Oriental Institute Journal, 2017, №34 (2)

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УДК 82.09 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/4-9

Yulia S. KURAKO Autobiographical motifs in Yan Lianke’s novel «Days, months, years»

The article is devoted to the research of Yan Lianke’s novel «Days, months, years». To conduct a detailed research the author applies motive analysis, which allows to identify the leading motifs making up the body of novel’s narrative. Identified motifs are compared with the facts of the writer’s biography. The proposed approach reveals that the motifs pervading all narrative, content and other levels of the novel have a strong autobiographical nature and point to the inseparable deep symbolic connection between the facts of the writer’s life and literary reality. The creative work of Yan Lianke is quite remarkable to be mentioned in the study of autobiographical motifs, since in many aspects it reflects the writer’s grave fate. It seems essential to emphasize that motifs found in the novel «Days, months, years» play an important role in understanding Yan Lianke’s «absurd realism», which characterizes the mature period of the writer’s creative work.

Ключевые слова: memoirism, autobiography, autobiographical motif, motive analysis, Yan Lianke’s creative work, absurd realism, the novel «Days, months, years»

1. Gasparov B. M. YAzyk, pamyat’, obraz. Lingvistika yazykovogo sushhestvovaniya / B. M. Gasparov. – M.: «Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie», 1996. – 352 s.

2. Mezhdunarodnoe radio Kitaya: YAn’ Lyan’keh – litsom k literature [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Sajt mezhdunarodnogo radio Kitaya na russkom yazyke. URL http://russian. cri.cn/841/2015/05/13/1s548105.htm (Data poseshheniya: 30.04.17).

3. Motiv [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Fundamental’naya ehlektronnaya biblioteka «Russkaya literatura i fol’klor». URL http:// feb-web.ru/feb/litenc/encyclop/ (Data poseshheniya: 30.04.17).

4. Sapozhnikova YU. L. ZHanr avtobiografii: ponyatie i osobennosti / YU.L. Sapozhnikova // Uchyonye zapiski ZabGGPU, 2012. – № 2. – s. 54–56.

5. Silant’ev I. V. Motiv kak problema narratologii / I. V. Silant’ev // Kritika i semiotika, 2002. – № 5. – s. 32 –60.

6. CHerkashina T. YU. Osnovnye tematicheskie bloki v strukture zhanra avtobiografii / T. YU. CHerkashina // Vestnik OGU, 2014. – № 1 (162). – s. 36–40.

7. 王德威. 革命时代的爱与死–论 阎连科的小说 / 王德威 // 当代作家评 论, 2007. – № 5. – 第25-37页 = Van, Dehvid. Lyubov’ i smert’ revolyutsionnoj ehpokhi – proza YAn’ Lyan’keh / Dehvid Van // Dandaj tszotszya pinlun’, 2007. – № 5. – s. 25–37.

8. 陶东风. 从命运悲剧到社会历史 悲剧 (阎连科 «年月日», «日光流年», « 受活» 综论)/ 陶东风 //中国现代文学研究丛刊. – 北京:中国现代文学馆 出版社, 2016. – № 2. – 第173–188 页 = Tao Dunfehn. Ot lichnoj do sotsial’noistoricheskoj dramy: kommentarii k proizvedeniyam YAn’ Lyan’keh «Dni, mesyatsy, gody», «Gody pod solntsem», «Trudnaya zhizn’» // CHzhungo syandaj vehn’syueh yan’tszyu tsunkan. – Pekin: CHzhungo syandaj vehn’syuehguan’ chuban’sheh, 2016. – № 2. – s. 173–188.

9. 张学昕. 我的现实我的主义(阎连 科文学对话录)/ 张学昕 , 阎连科著. – 北 京:中国人民大学出版社, 2011. – 280页 = CHzhan Syuehsin’. Moya real’nost’, moi «– izmy»: literaturnye dialogi s YAn’ Lyan’keh / CHzhan Syuehsin’, YAn’ Lyan’keh. – Pekin: CHzhungo zhehn’min’ dasyueh chuban’sheh, 2011. – 280 s.

10. 阎连科. 他的话一路散落 / 阎连 科著. – 北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2013. – 198页 = YAn’ Lyan’keh. Rossypi vyskazyvanij / YAn’ Lyan’keh. – Pekin: CHzhungo zhehn’min’ dasyueh chuban’sheh, 2013. – 198 s.

11. 阎连科. 中国当代作家名作典藏: 年 月日 // 当当 网 = YAn’ Lyan’keh. Sobranie izvestnykh proizvedenij sovremennykh kitajskikh pisatelej: Dni, mesyatsy, gody [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Dandan van. URL http://e.dangdang.com/pc/reader/index. html;jsessionid=1A033064AECA7AE57D E1FA21C41921CB?id=1900451627 (Data poseshheniya: 30.04.17).

УДК 82.09 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/10-14

Anton K. ABRAZUMOV Cultural prose of Yu Qiuyu: some particularities of the author’s individual style

The article provides stylistic analysis of cultural (intellectual) prose of Yu Qiuyu (1946) on the base on the essay «The Poetry of Night Rain» from the collection of essays «A Bitter Journey Through Culture» (1992). Cultural prose is a branch of essay formed in the end of 80th – the beginning of 90th years of the last century. Extralinguistically, cultural prose integrates the intellectual and artistic minds together by combination of different types of human thinking. «The Poetry of Night Rain» is a prime example of cultural essay, which combines generally analytical, subjectively evaluative and concretely imaginative types of thinking inside. Linguistically, it accounts for the essay’s «multistyliness», which is seen both on lexical and syntactical levels of the text. The author’s individual writing style is characterized by the use of syntactic parallelisms and repetitions as rhetorical devices to emphasize ideas.

Ключевые слова: cultural prose, essay, Yu Qiuyu, style, multi-styleness, syntactic parallelism, repetition

1. Babenko L. G. Lingvisticheskij analiz teksta: osnovy teorii, printsipy i aspekty analiza / uchebnoe posobie. – M.: Аkad. proekt, 2004. – 462 s.

2. Blok А. А. O romantizme [EHlektronnyj dokument] // portal «Literatura i zhizn’» URL http://dugward.ru/ library/blok/blok_o_romantizme.html (Data poseshheniya: 10. 04. 2017).

3. Bolotnova N. S. Filologicheskij analiz teksta / uchebnoe posobie. – M.: Flinta, 2007. – 520 s.

4. 安春华 文化散文的内涵及特 征 – 新闻爱好者,11期,2008. – 第 89页. (Аn’ CHun’khua Soderzhanie i kharakternye cherty kul’turnoj prozy // Sin’vehn’ ajkhaochzheh, № 11, 2008. – S. 89).

