Aircraft Designing and Manufacturing

Lunev A., Bushuev D., Gorb Yu., Batina N.

ANATOLIY LUNEV, Deputy Chief Metallurgist, e-mail:; DMITRIY BUSHUEV, Engineer-Technologist, e‑mail:; YURIY GORB,
Engineer-Technologist, e‑mail:; NADEZHDA BATINA, Engineer-Technologist, e-mail:
PJSC AAC Progress 
5, Lenina Square, Arsenev, Primorsky Krai, Russia, 692335

The introduction of additive technology for foundry production in the Aviation Company Progress

Abstract: The article presents the review of the development and introduction of additive technologies in the Arsenev Aviation Company Progress named after N.I. Sazykin. It is concerned with the method of manufacturing patterns with the aid of the rapid prototyping equipment (3D-printers) as well as that of manufacturing sand polymer molds and rods by gluing selective layers. It contains the comparative study of the conventional methods of manufacturing patterns, sand molds and those in which the additive technologies are used.
Key words: additive technologies, sand polymer moulds and cores, S-MAX machine, FDM Fortus 400 mc, FDM Fortus 900 mc.


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