
Romanovich T.

TATIANA ROMANOVICH, Aircraft Operation Engineer, e-mail:
PJSC AAC Progress 
5 Lenin Square, Arsenev, Primorsky Krai, Russia, 692335

The creation of mathematical models of the drive for the Mi-34 helicopter

Abstract: The article presents the initial guidelines for the subsequent solution of an interesting technical task and the development of long-term studies on the stabilisation of helicopter movement. The subject under discussion is if it is expedient to resume the production of the light multipurpose helicopter Mi-34. The new version of the helicopter provides that the petrol engine be replaced by the diesel one. Considered are the main principles of creating mathematical models of the cardan drive and presented are the calculated drive circuit and the differential equations of motion. The obtained results are: the system of equations has been reduced to the second order inhomogeneous differential equation with the periodic coefficient: the Mathieu-Hill equation; optimal mathematical model of the drive has been selected. Presented is the method of virtual damping vibrations through the introduction of additional bonds as well as the constructive implementation of the absorber on the basis of the connection planetary device.
Key words: mathematical model, drive, mechanical system, dynamic system.


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