5. 余秋雨 文化苦旅 – 上海:东方 出版中心,2006. – 383页. (YUj TSyuyuj Gor’kij put’ kul’tury. – SHankhaj: Vostochnyj izdatel’skij tsentr, 2006. – 383 s.).

УДК 82.09 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/15-20

Kristina I. KOLYCHIKHINA, Nadezhda K. KHUZIYATOVA Representation of sensory perception of the world in Mo Yan’s novella «The transparent red radish»

Mo Yan (born 1956) – one of the most outstanding modern Chinese writers – became popular in the mid-1980s. His novella «The transparent red radish», published in 1985, played a key role in it. Nowadays this work is recognized to be symbolic, and its main character has become the leading one among all the characters created by the writer. It was that novella where Mo Yan has developed his personal style and the ability to overcome the communication barriers appearing at the verbal level by conveying the human emotions, as well as the ability to switch over to the body language making that language diverse, expressive, and sensuous. This world of senses not merely helps to understand the mental world of the main character, but it is also the key to understanding Mo Yan’s creative personality.

Ключевые слова: modern Chinese literature, works of Mo Yan, novella «The transparent red radish», sensory perception of the world, human emotions, communication barriers, body language

1. Mo YAn’. Bol’shaya grud’, shirokij zad [per. s kit., primech. I. Egorova] – SPb.: Аmfora, 2013. – 831 s.

2. Mo YAn’. Krasnyj gaolyan. Otryvki iz povesti v perevode А. Ignatenko // Аl’manakh «Literaturnyj Vladivostok», 2006. – № 2.

3. Mo YAn’. Skazitel’. Nobelevskaya lektsiya v perevode I. Egorova. [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Inostrannaya literatura. URL http://magazines.russ.ru/inostran/2013/5/16j. html (Data poseshheniya 03.05.2017).

4. Mo YAn’. Strana vina [per. s kit., primech. I. Egorova] – SPb.: Аmfora, 2012. – 446 s.

5. Mo YAn’. Ustal rozhdat’sya i umirat’ [per. s kit., primech. I. Egorova] – SPb.: Аmfora, 2014. – 703 s.

6. KHuziyatova N.K. Labirinty syurrealizma v sovremennoj kitajskoj literature // Problemy literatur Dal’nego Vostoka. VII Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya. 29 iyunya – 3 iyulya 2016 g.: Sbornik materialov / Otv. red. А.А. Rodionov, А.G. Storozhuk, TSyan’ CHzhehn’gan. – SPb.: Izd-vo Studiya «NPPrint», 2016. – T.1. – S. 213-218.

7. KHuziyatova N.K. Mo YAn’. Dukhovnaya kul’tura Kitaya. EHntsiklopediya v pyati tomakh. T. 3. Literatura. Izd. firma «Vostochnaya literatura» RАN, M.: 2008. – 360 s.

8. KHuziyatova N.K. Modernistskie tendentsii v sovremennoj kitajskoj literature kak poisk identichnosti. Vladivostok, DVFU, 2014. – S. 100–113.

9. KHuziyatova N.K. CHto chitayut v Kitae // Аl’manakh «Literaturnyj Vladivostok», 2006. – № 2.

10. 程德培. 被记忆缠绕的世界// 莫 言研究资料. – 天津:天津人民出 版社,2005. – 第121-132页. (CHehn Dehpehj. Mir, oputannyj vospominaniyami // Materialy dlya issledovaniya tvorchestva Mo YAnya. – Tyan’tszin’: Tyan’tszin’ zhehn’min’ chuban’sheh, 2005. – S. 121–132.).

11. 莫言. 透明的红萝卜//透明的红萝卜 / 莫言著. – 莫言文集; 4. – 北京:当代世 界出版社,2003. – 第1–43页. (Mo YAn’. Prozrachnaya krasnaya red’ka // Mo YAn’. Prozrachnaya krasnaya red’ka. – Sobranie sochinenij v 12 tomakh. – T. 4. – Pekin: Dandaj shitsze chuban’sheh, 2003. S. 1–43.).

12. 中国作家莫言获2012年诺贝 尔文学奖 [电子版]// 新华网. URL http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/201210/11/c_113343763.htm (Kitajskij pisatel’ Mo YAn’ poluchil Nobelevskuyu premiyu 2012 goda [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Sajt informatsionnogo agentstva «Sin’khua». URL http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/201210/11/c_113343763.htm (Data poseshheniya 02.05.2017).


УДК 811.581.11 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/21-27

Natalia I. SHEVTSOVA Parallel constructions and their functions in the Chinese print interview

In this article, a technique of parallelism is considered on the example of print interview in modern Chinese press. The author describes the linguistic functions, which this technique performs, namely: a function of forming the statement’s elements, a function of forming statements of various syntactic complexity, as well as functions of forming the rhythm and ensuring the coherence of the text. Parallel constructions in Chinese texts of newspaper interviews may have certain features. These include the following: the identical morphological design, and repetitions. The quantitative structure of parts of the parallel construction plays an important role. An equal number of characters: a combination of both even and odd numbers forms the rhythmic structure of the utterance as a whole. Parallel constructions are often characterized by a direct word order, but inversion is also possible, as well as scaling constructions and intensifying particles, which make statements expressive. Within the framework of parallel structures other stylistic devices such as grading can be identified. Parallel constructions actively participate in the implementation of some functions of the interview as a media genre that has an impact on general readers.

Ключевые слова: parallelism, genre of the interview, interstyle formation, statement, functions, general reader, mass media, leverage, gradation, repetition

1. Аntonova YU. А. ZHanr interv’yu v gazetnom diskurse // Izvestiya UrGPU. Lingvistika. 2006. Vyp. 18. S. 5-10.

2. Bogomolova E. N. Sposoby obespecheniya svyaznosti teksta v strukturnodinamicheskom rassmotrenii (na materiale kitajskikh publitsisticheskikh tekstov). Diss. … kand. filol. nauk. – M., 2011. – 275 s.

3. Gal’perin I. R. Ocherki po stilistike anglijskogo yazyka. – M.: Izdatel’stvo literatury na inostrannykh yazykakh, 1958. – 462 s.

4. Gorelov V. I. Stilistika kitajskogo yazyka. – M.: Prosveshhenie, 1979. – 192 s.

5. Lemeshko YU. G. YAzyk kitajskogo obshhestvenno-politicheskogo teksta: sintaksicheskie i stilisticheskie osobennosti. Аvtoreferat diss. … kand. filol. nauk. – M., 2001. 18 s.

