Ship Design and Construction

Antonenko S.V., Kitaev M.V., Novikov V.V.

SERGEY V. ANTONENKO, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: 
MAKSIM V. KITAEV, Candidate of Technics, Senior Lecturer, e-mail: 
VALERY V. NOVIKOV, Candidate of Technics, Senior Lecturer, e-mail: 

Department of Shipbuilding and Ocean Technique, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950.

The ways to improve the dynamic characteristics of airfoil boats

Airfoil boats are unique technical structures. They are intermediate in their characteristics between vessels and aircrafts. They are intended for movement mainly just above the water surface, but they have velocities close to the speed of an aircraft. It is not surprising that many countries are showing interest in building airfoil boats.

Airfoil boats require no hard runways; they can take off from a water surface or other flat surfaces. But their take-off run requires a runway of a considerable length. Besides, in the course of acceleration, they require a dispersal power several times higher than that of the navigation mode. Various authors have proposed a number of solutions to improve the acceleration characteristics of the boats. This paper deals with the variant when the water taken from the surface by a special device is sprayed under the wing.

There have been made studies into the aerodynamic characteristics of the wing of an airfoil boat moving above the screen at different ambient densities. A numerical experiment has been performed, when, in the simulated design scheme between the wing and the screen, the ambient density was increased by generating an artificial aerosol dynamic air cushion to increase the lift force.

Numerical calculations were performed using the COSMOS FIoWorks programme integrated into the software package SolidWorks. To perform calculations, a three-dimensional model of the wing was re-made in SolidWorks according to the drawings of the prototype of the boat. There were modeled also the screen as a solid surface under the extended wing and part of the fuselage.

Presented are the results of the calculations for the case when the amount of water in the mixture under the wing makes up one per cent by volume. The dependence of the resistance of the airfoil boat on its speed was adopted with consideration for the known data.

The studies have revealed that increasing the ambient density by making a water-air mixture under the wing can significantly reduce both the length of the runway and the speed at the moment of taking-off from the water surface. This is particularly important for the take-off mode of the airfoil boat. These materials presented in the paper enabled the authors to apply for an invention patent.

Key words: airfoil boat, aerodynamic lift force, wing, aerodynamic quality, resistance, screen.


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