Creative Concepts of Architecture Activities

Karpenko V.

VLADIMIR E. KARPENKO,  Assistant Professor, Department of Design of the Architectural Environment and Interior, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok.
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail:

Light design of urban environment

The article presents current theoretical and methodological concept of the light environment city formation, which stood on the identification of its space-planning structure, architectural ensembles and landscape dominant in the evening and night. The object of the study are two interrelated components of the composition of the coastal city – a light space of embankments and the surrounding central historic streets and squares, and the subject – the methods and techniques of this lighting urban units. The purpose of the article is to analyze and develop new methods of integrated and “contextual” design of harmonious and art expressive light environment and the city waterfront on the example of Vladivostok. The principles of light compositions, creating of light ensembles of streets and quays by light tectonics means, light and spatial interpretation of urban space, the design of the coastal city light panorama, programming of maxima and minima brightness are disclosed. The creating technique of architectural object light image by means of an intermediate model (graphics, color and light) are described.
Key words: light-planning structure; embankment; light composition; light tectonics.


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