6. Nikitina T. N. Grammatika kitajskogo publitsisticheskogo teksta. – SPb: KАRO, 2007. – 224 s.

7. Orlov E. N. Grammaticheskie osobennosti publitsisticheskogo stilya kitajskogo yazyka. Аvtoreferat diss.… kand. filol. nauk. – M., 1985. – 17 s.

8. Sanzhimitypova S. А. Stilisticheskie osobennosti yazyka sovremennoj kitajskoj pressy. Аvtoreferat diss. … kand. filol. nauk. – M., 2007. – 20 s.

9. SHevtsova N. I. Leksiko-stilisticheskie osobennosti zhanra gazetnogo interv’yu v SKYA // Rossiya i Kitaj: aspekty vzaimodejstviya i vzaimovliyaniya / Pod red. N. L. Glazachevoj, O. V. Zalesskoj (Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoj zaochnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferentsii 1-15 oktyabrya 2012 goda. Blagoveshhensk, BGPU). – Blagoveshhensk: Izd-vo BGPU, 2013. S. 84–90.

10. SHevtsova N. I. O grammaticheskikh osobennostyakh zhanra gazetnogo interv’yu v SKYA // Rossiya i Kitaj: aspekty vzaimodejstviya i vzaimovliyaniya / Pod red. N. L. Glazachevoj, O. V. Zalesskoj (Materialy V Mezhdunarodnoj zaochnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferentsii 1-15 oktyabrya 2014 goda. Blagoveshhensk, BGPU). – Blagoveshhensk: Izd-vo BGPU, 2014. – S. 70–80.

11. CHzhan TSzyujsi. Skhodstva i razlichiya sovremennykh tekstov v kitajskoj i rossijskoj presse: Istoricheskaya i teoreticheskaya obuslovlennost’. Аvtoreferat diss. … kand. filol. nauk.- M., 2005. – 16 s.

12. 蔡玮 . 新“新闻语体”研究/ 蔡玮著. 上海:学林出版社,2010. 230 页. (TSaj Vehj. Novye issledovaniya «novostnogo stilya»).

13. 李熙宗. 政论语体// 掇沉珠集。李 熙宗卷/祝克懿主编。-上海:复旦大学 出版社, 2010. 269–286 页。 (Li Sitszun. Publitsisticheskij stil’).

14. 人民日报,2008.10.22 (Gazeta «ZHehn’min’ zhibao» ot 22.10.2008).

15. 新京报,2009.01.13 (Gazeta «Sin’tszinbao» ot 13.01.2009).

16. 人民日报海外版,2009.5.11 (Gazeta «ZHehnn’min’ zhibao khajvajban’» ot 11.05.2009).

17. 人民画报,2008. 11.13 (Illyustrirovannyj zhurnal «ZHehn’min’ khuabao», oktyabr’, 2008).

УДК 811.581 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/28-39

Nina G. KUZNETSOVA Terminological system of the Chinese language in the sphere of international economic activity

The present article gives general definitions to the notions of wordformation and term-formation, and describes the main ways of the word and terminology formation in the Chinese language. The author provides the description of the selected research in the Chinese terminological systems (namely, research in biological and military terminological systems conducted by Russian linguists). The article analyses the main sources for the new words and the ways of forming the terminological words in the field of international economic activity, as well as provides a detailed description of word-formation models, based on the structural approach. It also outlines the loan-word patterns and gives their examples, as well as describes the other ways of word-formation in Chinese.

Ключевые слова: Chinese language, word formation, term, international economic activity, terminological system, sources for new lexical items, loan-words, word composition patterns

1. Аdehl’khanyan G. R. Metody prezentatsii edinits spetsial’noj nominatsii v yazyke prava: dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata filologicheskikh nauk. – M., 2014. – 171 s.

2. Golovin B. N. Lingvisticheskie osnovy ucheniya o terminakh . – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1987. – 104 s.

3. Klenin I. D. SHHichko V.F. Leksikologiya kitajskogo yazyka. – M.: Vostochnaya kniga, 2013. – 272 s.

4. Reformatskij А. А. Termin kak chlen leksicheskoj sistemy yazyka // Problemy strukturnoj lingvistiki. 1967. M., 1968. – S. 103–123.

5. Sboev А. N. Аnaliz leksiki kitajskogo interneta s tochki zreniya slovoobrazovaniya // Gumanitarnye issledovaniya v Vostochnoj Sibiri i na Dal’nem Vostoke. – 2015. – № 3. – S. 70–81.

6. Semenas А. L. Leksika kitajskogo yazyka. – M.: АST: Vostok-Zapad, 2007. – 284 s.

7. Slovar’ tamozhennykh terminov: VEHD. [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Tamozhennyj informatsionnyj server. URL http://www.tks.ru/tambook/ dict/1000000003#1 (Data poseshheniya: 10.05.2017).

8. Tabanakova V. D. Logicheskoe i obraznoe v termine // Vestnik Tyumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2011. – № 1. – S. 76-81.

9. Torchakova N. V. Slovoobrazovatel’nye modeli zaimstvovanij v sovremennom kitajskom yazyke (na primere tekhnicheskoj terminologii) // Vestnik Kemerovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. – 2013. – № 1. – S. 212–215.

10. Frolova O. P. Slovoobrazovanie v terminologicheskoj leksike sovremennogo kitajskogo yazyka. – M.: Vostochnaya kniga, 2011. – 168 s.

11. KHamatova А. А. Slovoobrazovanie sovremennogo kitajskogo yazyka. – M.: Muravej, 2003. – 224 s.

12. YArtseva V. N. Termin. [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Lingvisticheskij ehntsiklopedicheskij slovar’. URL http:// tapemark.narod.ru/les/508c.html (Data poseshheniya: 02.05.2017).

13. 吴淑姣,留学生经贸汉语课程 中的术语教学 // 暨南大学华文学院学 报。– 2006。– 第4期。– 43–48 页。 (U SHutszyao. Prepodavanie terminologii inostrannym studentam na urokakh torgovoehkonomicheskogo kitajskogo yazyka.).

14. 张犁。 外贸口语的特点与教 学 // 世界汉语教学。 – 1992。 – 第 4期。 – 304–307页。 (CHzhan Li. KHarakternye cherty razgovornogo yazyka vneshnej torgovli i ego prepodavanie.)


