Oriental Institute Journal, 2018, №38 (2)

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UDC 001(510)   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-2/6-23

Sergei A. IVANOV   China’s Science and Technology Policy: Priorities of Catching-Up Development and Results

The article reveals patterns of China’s state science and technology policy. The research is based on the analysis of legislative and program documents of the Chinese authorities, data from the State Statistical Office, the Ministry of Finance of the PRC and UNESCO, as well as the results of research by Chinese and foreign scientists. It discusses the main features of state financing and strategic planning in the sphere of science and technology. One of the main reasons of the rapid development of science is large-scale financial support. This support became possible due to the significant increase in budget spending, as well as to the activity of the industrial sector. The government plans to commercialize scientific breakthroughs and is committed to rely on the leading role of the market in determining the value of scientific research. An important direction of the reforms is to improve the quality of science management and the effectiveness of research.

Key words: science and technology policy, China, reform, innovations, university, research institute


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UDC 327  doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-2/24-31

Zhenpeng LIANG, Tamara G. TROYAKOVA   Evolution of PRC’s Policy toward Central Asia’s Countries (1990–2018)

This article analyses the evolution of PRC’s policy toward the countries of Central Asia. The increasing role of Central Asia in the system of international relations stimulated a need to evaluate the China’s policy in the region. The purpose of the paper is to study the evolution of the formation and development of China’s policy in Central Asia and to identify the difficulties of China’s policy toward the countries of the region. During the 1990‑ies China hadn’t been prepared to make diplomatic policies in concepts with Central Asia and paid more attention to settle territorial disputes with the contiguous countries in this region. As an effective mechanism, SCO plays an important role in the process of strengthening the existence of Beijing in the region and enhancing the interaction between China and the Central Asian countries in different spheres in the 21st century. Since 2013, the Chinese program «Silk Road economic belt», which focuses on economic development of the countries located along the corridors to the west from China, has a great potential for deepening the all-round cooperation between the western regions of China and the Central Asian countries. The authors conclude that Chinese policy in the region is going to be stronger because of worldwide goals.

Key words: China, Central Asia, foreign policy, multilateral mechanism, bilateral relations, economic cooperation, potential prospects


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UDC 327   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-2/32-40

Artyom L. LUKIN  Resolving the Nuclear-Missile Crisis on the Korean Peninsula: Russia’s Interests and the Prospects for a Multilateral Format

The article examines Russia’s basic interests and motives that guide her polices toward the nuclear problem of the Korean peninsula. They include: denuclearization of the peninsula and preservation of the global non-proliferation regime; prevention of war in Northeast Asia; exploiting the Korean crisis to get diplomatic leverage in relations with the United States; the quasi-alliance with China; great-power prestige; considerations of economic benefits; commitment to the principle of sovereignty and aversion to regime change; the pursuit of a new security order in Northeast Asia; and the desire for future Korean unification. The paper also evaluates the prospects for a multilateral (six-party) format to find resolution to the security problems on the peninsula. At present, bilateral dealings, as manifested in the US-DPRK, DPRK-ROK and China- DPRK summits, dominate the Korean peninsula agenda. However, it is argued that it is a multilateral format that is, in the final analysis, the most suitable mechanism to deal with the Korean conundrum. Moreover, it is the one that best suites Russia’s interests.

Key words: North Korea (DPRK), Russia, the United States, China, South Korea (the Republic of Korea), Japan, nuclear problem of the Korean Peninsula, security in Northeast Asia, the Six-Party Talks


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UDC (303.01)330.341.2(571.6)    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-2/41-56

Anastasiya O. LYOVUSHKINA    The Methodology of the Russian Far Eastern Development Institutions Studies

The article reviews different methodological approaches, which might be applied to the research on Russian Far Eastern development institutions. Considering views from the new institutional theory (North, Buchanan) to the latest Russian papers (Ryzhova, Ivanov etc.) the four approaches are distinguished, namely economical, geographical, legal and trans-border. The author explores each one and shows how exactly they contribute to the subject matter analysis. The major conclusion to this article is that the most sufficient way to studying the Far Eastern development institutions is the comprehensive integrative approach. Not only it is based on the new institutional theory but also it should deal with all the regional spatial specificities, local community peculiarities and trans-border environmental factors, which influence development institutions functioning significantly.

