Oriental Institute Journal, 2017, №35 (3)

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УДК 947.084.2(571.6) doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-3/4-17

Tatiana Z. POZNYAK Heady sense of freedom: political life of Vladivostok in the spring of 1917весной 1917 г.

The article is devoted to the social and political life of Vladivostok between February and October 1917. The author analyzes the mood and behavior of the population of Vladivostok, the lower ranks of the local garrison and the Siberian flotilla in the rapidly changing political situation of the revolutionary year. The author concludes that the revolutionary era had imposed a new imprint on the social life of the urban population, but the patterns of behavior remained basically the same. The most important achievements of the revolutionary era also had negative consequences: the introduction of political freedoms and equality replaced by permissiveness and anarchy, the creation of new democratic authorities led to a multitude of powers, public mobilization and consolidation – to an overabundance of organizations and the «ninth shaft» of delegates to new government bodies, freedom of assembly resulted in endless discussions instead of solving problems. The signs of revolutionary time were spreading rumors, searching for enemies, hanging labels on political opponents and pogroms, as in the old regime.

Key words: Russian Revolution 1917, social and political life, parties, trade unions, Public Security Committee, Council of Workers and Military Deputies, enemy image, rumors, Vladivostok


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УДК 94 (517) doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-3/18-24

Eduard V. BATUNAEV The policy of the Comintern in Mongolia

The foreign policy course of Soviet Russia in the 1920s and 1930s of the 20th century was aimed at spreading the ideas of the world revolution and the struggle against international imperialism. In connection with the defeat of the revolutionary movement in Europe, the Asian direction of revolutionization became the most promising. The Comintern acted as a conductor of the ideas of the world revolution to the East, first of all, China. In the policy of the Comintern, Mongolia played an important role in promoting revolutionary ideas using the national liberation movement of Mongolian peoples, panmongolism. Later, as the international situation changed, the Comintern concentrated its work on strengthening its own positions in supporting the «left» in the domestic political struggle, and in realizing plans for non-capitalist development in Mongolia. Today, in the Russian and Mongolian historiography, the role of the Comintern in Mongolia is viewed ambiguously and has a contradictory character, in connection with authoritarian methods of management, repression, participation in foreign policy struggle. On the other hand, the Comintern played a certain role in strengthening the country’s defense capability and developing Soviet-Mongolian relations

Key words: Mongolia, Soviet Russia, China, independence, politics, Comintern, the Mongolian revolution of 1921, geopolitical position


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УДК 947.05(571.6) doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-3/25-34

Nikolay A. BUTENIN, Nataliya D. BUTENINA The partisan movement in Primorye during the Civil War as seen by the participants (towards publishing V. E. Serzhant’s memoirs)

The paper discusses publishing the memoirs of V. E. Serzhant, the participant of the partisan movement in Primorye. The authors believe that these materials differ considerably from the memoirs of his contemporaries published in the 1920-1930s and later. Sergeant was able to restore the «unedited» picture of relations between the partisans and local people, White Russians and interventionists. The partisan «daily life» is of special value. It has courage and firmness, but also cowardice and betrayal. Sergeant gives examples of drunkenness and marauding among the partisans and the struggle of soldiers and commanding officers for sources of livelihood. The authors show that the fight against White Russians and interventionists was people’s revolt, where the role of the political parties, including Bolshevik, was relatively small. Sergeant’s memoirs show that the Civil War inevitably led to the escalation of violence and was the greatest tragedy in the country’s life.

Key words: V.E. Serzhant, memoirs, Far East, Civil War, partisans, White Russians and interventionists, Tetyukhe


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УДК 327 doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-3/35-46

Mariia A. SMOTRYTSKA Chinese factor in contemporary international relations

In the article the basic geopolitical and geoeconomic stratagems of Chinese domestic and foreign policies are described. The author analyses and underlines the facts, how these stratagems and Chinese approaches influence the foreign policy and diplomatic agenda of the PRC in modern international relations and world politics. Based on the analysis, the conclusions on the role of Chinese strategic approach in China`s foreign affairs and domestic policy were reached. In the article author predicted the possible future actions of the PRC in the global political arena. It was concluded, that with the help of current Chinese capacities, the country can exercise real influence on the world processes and act in the international arena without looking at many «strategic» partners. The study showed that the PRC on the world stage uses the tools of soft power for the global control of its living space, which allows the state to independently create new security architecture of the region. It was summed up that China becomes a serious contender for the US on the international arena, contributing a lot to the construction of a new security system and international relations system in general.

Key words: China, geopolitics, foreign policy, stratagems, international relations, world policy, geoeconomics, diplomacy


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  38. 欧盟第三能源一揽子方案是一个法律一揽子方案,旨在进一步放开欧盟内部的天然气和电力市 场。该一揽子方案2007年9月由欧盟委员会提出,2009年7月由欧洲议会和欧盟理事会通过。同年9月3日开始实施。. 第三能源一揽子方案的核心内容是:私有制分离,即能源生产和销售的公司必须与运输网络分开(第9条),欧盟每个 成员国都必须建立国家管理当局和能源管理者合作局,后者是成员国国家管理当局共同工作的论坛(Regulation (EC) No 713/2009)。
  39. 但俄罗斯能源部长在2014年2月暗示,俄罗斯与保加利亚有可能就布尔加斯- 亚历山德鲁波利输油管线建设问题重启谈判。



УДК 314 (=512.36) doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-3/47-54

Damdin D. BADARAEV Socio-economic factors of political system functioning in Mongolia

The article analyzes the political system in modern Mongolian society, with social and economic determinants being considered as the major factors. The basic provisions of the article are supported by the latest statistical data and the results of secondary analysis of sociological research conducted earlier. The developed political environment in the Mongolian society is determined by a number of socio-economic factors as the negative political and permanent social and economic phenomena and events have led to a decrease in the trust to political institutes

Key words: political system, Mongolian society, socio-economic factors, political trust


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doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-3/55-107

Roundtable discussion, devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolutions of 1917 (February-October 1917), «The influence of the Russian Revolution on the development of the Pacific Rim countries»



doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-3/108-120

Аnatolij M. KUZNETSOV The Dersu Uzala story told by Vladimir Arsenyev as expression of «soul allspaciousness»

This paper explores Vladimir Arsenyev’s tale «Dersu Uzala» and Joseph Conrad’s tale «Heart of the darkness» in the context of Vladimir Malyavin’s ideas of «soul allspaciousness» and «simultaneity-compatibility». It is concluded that these texts display two different patterns of indigenous people’s perception. The first one is represented by Arsenyev’s tale and demonstrates the author’s personal recognition of his Nanai guide Dersu. Another one may be found in the «Heart of the Darkness» as one more example of the «white man burden». Putting these conclusions into the general context of current discussions of unipolarity – multipolarity of the world, it may be inferred that some deep distinctions underlie such debates. Considering temporal and regional dimensions of such differences, one may suggest existence or absentness of the «soul allspaciousness» in different social communities.

Key words: V. K. Arsenyev, Dersu Uzala, «soul allspaciousness», J. Conrad, F. Coppola, Russia, West


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doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-3/121-127

«Memories of the Civil War in Primorye». Transcript of the speech [of V. E. Serzhant] at the Vladivostok guerrillas and red guards meeting, 1932 (Ending)


doi: 10.24866/2542-1611/2017-3/128-131

Yulia A. ISHUTINA On the main lines of development in Russia Studies (based on the proceedings of the Third International Scientific Conference «Russia Studies as a new direction for interdisciplinary research», Nanjing, PRC)