УДК 327(510+470)+502.1 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/40-58

Galina V. KONDRATENKO Problems and opportunities for cross-border cooperation between China and Russia in the field of ecology

The analysis of national documents in the sphere of ecology has revealed the presence of the mechanism of international cooperation in some documents, while in most of them this mechanism is lacking. There are a large number of bilateral agreements at the national and regional levels, however the problems of environmental cooperation are poorly solved, since almost all documents are either «on paper» or work in a limited regime. The practical effect of the agreements and treaties discussed in the article is not very high due to the lack of legal mechanisms for bilateral regulation of cross-border problems, as well as of complete and objective environmental information. Consideration of numerous cross-border challenges has revealed a number of interrelated problems that often go beyond bilateral cooperation and provide new opportunities for the development of new areas of interaction. The formation of common ecological space is likely to allow more rapid and coordinated resolution of environmental problems.

Ключевые слова: environmental policy, transboundary cooperation, environmental problems, the Far East of Russia, Northeast China, Amur basin, Specially Protected Natural Areas

1. Аmurskie zapovedniki voshli v rossijsko-kitajskij «Zelyonyj poyas Аmura» // Аmurskaya pravda [EHlektronnyj dokument] URL http://www.ampravda. ru/2016/06/29/067791.html (Data poseshheniya: 29.07.2016).

2. Baklanov P. YA., Ganzej S. S. Transgranichnye territorii: problemy ustojchivogo prirodopol’zovaniya. – Vladivo stok: Dal’nauka, 2008. – 216 s.

3. Berger YA. M. EHkonomicheskaya strategiya Kitaya. – M.: ID «FORUM». 2009. – 560 s.

4. V proekte byudzheta Primor’ya na 2017 god sokrashheny raskhody na sotspodderzhku, turizm i sel’skoe khozyajstvo // Portal vl.ru [EHlektronnyj resurs] URL http://www. newsvl.ru/vlad/2016/11/09/153382/ (Data poseshheniya: 12.11.2016).

5. Van SHivehj. Problemy ehkologicheskoj politiki Kitaya // Vestsі BDPU. Seryya 3. 2016. № 1. S. 91–96.

6. Ganzej S. S. Mezhdunarodnye transgranichnye territorii kak ob»ekt geoehkologicheskogo issledovaniya (Na primere yuga Dal’nego Vostoka Rossii i Severo-Vostoka Kitaya. Аvtoreferat... doktora geograficheskikh nauk. – KHabarovsk, 2005. – 41 s.

7. Gataullina S. YU. Nekotorye aspekty vliyaniya sovremennykh tendentsij geopolitiki na razvitie transgranichnykh territorij // Geosistemy v Severo-Vostochnoj Аzii: territorial’naya organizatsiya i dinamika. Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchnoprakticheskoj konferentsii. 21–23 aprelya. 2017. – Vladivostok. TIG DVO RАN, 2017. – 576 s. S. 226 – 231.

8. Govorushko S. M., Gorbatenko L. P. Transgranichnoe vodopol’zovanie v bassejne r. Аmur // Vestnik DVO RАN. 2013. № 2. S. 74–83.

9. Gosudarstvennaya programma «Okhrana okruzhayushhej sredy i obespechenie ehkologicheskoj bezopasnosti na territorii KHabarovskogo kraya» s izmeneniyami 2017 g. // Ofitsial’nyj portal pravitel’stva KHabarovskogo kraya [EHlektronnyj dokument] Polnyj tekst dostupen po ssylke: https://mpr.khabkrai. ru/Programmy/Gosudarstvennyeprogrammy/262 (Data poseshheniya: 12.04.2017).

10. Gosudarstvennaya programma «EHkologiya Evrejskoj Аvtonomnoj oblasti na 2015–2025 gg.» // Ofitsial’nyj portal organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti Evrejskoj Аvtonomnoj Oblasti [EHlektronnyj dokument]. Polnyj tekst dostupen po ssylke: http://www.eao.ru/ isp-vlast/upravlenie-prirodnykh-resursov/ perechen-gosudarstvennykh-programm/ (Data poseshheniya: 13.04.2017).

11. Doklad ob ehkologicheskoj situatsii v Primorskom krae v 2015 g. // Ofitsial’nyj portal Аdministratsii Primorskogo kraya [EHlektronnyj dokument]. URL http://www. primorsky.ru/upload/medialibrary/ed1/ed1 d02dedb6f84f4c6c0ad7a5ed1f71e.pdf (Data poseshheniya: 17.01.2017).

12. Ermolov N. G. Modeli ehkologicheskoj politiki: genezis i ehvolyutsiya.// Teoriya i praktika obshhestvennogo razvitiya. 2012. № 3. S. 245–249.

13. Ministerstvo prirodnykh resursov i okhrany okruzhayushhej sredy Respubliki Komi prisoedineno k Ministerstvu promyshlennosti, prirodnykh resursov, ehnergetiki i transporta Respubliki Komi // Respublika Komi Ofitsial’nyj portal [EHlektronnyj dokument]. URL http:// mpr.rkomi.ru/45359/ (Data poseshheniya: 20.11.2017).

14. Mirzekhanova Z. G. K voprosu ob ehkologicheskikh usloviyakh realizatsii sovremennoj «vostochnoj politiki» // Geosistemy v Severo-Vostochnoj Аzii: territorial’naya organizatsiya i dinamika. Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchnoprakticheskoj konferentsii. 21–23 aprelya. 2017. – Vladivostok. TIG DVO RАN, 2017. – 576 s. S. 38–42.

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39. 松花江流域水污染防治规划

(2006 – 2010 年).// 黑龙江省情报告:2008 年黑龙江省经济, 社会形势分析与预测/艾 书䔷, 曲伟编 – 哈尔滨:黑龙江教育出版 社. 2008. – 476 s.

УДК 327 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/59-67

Artyom L. LUKIN Russia and the North Korea nuclear crisis

The North Korea nuclear and missile crisis continues to deteriorate. Washington’s fixation on China as the only route to the solution of the North Korea nuclear problem is misplaced. It ignores other factors and actors that have an impact and can contribute to the resolution of the ongoing crisis on the Korean Peninsula. Russia is one such actor that is often overlooked in the West. Russia is now the only major country that is on more or less friendly terms with Pyongyang. Russia’s current economic leverage with the North comes mostly in the form of importing North Korean labor that provides Pyongyang a vital source of cash. The DPRK trusts nobody but it probably distrusts Russia much less than it does China and the United States. This gives Russia a potential diplomatic role in the settlement of the Korean Peninsula nuclear problem.

