ENGINEERING SCIENCES. Mechanical Engineering

Lelyukhin V., Kolesnikova O.

VLADIMIR LELYUKHIN, Ph.D. (Technics), Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail:

OLGA KOLESNIKOVA, Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok. 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950, e-mail:

Analysis and calculation of dimensional chains based on dimensional bond graphs

The article deals with the calculation of dimensional chains. It is pointed out that the existing interpretation of the dimensional chain and the rules of calculating the parametres of the master link cause errors, which result in problems when assembling units and devices. To reduce the errors the authors suggest that calculations of all eventual master links of the dimensional chain should be performed. Dimensional links in any coordinate direction being conveniently represented by the acyclic undirected graph, the authors consider the body of mathematics and the algorithms of working with spanning trees to be the formal base to calculate nominal sizes and tolerances. The obtained information provides a complete analysis of dimensional parameters of a unit or a device which reduces errors when constructing and enables one to formalise the elements of the technological design process.

Key words: relative position of surfaces, dimensional chain, size connection, closing dimension, graph of dimensional relations.


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