ENGINEERING SCIENCES. Creative concepts of architecture activities

Lapshina E.

EVGENIA A. LAPSHINA, Candidate of Architecture, Professor, Department of Design and Interior Architectural Environment, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail:

The peculiarities of the present-daycolour formation of the architectural environment

The article presents the process of the natural development of the chromaticity of architectural environment as a gradual ‘accumulation’ of cultural layers, each of which bears the features of colours representing the culture of a particular period of time. The investigation of changes in the use of colour in the architecture of the 20th–21st centuries based on the three-component model of colour reproduction (action–object–description and evaluation) enables one to trace the formation of special features in the colour culture of the period. It has been concluded that the peculiarity of the modern colour culture lies in the inconsistency, complexity, and polyphony of colour images and the architectural environment requires poetic vocabulary (the metaphor of colour) to be described. That is why the notion of colour poetics of architecture has been introduced.

Key words: colour, culture, architectural environment, polyphony, metaphor of color, colour image, colour poetics.


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