Ключевые слова: Russia, North Korea (the DPRK), the United States, China, nuclear problem of the Korean Peninsula, Northeast Asia

1. Brifing ofitsial’nogo predstavitelya MID Rossii M. V. Zakharovoj [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Ofitsial’nyj sajt Ministerstva inostrannykh del Rossijskoj Federatsii. 23.03.2017. URL http://www.mid.ru/ru/ foreign_policy/news/-/asset_publisher/ cKNonkJE02Bw/content/id/2703372#7 (Data poseshheniya: 02.04.2017).

2. Ivashentsov G. Ugrozy R. Tillersona i korejskij tsugtsvang [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Sajt Rossijskogo soveta po mezhdunarodnym delam. 21.03.2017. URL http://russiancouncil. ru/inner/?id_4=8844#top-content (Data poseshheniya: 23.03.2017).

3. Torgovo-ehkonomicheskoe sotrudnichestvo [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Ofitsial’nyj sajt posol’stva RF v KNDR. URL http://www.rusembdprk.ru/ru/ rossiya-i-kndr/torgovo-ekonomicheskoesotrudnichestvo (Data poseshheniya: 20.06.2017).

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6. Chinese stop coming to Korea [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Korea JoongAng Daily.16.03.2017. URL http://mengnews. joins.com/view.aspx?aId=3031036 (Data poseshheniya: 29.03.2017).

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9. Report of the Panel of Experts established pursuant to resolution 1874 (2009) [EHlektronnyj resurs] // United Nations. 27.02.2017. URL http://www.un.org/ ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=S/2017/150 (Data poseshheniya: 15.03.2017).

10. Revere E. 2017: Year of decision on the Korean peninsula [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Brookings Institution. 02.03.2017. URL https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/ uploads/2017/03/fp_20170208_evans_ revere_krins.pdf (Data poseshheniya: 15.03.2017).

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Sergey Yu. VRADIY Russia-Taiwan Relations: History and Perspectives

Taiwan is one of the most dynamic centers of financial and economic development in Asia-Pacific region. It plays an important role in the economy of Pacific Asia as well as in the world. From the point of view of potential possibilities for the development of business, scientific and technical cooperation, Taiwan could be considered as one of the perspective partners for Russian businessmen in East Asia. It is defined by the island’s high degree of import dependence upon main categories of raw material resources and by its leading role in producing a number of articles in manufacturing industry. The analysis of bilateral trade gives an evidence of possible considerable augmentability of Russia and Taiwan economics. At the same time the existing possibilities for the development of trade-economic relations are realized insufficiently. The present article makes a brief review into the contemporary history of Russia’s relations with Taiwan. It also analyzes the current status and presumes the possibility for future prospects of bilateral economic and trade relations.

Ключевые слова: Taiwan, Russia, relations history, trade-economic interactions

1. Ivanov P. M. Nekotorye problemy razvitiya rossijsko-tajvan’skikh otnoshenij na sovremennom ehtape // Rossijsko-tajvan’skie otnosheniya i ikh rol’ v razvitii АziatskoTikhookeanskogo regiona: Sb. dokladov konferentsii. – M.: Izdatel’skij TSentr ISАА pri MGU, 1997. S. 48-49.

2. Miklushevskij V. V. Primor’yu est’ chto predlozhit’ investoram // Konkurent, 33 (1294). 1.09.2016. C. 7.

3. Russko-kitajskie otnosheniya v XVII v. – M.: Nauka, Glavnaya redaktsiya vostochnoj literatury, 1969. T. 1. 614 c.

4. Spafarij-Milesku N. G. Opisanie pervoj chasti vselennoj, imenuemoj Аziej, v nej zhe sostoit Kitajskoe gosudarstvo s prochimi ego gorodami i provintsiyami // Sibir’ i Kitaj. – Kishinev: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo «Kartya Moldovenyaskeh», 1960. 516 s.

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11. Ibis, Paul. Auf Formosa: Ethnographische Wanderungen von Paul Ibis (In Formosa. Ethnographic travel of Paul Ibis) // Globus XXXI (1877). P. 149-52, 16771, 181-87, 196-200, 214-19, 230-35.

12. ITC Trade Map - Trade statistics for international business development Monthly, quarterly and yearly trade data. Import & export values, volumes, growth rates, market shares, etc. // Market Analysis and Research, International Trade Centre (ITC) URL http://www.trademap.org/Index.aspx (Data poseshheniya: 13.02.2017).

13. Meredith Robyn, Giant Slurping Sound // Forbes Global, October 28, 2002. P. 34-36.

14. Reserves of Foreign Exchange and Gold. Country Comparison // The World Fact book. CIA Library [On-line document] URL https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/theworld-factbook/rankorder/2188rank.html (Data poseshheniya 13.02.2017).

15. Trade Statistics. Bureau of Trade // Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan) [EHlektronnyj dokument] URL http://cus93. trade.gov.tw/FSCE000F/FSCE000F (Data poseshheniya: 3.02.2017).

16. 投資臺灣入口網 Invest Taiwan // website of Invest in Taiwan (investment guide). [On-line document] URL https:// www.dois.moea.gov.tw/Home/relation3 (Data poseshheniya: 13.02.2017).

17. 總體統計資料庫 // 中華民國統計 咨詢網 National Statistics Data. Republic of China (Taiwan) [EHlektronnyj dokument] URL http://statdb.dgbas.gov.tw/pxweb/ dialog/statfile9L.asp (Data poseshheniya 13.02.2017).

18. 蔣經國 // 维基百科,自由的百科全书 TSzyan TSzingo // Vikipediya – svobodnaya ehntsiklopediya [EHlektronnyj dokument] URL https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 蔣經國 (Data poseshheniya: 13.01.2017).

УДК 327 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/83-90

Valentin I. VOLOSHCHAK Reinterpretation of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution: representation in major Republic of Korea’s socio-political newspapers

In the beginning of the 21st century the Japanese government faced a necessity of reinterpreting its pacifist Constitution. After Liberal Democratic Party of Japan came to power in 2012, the Shinzo Abe administration started to take steps to propose the constitutional reform. Such fundamental initiative couldn’t have helped causing a reaction of the world community and raised a discussion in the media of Republic of Korea, one of the strongest military powers in East Asia. The South Korea’s public reaction, being an important indicator of bilateral relations, needs careful examination. This report is a review of representation of Japanese constitutional revision in Republic of Korea’s media. The analysis of English- and Korean-language articles published in major Korean newspapers Joongang Ilbo, Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo, Hankook Ilbo, Kyunghyang Shinmun, Hankyoreh, Kukmin Ilbo, and The Korea Times is conducted in order to identify the keynotes of Korean public attitude to modern Japanese military policy.

