Heat Supply and Ventilation

Chernenkov V., Likhachev I., Baryshev M., Rakhmatulina M.

VLADIMIR CHERNENKOV, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor, e-mail:
ILIA LIKHACHEV, Assistant of the Department, e-mail:
MIKHAIL BARYSHEV, Laboratory Assistant, e-mail:
MARIIA RAKHMATULINA – Student, e-mail:
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091

The method of calculating diverse heat load by connecting heat-exchange equipment

Abstract: The paper presents the method of calculating the diverse heat loads in centralised heat-supply systems when heat-exchange equipment is connected. The hydraulic control mode calculation has been carried out purposely for this paper. Due to the absence of simplified calculations of diverse heat loads in the centralised heat-supply systems, here presented is the method of calculating the temperature of a heat-carrying agent in return pipeline with quantity regulation in circular from the heat source and quality regulation in the heat-supply system. The method makes it possible to simplify the calculations of heat-transfer agent parameters in heat-supply systems with the heat-exchange equipment connection. 

Key words: quality regulation, quantity regulation, load, heat supply, diverse loads.

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