Key words: development institutions, Far East, new institutional theory, border studies, regions


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UDC 316.752-053.81(5-11)    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-2/57-84

Alexandr S. DYBOVSKY, Liliya L. LARINA   On Some Similarities and Differences of Japanese and Chinese Students’ Life Positions, Aspirations and Value Orientations

The present article provides a comparative analysis of life positions, aspirations and value orientations of Japanese and Chinese youth. In 2015-2016, we carried out a questionnaire survey among university students in Japan and China. The purpose of our study was to identify similarities and differences in positions, aspirations and value orientations of young people of the two countries in regard to different life situations. The survey demonstrates that both Japanese and Chinese young people are steadily moving along the path of forming complex identities under the influence of processes of internationalization and globalization: they are actively acquiring Western values while holding on to traditional cultural values and ethnic identities, including the Confucian tradition which has had a great influence on the civilizational development of the two countries. However, the comparison reveals that core Confucian values of filial piety are significantly more prevalent among Chinese youth, while, evidently, many Japanese young people have moved further along the path of Westernization: the survey results demonstrate that the focus of Japanese youth’s vital interests is on the present, whilst most young Chinese reveal the tendency to sacrifice the present for the sake of the future.

Key words: Japanese students, Chinese students, life aspirations and values, comparative analysis, similarities and differences, attitude towards parents, attitude towards friends, attitude towards employment, attitude toward marriage


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UDC 413.11(518) doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-2/85-98

Ivan Yu. ZUENKO   Lost Imagery: Toponymics of Russian Origin in China’s Heilongjiang Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

The article is devoted to ways of actualization of the «own/alien» opposition in the folklore culture of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Far East. The markers of «own» and «alien» (habitat, appearance, genealogical relationships, character traits), which are reflected in mythology, epic creativity and everyday stories of the Far Eastern peoples, are shown. The most widespread stories devoted to interethnic conflicts are considered; epic heroes’ description typology as ideal representatives of a specific ethnos is revealed; different types of «alien» («stranger») endowed with features of the inhabitants of «other worlds» are shown. The strengthening of the realistic principle in the texts of late origin is noted. Particular attention is paid to the concept of «others», which is not a complete analogue of «alien», but is also opposed to «own». The author assumes that the only possible way to overcome xenophobia is to foster respect for another culture by replacing the notion of «alien» («dangerous», «hostile») with the notion of «other».

Key words: China, North-East China, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, toponymics. Russian emigration, cultural heritage, image of Russia


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UDC 930:355/359.07    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-2/99-112

Roman S. AVILOV   «To Investigate in Details the Way from Village Novokievskoye to Port-Arthur in Tumen and Yalu Valleys...» The Expedition of Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir A. Oranovskiy to Korea and Manchuria in 1898–1899. Part 2

This article examines the history of the unknown Russian reconnaissance expedition to Korea and Manchuria in 1898–1899, which had been realized under the command of Lieutenant colonel Vladimir A. Oranovskiy. In June 2017 the final expeditionary report was found in the Manuscripts Collection of the Russian State Library. This 976-page manuscript consists of five chapters, includes two appendices, regrettably, without maps, and embraces full information about the expedition. The detachment was sent to investigate the ways from village Novokievskoye to Port-Arthur, in order to explore if it was possible to redeploy the Russian forces from Priamurye Military District to Port-Arthur by the shortest path through the Northern part of Korea in case of war. Another goal was to investigate the Korean peninsula in military terms. The well-appointed expedition that traveled from Novokievskoye to Port-Arthur and backwards in winter, had gathered a lot of information, not only of military, but also of geographical and ethnographical value. This data was very useful 5 years later, during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905.