Ключевые слова: Republic of Korea, Japan, mass media, constitutional reform, Self-Defense Forces, East Asia, security, newspapers, Constitution of Japan, pacifism

1. Abe Renews Pledge of Nuclear Weapons Free Japan [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Chosun Ilbo, 10.08.2015. URL http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_ dir/2015/08/10/2015081000659.html (Data poseshheniya: 18.01.2017).

2. Abe should not offend neighbors amid winning landslide [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Dong-a Ilbo, 23.07.2013. URL http:// english.donga.com/List/3/all/26/406662/1 (Data poseshheniya: 17.01.2017).

3. Abe Takes 1st Step in Allowing Japan to Go to War Again [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Chosun Ilbo, 16.05.2014. URL http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_ dir/2014/05/16/2014051600722.html (Data poseshheniya: 15.01.2017).

4. Back to the future [EHlektronnyj dokument] // The Dong-a Ilbo, 10.10.2015. URL http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/ news/article/article.aspx?aid=3010201 (Data poseshheniya: 18.01.2017).

5. Column, novel on nuclear bombings [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Dong-a Ilbo, 30.05.2013. URL http://english.donga.com/ List/3/all/26/406341/1 (Data poseshheniya: 17.01.2017).

6. Japanese public concerned as Abe changes history textbooks [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Dong-a Ilbo, 21.03.2016. URL http://english.donga.com/3/all/26/528059/1 (Data poseshheniya: 18.01.2017).

7. Japan PM’s ‘Stealth’ Constitution Plan Raises Civil Rights Fears [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Chosun Ilbo, 02.05.2013. URL http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_ dir/2013/05/02/2013050200392.html (Data poseshheniya: 16.01.2017).

8. Jun, Ji-hye. Japan likely to attend military games here [EHlektronnyj dokument] // The Korea Times, 16.07.2015. URL http://koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/ nation/2015/07/113_182903.html (Data poseshheniya: 16.01.2017).

9. Kirk, Donald. TPP: Not just about trade [EHlektronnyj dokument] // The Korea Times, 08.10.2015. URL http://koreatimes.co.kr/ www/news/opinon/2015/10/137_188292. html (Data poseshheniya: 15.01.2017).

10. Lee, Jeong-Heon. A storm is building in Japan [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Joongang Ilbo, 30.09.2015. URL http:// koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/ article.aspx?aid=3009719 (Data poseshheniya: 18.01.2017).

11. Plate, Tom. Japan’s past-like present, future [EHlektronnyj dokument] // The Korea Times, 25.09.2015. URL http://koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/ opinon/2015/09/137_187584.html (Data poseshheniya: 14.01.2017).

12. Thousands Denounce Japanese PM Abe’s Security Shift [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Chosun Ilbo, 02.07.2014. URL http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_ dir/2014/07/02/2014070200718.html (Data poseshheniya: 15.01.2017).

13. 김봉규. 위안부 수요시위…밀짚모 자 쓴 소녀상 = Kim Bongyu. Demonstratsiya protiv «zhenshhin komforta» [EHlektronnyj dokument] // KHangeryo, 25.05.2016. URL http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/society_ general/745427.html (Data poseshheniya: 15.01.2017).

14. 김수혜. 김정은이 아베의 ‘X맨’ = Kim Sukhe. Kim CHonyn – chelovek «Iks» dlya Sindzo Аbeh [EHlektronnyj dokument] // CHoson il’bo, 05.02.2016. URL http:// premium.chosun.com/site/data/html_ dir/2016/02/05/2016020500369.html (Data poseshheniya: 17.01.2017).

15. 김수혜. 改憲 국회 벽은 넘어선 아 베… 국민 ‘전쟁 트라우마’가 진짜 벽 = Kim Sukhe. Аbeh pryachetsya za stenoj Natsional’nogo Sobraniya – stenoj «voennoj travmy» korejskogo naroda [EHlektronnyj dokument] // CHoson il’bo, 12.07.2016. URL http://srchdb1.chosun.com/pdf/i_service/ pdf_ReadBody.jsp?Y=2016&M=07&D=12 &ID=2016071200093 (Data poseshheniya: 16.01.2017).

16. ‘난민의 어머니’ 메르켈은 탈락 = «Mat’ bezhentsev» Merkel’ vybyvaet iz igry [EHlektronnyj dokument] // CHoson il’bo, 10.10.2015. URL http://news.chosun.com/site/ data/html_dir/2015/10/10/2015101000211. html (Data poseshheniya: 14.01.2017).

17. 박석원. “가해국 美가 고개 숙 여” 상기된 日 보수... 지식층선 “히로시 마, 아베 정권에 이용당해” = Pak Sokvon. «Аgressor SSHА skorbit» – utverzhdayut konservatory, «Аbeh ehkspluatiruet problemu KHirosimy» – otvechaet intillegentsiya [EHlektronnyj dokument] // KHanguk il’bo, 27.05.2016. URL http://www.hankookilbo. com/m/v/0ff80d0421394488b3e06f6d4c4 bd566 (Data poseshheniya: 18.01.2017).

18. 박석원. 선거연령 18세로 낮췄지만… 신통찮은 투표율 = Pak Sokvon. Izbiratel’nyj vozrast ponizhen do 18 let – neobychajnaya yavka [EHlektronnyj dokument] // KHanguk il’bo, 10.07.2016. URL https://hankookilbo. com/v/8cfd930ac09545779f97cd5f481d8d22 (Data poseshheniya: 16.01.2017).

19. 박석원. 전쟁포기 평화헌법, 점 령군이 아니라 日총리가 먼저 제안 = Pak Sokvon. Patsifistskaya konstitutsiya sozdana okkupatsionnymi silami – glavnoe zayavlenie prem’er-ministra YAponii [EHlektronnyj dokument] // KHanguk il’bo, 12.08.2016. URL http://hankookilbo.com/v/ 6da3558415984bc584b1f26358937cc2 (Data poseshheniya: 16.01.2017).

20. 배병우. “동북아 균형 맞추도 록 일본 전략적으로 이용해야” = Peh, Pyon»u. YAponiya dolzhna sposobstvovat’ podderzhaniyu balansa v Severo-Vostochnoj Аzii [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Kunmin il’bo, 17.05.2016. URL http://news.kmib. co.kr/article/view.asp?arcid=0923532524&co de=11121200&sid1=pol (Data poseshheniya: 18.01.2017).

