Komarovskiy Yu.

YURI A. KOMAROVSKIY, Ph.D. (Technics), Assistant Professor of Management Vehicles, Far Eastern Institute of Communications, Vladivostok. 7, Kaplunov St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690013, e-mail:

The GPS equipment used to determine the stability of the ship by the roll angle on the steady turn

The article deals with the prompt determination of the safety of the ship as regards its stability. It considers the initial metacentric height as the stability criterion which, in real time, is determined by the roll angle of the vessel on the steady curved path. It demonstrates that the accuracy of calculation of the metacentric height depends on the roll measurement errors. It has been suggested that a tri-antenna GPS-compass be used as an instrument to measure the roll angle of a ship. The accuracy of measurement of the roll angle with the GPS-compass JLR-20 was examined on a moored ferry. The experimental data demonstrated that an average square error made up ± 0,07 degrees. The work outlines the avenue of further investigations resulting in a further improvement of the accuracy of the measurement of roll angles.

Key words: GPS-compass, initial metacentric height, ship’s stability, roll angle.


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