Building technology

Leonovich S., Sviridov D., Shchukin G., Belanovich A., Savenko V., Karpushenkov S., Kim L.

SERGEI LEONOVICH, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail:
Belarussian National Technical University
65 Independence Ave., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220013

DMITRY SVIRIDOV, Doctor (in Chemical Sciences),
GEORGII SHCHUKIN, PhD (in Chemical Sciences),
ANATOLY BELANOVICH, PhD (in Chemical Sciences)
VIKTOR SAVENKO, Senior Researcher,
SERGEY KARPUSHENKOV, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Belarussian State University
4 Leningradskaia Av., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220030

LEV KIM, PhD (in Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, School of Engineering, e-mail:
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

Formation of a cement stone from aluminous cement in the presence of sodium citrate

Abstract: The article deals with the effect that sodium citrate has on the process of formation of a cement stone with aluminous binder present. It has been found that sodium citrate makes it possible to control the processes of cement hydration, hydrolysis, binding, and hardening. The high extent of aluminous cement hydration with citrate of sodium present provides fast binding and hardening of binder, low porosity, and rather high compressive strength of a cement stone in all stages of hardening. The increase in concentration of sodium citrate in cement mix up to 10 per cent of the bilk of cement affects not only the process of liquefaction of cement mortar, the reduction in time of its setting, and the hardening of the cement bulk, but also increases compressive strength of a cement stone. The structure of the chip of a cement stone being examined, there are strong grounds to reason that the addition of sodium citrate provides the cement stone compaction and reduces water absorption.
Key words: aluminous binder, cement, cement stone, water absorption, sodium citrate.


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