
Slobodchikova Yu.

YULIA SLOBODCHIKOVA, Engineer of Production Department, e-mail:
PJSC AAC Progress
5 Lenin Square, Arsenyev, Primorsky Krai, Russia, 692335

The application of the method of heat-shrinking composite cladding when repairing the exhibits of the company museum

Abstract: Оn the 20th century, when assembling the fuselage, wings, and tail of an aircraft (such as UT-2, IL-14, and Yak-18A), they used natural materials for the aerodynamic contours: percale (tissue), emalities (for coating and impregnation), etc., which, under the action of precipitations and solar radiation, lose their original properties fairly rapidly. Besides, repairing aircrafts containing the mentioned materials is labour-intensive. The author has carried out an investigation into the potentiality of the use of modern polymeric composite materials (without losing the projection characteristics of the aircrafts), which makes it possible to reduce labour intensity, prolong the lifetime of rare aircrafts, and improve the repair quality.
Key words: adverse effect, solar radiation, percale, emality, close‐fitting, twill tape, glued cloth.


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