Creative Concepts of Architecture Activities

Zaychikov R., Lapshina E.

RUSLAN S. ZAYCHIKOV, Ph.D. (Arch.), Senior Lecturer, e-mail:, EVGENIA A. LAPSHINA, Professor, Department of Design and Interior Architectural Environment, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

Colour texture and plastic properties of materials conditioning the peculiarities of historic buildings (by the example of Vladivostok)

Abstract: Taking public and residential constructions of the early 20th century originally determining the face of Vladivostok, the authors consider the peculiarities of the colour texture and plastic characteristics of building and façade materials of the historic district of the town. The article contains the characteristics of principal materials and the ways to combine them. It specifies their significance in designing façades and, generally, the entire of the historic part of the town.
Key words: decorative items, brick, plaster, façade, historic, stylistic trait, plastic material, colour and texture properties of the material, Vladivostok.


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