation of the zonal structure of acoustic field in the conditions of the Sea of Japan in ray approximation. The radiation source was located above the axis of the underwater acoustic channel at the depth of 50 m. The coordinates of the boundaries of the three first convergence zones were determined at the depth of the radiation source for different values of the random component of the sound speed field. Changes in the boundaries of convergence zones follow a linear law, with the near boundaries shifting towards the source, and the distant ones moving away from the source. The angular spectra of arrival of the ray trajectories, which form the maxima of the vertical distributions of the acoustic field at the near and far borders of the first three convergence zones, are determined depending on the level of the random component of the sound speed field. Based on the analysis of the nature of the change in the angular spectra of the arrival of the ray trajectories, an experimental-theoretical method is proposed for determining the stochastic modes of the sound speed field in deep sea, which means that the experimentally measured coordinates of the beginning or end of the convergence zones and the calculated angular spectra of the arrival of the ray trajectories allow to determine the type of the stochasticity mode of the sound speed field: the mode of weak fluctuations or the mode of strong fluctuations. The proposed experimental theoretical method for determining the stochasticity modes of the sound velocity field can be used in designing monitoring systems using sonar methods to select the optimal location of receiving antennas.
Keywords: the Sea of Japan, convergence zone, stochastic modeling, the zonal structure of acoustic fields, monitoring system, sonar method.

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