21. 서경식. 까마귀 = So Kyonsik. Voron [EHlektronnyj dokument] // KHangeryo, 01.09.2016. URL http://www.hani.co.kr/ arti/opinion/column/759531.html (Data poseshheniya: 18.01.2017).

22. 정원식. 미·일의 ‘군사적 일체화’ 가속도 = CHon Vonsik. Usilenie voennoj integratsii SSHА i YAponii [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Kyon»khyan» sinmun, 15.07.2016. URL http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_ news/khan_art_view.html?code=960205&a rtid=201607151914005 (Data poseshheniya: 17.01.2017).

23. 창당부터 개헌이 당헌, 2005 년 첫 개정안 내… 2012 년엔 «국방군 창설», 아베 재집권 후 탄력 = Ot idei popravki pri osnovanii LDPYA i pervogo proekta popravki v 2005 g. do «formirovaniya Sil samooborony» posle povtornogo prikhoda vlasti Аbeh v 2012 g. [EHlektronnyj dokument] // CHoson il’bo, 11.07.2016. URL http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_ dir/2016/07/11/2016071100322.html (Data poseshheniya: 17.01.2017).

24. 콘도 다이스케. 안보법 시행으로 일본 자위대 충격 변신 = Kondo Dajsuke. Sensatsionnaya reforma yaponskikh Sil samooborony v sootvetstvii s zakonom o bezopasnosti [EHlektronnyj dokument] // CHun»an» il’bo, 05.01.2016. URL http:// news.joins.com/article/19964889 (Data poseshheniya: 16.01.2017).

25. 하시모토 아베 = KHasimoto Аbeh [EHlektronnyj dokument] // Kyon»khyan» sinmun, 30.05.2013. URL http://news.khan. co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?code =990308&artid=201305302115295 (Data poseshheniya: 17.01.2017).

26. 일본이라는 나라의 체질 밑바닥부 터 바뀌었다 = Korennye izmeneniya strany pod nazvaniem YAponiya [EHlektronnyj dokument] // CHoson il’bo, 11.07.2016. URL http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_ dir/2016/07/11/2016071100546.html (Data poseshheniya: 16.01.2017).

27. 일본은 전쟁 포기를 ‘포기’ 할 수 있을까 = Skazhem «net» otkazu YAponii ot vojny [EHlektronnyj dokument] // CHun»an» il’bo, 20.02.2015. URL http://news.joins. com/article/17193580 (Data poseshheniya: 18.01.2017).

УДК 947.05(571.6) doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/91-96

Galina A. ANDRIETS Intercultural communication in everyday life of the Far Easterners (end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries)

This article discusses cross-cultural communication and cultural interaction process in everyday life of Far Eastern citizens of different nationalities. Musical activities of amateurs and cultural leisure of the peoples living in the Far East in the late 19th – early 20th centuries are analyzed. Joint performances by representatives of different national cultures in one amateur concert or a literary and musical evening was a characteristic feature of the Far East amateur art. Every nation represented a certain value, and the appropriate attitude towards it was evolved from it. As a result, special value attitude towards culture was formed. The influence of Russian culture on the leisure sphere of the Chinese diaspora in Blagoveshchensk and Vladivostok is considered. The article shows that the development of Russian-Japanese cultural contacts was promoted. The study has proved that the interaction of cultures in everyday life of the Far Easterners contributed to the unity of the peoples, the strengthening of intercultural contacts, and the preservation of the national culture.

Ключевые слова: Far Eastern daily culture, intercultural communication, cultural space, nation, musical activities, cultural leisure, amateurism, concert, meeting, city

1. Barashok I. V. Istoriya narodnoinstrumental’noj muzykal’noj kul’tury yuga Dal’nego Vostoka Rossii (konets KHIKH – nachalo 90-kh gg. KHKH v.): dis ... kand. ist. nauk. – Vladivostok, 2007. – 240 s.

2. Vladivostok. 1886, 12 okt.

3. Vladivostok. 1888, 31 iyulya.

4. Vladivostok. 1889, 8 okt.

5. Vladivostok. 1890, 11 fevr.

6. Vladivostok. 1893, 12 dek.

7. Vladivostok. 1896, 14 yanv.

8. Dal’nij Vostok. 1909, 8 yanv.

9. Korolyova V.А. Muzykal’naya kul’tura Dal’nego Vostoka Rossii. Kn. pervaya: Na rubezhe ehpokh (1880-e – 1917) – (1917– 1920-e). – Vladivostok: Dal’nauka, 2004. – 272 s.

10. Listok ob»yavlenij (Blagoveshhensk). 1908, 11 maya.

11. Mogilevich B. R. Mezhkul’turnaya kommunikatsiya v sisteme sotsiologicheskogo znaniya: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra sotsiolog. nauk. – Saratov, 2010. – 43 s.

12. Namestnikova I. V. Mezhkul’turnaya kommunikatsiya kak sotsial’nyj fenomen: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra filos. nauk. – M., 2003. – 49 s.

13. Primorskij kraj. 1911, 14 okt.

14. Sadokhin А. P. Mezhkul’turnaya kommunikatsiya. – M.: Аl’fa-M, Infa-M, 2013. – 288 s.

15. Sivkov А. V. Mesto i rol’ mezhkul’turnoj kommunikatsii v razvitii sotsiuma: avtoref. dis. ... kand. filos. nauk. – M., 2010. – 23 s.

16. Ten YU. P. Kul’turologiya i mezhkul’turnaya kommunikatsiya. – Rostovna-Donu: Feniks, 2007. – 336 s.

17. CHulkova S. B. Formirovanie khorovoj infrastruktury v kul’turnom prostranstve yuga Dal’nego Vostoka Rossii (konets KHIKH – nachalo KHKH vv.). – Vladivostok: Izd-vo VGUEHS, 2005. – 220 s.


УДК 947.05(571.6) doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/97-103

Lidiya E. FETISOVA Saint Innokenti (Veniaminov): to the 220th anniversary of his birth

The article is dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the birth and the 40th anniversary of the canonization of St. (Equal to the Apostles) Innokenti (Veniaminov), a native of the Siberian village of Anga, the «Apostle of Siberia and Alaska», who became the Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna at the end of his life. The author assesses him not only as an outstanding clergyman, but also as a scientist and a prominent public figure, who played an important role in the development of East regions of Russia. In this regard, the activities that will take place in Siberia and the Far East in the jubilee year 2017 are considered.

Ключевые слова: Saint (Equal to the Apostles) Innokenti (Veniaminov), Siberia, Alaska, the Russian Far East, the priest, scientist, public figure, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna

1. Аrsen’ev А. А. EHtnograficheskoe nasledie I.E. Veniaminova // Sovetskaya ehtnografiya. 1979. № 5. S. 76–89.

