Heat Supply and Ventilation

Kobzar A., Turchanovich I., Turchanovich N.

ALEXANDER KOBZAR, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head, e-mail:
IVAN TURCHANOVICH, master, e-mail:
Department Engineering Systems of Buildings and Structures, School of Engineering
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091

Influence of the size of air cells on the resistance to a heat transfer
of the building envelope

Abstract: The article presents the idea advanced in the Patent N. 168609, A Multi-Layer Wall which deals with the interior cladding that increases the resistance to heat transfer. The influence of the size of a closed air cell on the resistance to heat transfer has been studied in it. To that end, the method of determining the heat resistance of heterogeneous constructions has been adapted to the object of study. A variable part representing the mutual dependence of air cells and bars is the bar in the intersection of the mutually perpendicular rows of bars. Applying our technique, data have been obtained for the bars with the length and height of 25, 30, 40 … 70 mm and for the bars of the variable thickness of 30, 40 … 70 mm. The mathematical experiment has been carried out to compare the options of the outside wall. The article presents the researches and calculations graphically and numerically which confirm the usefulness of the patented invention.

Key words: building envelope, heat insulation, resistance to heat transfer.

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