Key words: Korea, Manchuria, Priamur Military District, military oriental studies, military intelligence, Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905, Port-Arthur, Vladimir A. Oranovskiy


  1. Dacyshen V.G. Boksyorskaya vojna. Voennaya kampaniya russkoj armii i flota v Kitae v 1900–1901 gg. – Krasnoyarsk: RIO KGPU, 2001. – 336 s.
  2. Dacyshen V.G. Russko-kitajskaya vojna. Man`chzhuriya 1900 g.: Ch. 1. Boevy`e dejstviya na suxoputnom fronte. – SPb.: Galeya Print, 1996. – 144 s.
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  4. Doby`china E.V. Vneshnyaya razvedka Rossii na Dal`nem Vostoke 1895–1904 gg. Dis. … kand. ist. nauk. / Elena Viktorovna Doby`china; nauch. ruk. G.V. Melixov; Institut rossijskoj istorii RAN. M., 2003. – 213 s.
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  6. Lukoyanov I.V. «Ne otstat` ot derzhav…» Rossiya na Dal`nem Vostoke v konce XIX–nachale XX vv. – SPb.: Nestor-Istoriya, 2008. – 668 s.
  7. My`shlaevskij A.Z. Voenny`e dejstviya v Kitae v 1900–1901 gg. Ch. 1. Dejstviya na Pechilijskom poberezh`e, do vzyatiya g. Tyan`-Czzinya vklyuchitel`no. – SPb.: Tipografiya «Berezhlivost`», 1904. – 433 s.
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  11. Rudakov A.V. Obshhestvo I-xe`-tuan` i ego znachenie v poslednix soby`tiyax na Dal`nem Vostoke. Po oficial`ny`m kitajskim danny`m. – Vladivostok: Parovaya tipo-litografiya T-vo Sushhinskij i Ko, 1901. – 77 s.
  12. Russko-yaponskaya vojna 1904–1905 gg. Rabota voenno-istoricheskoj komissii po opisaniyu russko-yaponskoj vojny`: v 9 t. T. 9. – SPb., 1910. – 227 s.
  13. Chan Czzyun. Imperatricza Cysi. Nalozhnicza, izmenivshaya sud`bu Kitaya. 1835–1908. / Per. s angl. S.A. Belousova. – M.: ZAO Izdatel`stvo Centrpoligraf, 2016. – 575 s.
  14. Lensen G.A. The Russo-Chinese war. – Tallahassee: Diplomatic Press, 1967. – 315 p.
  15. The Boxer Rising: a history of a boxer trouble in China. Reprinted from the «Shanghai Mercury». 2nd ed. – Shanghai: Shanghai Mercury, 1901. – 181 p.



UDC 324(470+571) doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-2/113-121

Daniil Yu. ALEKSEEV   Election of the President of Russia 2018: Results and Prospects

The article analyzes the results of the seventh election of the President of the Russian Federation, gives an assessment of the prospects for political parties in the 2021 parliamentary elections and political leaders in the election of the President of the Russian Federation in 2024. The main result of the election was a victory with the overwhelming advantage of the incumbent Russian President Vladimir Putin, won despite the pressure of the West. The elections once again demonstrated the weakness of the opposition. Almost all opposition parties are in crisis for 3.5 years before the next parliamentary elections. Putin has no worthy rivals and it is doubtful that they will appear for the next presidential election. Dmitry Medvedev is still a favorite in the forthcoming presidential election in 2024.

Key words: president elections, V. V. Putin, D. A. Medvedev, G. A. Zyuganov, P. N. Grudinin, V. V. Zhirinovsky, K. A. Sobchak, G. A. Yavlinsky, A. A. Navalny, B. A. Titov, M. A. Suraykin, S. N. Baburin


