
Hashkovskiy A.V. 

ALEXANDER V. HASHKOVSKIY, Candidate of Technics, Assistant Professor, Life Safety Department, South-Ural State University, Scientific Research University, Chelyabinsk.86  Lenin St., Chelyabinsk, Russia, 454084, e-mail:

Technical regulations in life safety

The article contains an appraisal of the present state of the normative legal regulation in the field of life safety necessitated by the implementation of the statuary provisions on technical regulation in the field of occupational and industrial safety. It is stressed that the process takes place in the absence of selection criteria for subjects of regulation and technical regulations, the latter being highly unsystematic, as well as in the absence of a clear specification how law should be applied in the life safety fields under consideration. It results in the appearance of conflicting legal norms, departmental rulemaking violating the integral regulatory field as well as that of “harmonised” regulations which do not take into account the national experience, and being amorphous and contradictory in content, they generate a “legal vacuum” in the field of labour protection and industrial safety.

Key words: life safety, occupational safety, industrial safety, technical regulations.


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