Mathematical modelling of mechanics problems

Lyubimova O., Siskov V.

OLGA LYUBIMOVA, Ph.D., Professor, e‑mail:
VICTOR SISKOV, Senior Lecturer, e-mail:
Department of Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling, School of Engineering
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

The results of experimental investigations
into the corrosion resistance of glass-metal composite material

Abstract: The paper presents the preliminary results obtained after the statistical processing of the experimental investigation into the corrosion caused by various factors which affected the samples of a glass-metal composite material based on the steel 20 and the glass CH 1. It has been noted that the corrosion rate of a glass-metal composite rods and that of steel is roughly the same in the initial stages as long as a metallic shell is present on the glass-metal composite rod. After that, the corrosion process virtually ceases, which is due to the inert properties of glass regarding this aggressive substance.
Key words: glass-metal composite material, corrosion resistance, regression analysis, variance analysis.


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