  1. Alekseev D. Yu. Vy`bory` v Gosdumu-2016: itogi i perspektivy` // Izvestiya Vostochnogo instituta. 2016. № 3. S. 116-123.
  2. Alekseev D. Yu. Vy`bory` prezidenta Rossii-2012 v kontekste politicheskogo liderstva // Izvestiya Vostochnogo instituta. 2012. № 1. S. 97-103.
  3. Alekseev D. Yu. Itogi vy`borov-2000 // Vestnik DVGAE`U. 2000. № 3. – S. 110-116.
  4. Alekseev D. Yu. Stat` sistemny`m politikom // Posev. 2013. № 8, S. 10-13.
  5. VCIOM: vy`bory`-2018[E`lektronny`j dokument] // Sajt VCIOM.                    URL https://wciom.ru/news/ratings/vybory_2018/ [Data obrashheniya 20.12.2017 g.].
  6. VCIOM: vy`bory`-2018[E`lektronny`j dokument] // Sajt VCIOM.                    URL https://wciom.ru/news/ratings/vybory_2018/ [Data obrashheniya 15.01.2018 g.].
  7. Ivanov G. Kak strana vy`birala prezidenta // Argumenty` i fakty`. 2018. №12. S.3.
  8. Kak izmenilas` strana za 17 let prezidentstva Putina // Okno v ATR. № 23 fevral` 2018. S. 8-10.
  9. Prezidentskie vy`bory`-2018: kandidat Kseniya Sobchak [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Sajt FOM. URL http://fom.ru/Prezidentskie-vybory-%E2%80%93-2018/13959 [Data obrashheniya 30.04.2018 g.].
  10. Prezidentskie vy`bory`-2018: postvy`borny`j opros [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Sajt FOM. URL http://fom.ru/Prezidentskie-vybory-%E2%80%93-2018/13998 [Data obrashheniya 26.04.2018 g.].



UDC 929(571.6)    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-2/122-131

Olga N. DMITRIEVSKAYA   «Wind-Smoke-Fire and Fried Glinka»: State Councillor’s Daughter in the Construction of Socialism and in the Home Circle

This publication is a sketch of the life of the author’s parents, Nikolai Pustygin (1908–1951) and Militsa Dyukova (1910–1975), in the critical years of the history of Russia. The peculiarity of this family is that Militsa Dyukova was of noble origin, which created potentially great difficulties to live in Soviet Russia, while Nikolai Pustygin was from a peasant family. Fragments of correspondence between M. Dyukova and her mother are given in the appendix.



UDC 930.2+930.85+911 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-2/132-141

Sergey Yu. VRADIY   Preface to Wei Yuan’s «Illustrated Treatise of Foreign Countries» (Translation and Commentaries)

The influence of «Illustrated Treatise of Foreign Countries» 海國圖志, written by the eminent Qing scholar Wei Yuan (1794–1857), on subsequent developments in Chinese social and political thought in the period of borrowing and mastering of «overseas affairs», on Japan «Meiji Restoration», and on reformatory movement in Korea in 19th century, is considerable. The work of Wei Yuan not only gives geographical description of maritime countries, but also attempts to present the world globally. It is generally accepted now among sinologists that Haiguo Tuzhi became a starting point in China, Japan, and Korea’s comprehension of the outside world, cognition of their own place, and definition of perspectives for society transformation. The present paper provides a translation and a commentary to the Preface of the «Illustrated Treatise of Foreign Countries», where the author discusses the sources he has used, explains the nature and makes conspectus of the contents by chapters. There are classical allusions and assumptions in regard to the necessity of apprehending foreign technical achievements.

Key words: 19th century, China – West, borrowing and mastering of «barbarian» or «overseas affairs», Wei Yuan, «Illustrated Treatise of Foreign Countries»


