2017. N 3/32


2017. N 3/32


Heat Supply and Ventilation

ZHURMILOVA I., SHTYM A. The influence of the thermophysical soil properties on the emergence of a geothermal field in the collecting system for the low-potential ground energy

KOGAL A., SHTYM A. The influence of the thickness of the heat-insulating layer and the bulk of the cold source on the time of its storage

KOBZAR A., TURCHANOVICH I., TURCHANOVICH N. The influence of the size of air cells on the resistance to a heat transfer of the building envelope

CHERNENKOV V., LIKHACHEV I., BARYSHEV M., RAKHMATULINA M. The method of calculating diverse heat load by connecting heat-exchange equipment

Building Materials and Products

POTAPOV V., EFIMENKO Y., KARABZOV A., GOREV D. Mechanism of concrete hardening by hydrothermal nanosilica

Hydroengineering Construction

TSUPRIK V. The mechanism of generating cyclic ice pressure on offshore structures caused by ice destruction (review)

BEKKER A., FARAFONOV A., POMNIKOV E. Inhomogeneity of ice cover

Environmental Safety of Construction

LESNYKH A., PAZNIKOV D. The study of the environmental effect of the Vladivostok CHPP 2 having been transferred to burning of natural gas

TOLSTOY M. Researches and developments of a mobile unit for life support systems with the use of energy saving technologies

MIRONOV V., IVANYUSHIN A., YAKIMOVA I. Use energy of sea waves to producing fresh water from the air (in Russ. and Engl.)

KIRICHENKO K., KOSYANOV D., DROZD V., GRIDASOV A., MATOKHIN G., SAMSONOV A., SAVCHENKO V., KULESH V., KARABTSOV A., AGOSHKOV A., GOLOKHVAST K. The comparative analysis of particulate aerosol welding electrodes during welding with different types of coating

ESKIN A., TKACH N., ZAKHAROV G. Determination of the efficiency of a spray absorber under dissolved-air flotation conditions


PYATAKOVICH V., VASILENKO A., MIRONENKO M. Neural network training as a stage in the expert system development to classify the sources of physical fields when monitoring water areas

STATSENKO V., NEHODA E., SUKHORADA A. An investigation of heat input and temperature fields in friction stir welding


Mineral processing

ANDREEV V., KAYAK G., CHASHCHIN A., KARABZOV A., CHASHCHIN S. The research in the technology for producing glass-crystalline materials based on the basalts of Primorsky Krai


ALEKSANDR BEKKER, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
ALLA SHTYM, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor
School of Engineering
Far Eastern Federal University

 The issue prepared by
G. Arbatskaya, Editor, web-content
T. Ryabkova, Web Design
G. Pisareva, Design and Imposition
N. Mun, Corrector

Volume: 17 MB
Рublished: September 28, 2017