2. Barsukov I. Pis’ma Innokentiya, Mitropolita Moskovskogo i Kolomenskogo, 1828–1855. – SPb., 1897. Kn. 1. – 480 s.

3. Beloglazova S. B., CHernavskaya V. N. Mitropolit Moskovskij i Kolomenskij Innokentij i admiral Fedor Petrovich Litke (k 200-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) // Kraevedcheskij byulleten’ / Sakhalinskij oblastnoj kraevedcheskij muzej. 1998. № 1. S. 82–91.

4. Viter I. V. Pravoslavnaya tserkov’ na Kamchatke v XIX veke: 300 let pravoslaviya na Kamchatke [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Kamchadaly.ru URL http://www.kamchadaly. ru/ (Data poseshheniya: 11.04.2017).

5. Egorova YU. S. Vzaimootnosheniya Russkoj pravoslavnoj tserkvi i RossijskoАmerikanskoj kompanii v kontekste kolonial’noj politiki Rossijskoj imperii na Аlyaske (1793–1867 gg.): Аvtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk. Vologda, 2016. – 20 s.

6. 220-letie Svyatitelya Innokentiya [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Informatsionnyj portal Blagoveshhenskoj eparkhii «Blaginform», URL https://www.blaginform. ru/tag/220-letie-svyatitelya-innokentiya/ (Data poseshheniya: 01.02.2017).

7. Okladnikov А. P. Ot Аngi do Unalashki: Udivitel’naya sud’ba Ivana Popova // Voprosy istorii. 1976. № 6. S. 121–129.

8. Pamyatnik osnovatelyam Blagoveshhenska – N. N. Murav’yovuАmurskomu i Sv. Innokentiyu (Veniaminovu) [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Amurvisit.ru — turizm i otdykh v Аmurskoj oblasti, dostoprimechatel’nosti Аmurskoj oblasti, ofitsial’nyj putevoditel’ po Priamur’yu, URL http://www.amurvisit. ru/place/blagoveshchensk/413.html (Data poseshheniya: 13.04.2017).

9. Svyatitel’ Innokentij, Mitropolit Moskovskij i Kolomenskij, Аpostol Sibiri i Аmeriki: Pravoslavnyj kalendar’ 2017 [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Portal «Pravoslavie. ru», URL https://days.pravoslavie.ru/Life/ life6607.htm (Data poseshheniya: 27.03.2017).

10. Sem L. I. Ocherki dialektov nanajskogo yazyka: bikinskij (ussurijskij) dialekt. – L.: Nauka, Leningr. otd-nie, 1976. – 212 s.

11. Surzhik А. Innokentij Veniaminov // Veniaminov I. Ukazanie puti v TSarstvie nebesnoe. K 150-letiyu Kamchatskoj eparkhii. – Vladivostok: Dal’nevostochnoe otdelenie Russkoj ehntsiklopedii, 1990. S. 3–11.

12. Fetisova L. E. Preosvyashhennyj Innokentij (Veniaminov): k 205-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya // Rossiya i АTR. 2002. № 3. S. 21–27.

13. SHakherov V. P. Izuchenie naslediya svyatitelya Innokentiya (Veniaminova) v Irkutske // Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. «Politologiya. Religiovedenie». 2016. T. 16. S. 5–11.

14. SHul’gina T. S. Bestsennyj istochnik: o pis’makh I. E. Veniaminova // Rossiya i АTR 1994. № 2. S. 52–62.


doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/104-111

The article was translated and prepared for publication by A M. Kuznetsov To the 130th anniversary of S.M. Shirokogoroff’s birth

To the anniversary of the remarkable Russian scientist S. M. Shirokogoroff (02.07.1887–19.10.1939), who made a significant contribution both to the development of science in China and to world anthropology, our magazine publishes for the first time the Russian translation of his article devoted to some issues of the ethnographic research of the country – our nearest eastern neighbour. Despite the fact that the article «Ethnographic investigation of China» has remained unfinished, it is of interest to the history of the science and to contemporary professionals. First of all, judging from the reference to Shirokogoroff’s fundamental monograph «Psychomental complex of the Tungus» published in 1935, this article belongs to the least known, because of the loss of the archive and the library of Sergei Mikhailovich in Beijing in 1943, latest period of his activity. It is equally remarkable that, even as it was, the article was published in English in 1942 in China in the first issue of the new Folklore Studies Journal (Shirokogoroff S.M. Ethnographic investigation of China // Folklore studies. 1942. #1. Pp. 1–8. The magazine was later published in Japan under the name «Asian Folklore Studies»). In this article S. M. Shirokogoroff discusses a number of issues on methodology and methods of ethnographic studies adapted to the conditions of China. In the light of the time of writing, it is noteworthy that S. M. Shirokogoroff questions the relevancy of using the concepts developed to analyse the realities in Western countries and the level of researchers’ competence in relation to the results obtained.

1. Lin Yu-t’ang. A Tray of Loose Sands: How the Family-Minded Chinese behave as Social Beings in the Absence of Social Consciousness. Asia August 1935. The way out for China. Asia October 1935. And others.

2. Ku Hung-ming. The Spirit of the Chinese people. Peking 1915.

3. Sforza Count. L’Enigme Chinese. Paris 1928.

4. Smith A. Village Life in China«… Cf. also Doolittle Social Life of the Chinese; Leang and Tao Village and Town Life in China; Hsiao-Tung Fei. Peasant Life in China. A field study of country life in the Yangtse Valley. London. G. Routledge 1939.

5. Tounsen R. Ways that are dark. The Truth about China. New York 1932

doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/112-123

Publication was prepared by Vadim Karaman, YAroslav Barbenko «Memories of the Civil War in Primorye». Transcript of the speech [of V. E. Serzhant] at the Vladivostok guerrillas and red guards meeting, 1932

«Oriental Institute Journal» continues the publication of the memoirs of the Civil War 1918–1922 participants in the Far East of Russia. Represent text is the speech transcript of former Red partisan Vyacheslav Yevstafyevich Sergeant (1888–1940) at the meeting of Vladivostok Red partisans in 1932. A characteristic feature of this type of documents is a particularly strong influence political situation


doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2017-2/124-127

Yulia A. ISHUTINA China in the mirror of time: traditional culture and modernity (a review of N. A. Lebedeva’s textbook «Traditional culture of China, Korea and Japan» and Dong Japing’s monograph «The epoch of movie images: a brief history of Chinese cinema»)