  1. Brunnert I.S., Gagel`strom V.V. Sovremennaya politicheskaya organizaciya Kitaya. Pod red. i pri uchastii pervogo dragomana Ros. imp. missii v Pekine N.F. Kolesova. – Pekin: tip. Uspen. monasty`rya pri Rus. duxov. missii, 1910. - 532 s.
  2. Vradij S.Yu. Vliyanie Kitaya na obshhestvennuyu my`sl` Yaponii nakanune reformacii Me`jdzi // Vostokovedenie. Istoriko-filologicheskie issledovaniya. Mezhvuz. sb. statej. Pamyati akad. M.N. Bogolyubova. Vy`p. 30 (zaklyuchitel`ny`j) / Otv. red. A.K.Ogloblin, N.N.Telicin. – SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGU, 2014. - 268 s.
  3. Vradij S.Yu. Vliyanie sochinenij kitajskix ucheny`x na obshhestvennuyu my`sl` Korei vtoroj poloviny` XIX v. // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2015. Ser. 13. Vostokovedenie. Afrikanistika. Vy`p. 4. – S. 67-83.
  4. Zenger X. fon. Stratagemy`. O kitajskom iskusstve zhit` i vy`zhivat`. Vpervy`e polnoe sovremennoe prochtenie vsex 36 znamenity`x stratagem, istinnogo voploshheniya trexty`syacheletnej mudrosti. Perevod s nemeczkogo A. V. Dy`bo (1 tom), A. D. Gar`kavy`j (2 tom). Obshhaya redakciya, vstupitel`naya stat`ya i kommentarii akademika V. S. Myasnikova. M.: E`ksmo, 2006. 512 s.+1024 s.
  5. 魏源。海國圖志 Ve`j Yuan`. Opisanie zamorskix stran s [prilozheniem] kart. 1-e izd. Yanchzhou 扬州, 1844. 50 czz.
  6. 魏源。海國圖志 Ve`j Yuan`. Opisanie zamorskix stran s [prilozheniem] kart. 2-e izd. Yanchzhou 扬州, 1847. 60 czz.
  7. 魏源。海國圖志 Ve`j Yuan`. Opisanie zamorskix stran s [prilozheniem] kart. 3-e izd. Yanchzhou 扬州, 1852. 100 czz.
  8. 原典中國近代思想史。全6冊セット。第一冊。アヘン戦争から太平天國まで。Istoriya ideologii Kitaya v novoe vremya po pervoistochnikam. V 6-i tt. / 西順藏編 Nisi Dzyundzo red. Tokio: Ivanami syote`n 岩波書店, 1976.
  9. 林則徐。四洲志 Lin` Czze`syuj. Opisanie chety`rex materikov. B.m., b.g. // 小方壺齋輿地叢鈔再補編 Dopolnenie k sobraniyu geograficheskix materialov iz kabineta Syaofanxu / 王錫祺 Van Sici sost. Shanxaj: 上海著易堂印行. 1877-1897. Papka 帙 12, b. 14, knizhka 冊 82.
  10. 中國近代思想史參考資料簡編 Izbranny`e spravochny`e materialy` po istorii ideologii Kitaya v novoe vremya 北京:三聯書店出版 Pekin: Izd-vo San`lyan` shudyan`, 1957. 1276 c.
  11. 中華文明史。袁行霈,严文明,张传玺,楼宇烈編。北京大學出版社 «Istoriya kitajskoj civilizacii» v 4-x tt. / Yuan` Sinpe`j,Yan` Ve`n`min,Chzhan Chuan`si,Lou Yujle red. Pekin: izd-vo Pekinskogo universiteta, 2006.



doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-2/142-146

Svetlana М. DUDARENOK   The First International Academic and Practical Conference «Favorite Harbin – a City of Friendship between Russia and China»

On June 15–18, 2018, the First International Scientific and Practical Conference «Favorite Harbin – a city of friendship between Russia and China» was successfully held in Harbin (China). The conference was timed to the 120th anniversary of the city of Harbin and was dedicated to the past and present life of the Russian diaspora of the city, to the history and the present state of the eastern branch of the Russian emigration, as well as to the history of the Far East Exodus. The composition of the conference participants, the geographical and chronological scope of the reports presented, and the range of various research approaches and techniques allow coming to the conclusions about the high relevance of studying various aspects of the history and culture of the eastern branch of Russian emigration and the need to continue work in this direction. Attention of the conference participants was drawn to the need for joint efforts to preserve and popularize the cultural and historical heritage of an important part of the «Russian world», as well as to possible prospects for interaction between foreign researchers and Russia’s scientific community.