Building Materials and Products

Slavcheva G.S., Chernyshov E.M.

GALINA S. SLAVCHEVA, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, е-mail: 
EVGENI M. CHERNYSHOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, е-mail: 
Voronezh State Architecture-Construction University, Voronezh84, 20th Anniversary of October St., Voronezh, 394006.

The action of the structure of modified high performance concretes on dilatometric effects when freezing

The paper proposes a generalised interpretation of the mechanism of freeze failure of building materials with substantiated criteria for its structural parameters. It presents the results of the dilatometric studies of modified high performance concrete allowing, for the first time, to identify the relationships between the parameters of their structure and the measure of the deformation of material resulting when the freezing the saturated samples of concrete.

Key words: high performance concrete, structural parameter, frost failure, dilatometry.


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