Powder Metallurgy and Composite Materials

Ruzhitskaya E., Arestov O., Khachatryan S.

ELENA V. RUZHITSKAYA, Associate Professor, Department of Technologies Industrial Production, e-mail: iterra@mail.ru
OLEG V. ARESTOV, Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Materials Technology,
SERGEY A. KHACHATRYAN, Student, e-mail: khachatryansergey93@gmail.com
School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok.
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950

Physical and technological properties of powder carbide steel
of the TiC−R6M5 system obtained by mechanochemical synthesis

The article presents the results of studies on determining the physical and technological properties of the powder compositions of the TiC–Р6М5 system required to design production tools for the industrial production of carbide steel. The factors affecting the properties of the powders obtained by high-temperature mechanochemical synthesis from the waste of tool production have been studied in it. Determined are the dependences of the changes of technological properties of carbide steel powders on the process of their being obtained and the components ratio in the initial furnace charge. Presented are the recommended modes of obtaining powders and pressing the material of a preset porosity.
Key words: powder metallurgy, mechanochemical synthesis, carbide steel, titanium carbide, high-speed steel, physical properties, technological properties.


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