
Vavilova T., Mantsurova E.

TATIANA YA. VAVILOVA, Ph.D. (Arch.), e-mail:, ELENA M. MANTSUROVA, Master Student, Architecture of Residential and Public Buildings Department, Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 194 Molodogvardeyskaya St., Samara, Russia, 443001.

The basic trends in using natural materials in modern architectural design

Abstract: The article considers the advanced experience of employing low-tech traditional materials in the modern architectural design and the construction. The authors advance a systematisation of the basic trends in employing them basing on studying a new tendency in design named “eсo-low-tech”. It has been revealed that, to construct buildings and structures, the eсo-low-tech combines a number of various ways and modes of the active use of natural materials which are as follows: local, recycled, live, and plant ones. A conclusion has been drawn about the great utility of the technologies of natural construction in Russia.
Key words: architectural design, ecological architecture, eсo-low-tech, natural building, natural materials.


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