Oriental Institute Journal, 2018, №40 (4)

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UDC 94(571.6)+325.3(34)   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-4/6-18

Yaroslav A. BARBENKO   Dynamics of the Resettlement Legislation in the Amur Region in the second Half of the 19th Century

A comparative analysis of the all-Russian migration legislation and the norms of peasant resettlement in the Amur region in the second half of the 19th century was carried out in this paper. In terms of the most characteristic features two regulatory regimes were identified: 1859/1861 – for the whole Amur region, and 1866/1882 – for the South Ussuri region. The existence of the special regime of 1866/1882 was due to the need to attract residents to remote and vulnerable areas. The characteristic features of the resettlement legislation for the Amur region were as follows: freedom of settling, free use of state land, the possibility of acquiring land for property, and a high rate of land security. These features played a decisive role in the popularization of the Amur resettlement region and contributed to the influx of the agricultural population. After the establishment of a reliable sea and rail link between the Far East and the central part of Russia, preferential resettlement conditions were limited in 1900.

Key words: Amur Region, Maritime Province, resettlement, resettlement peasants, migration legislation, resettlement policy


1. Аrgudyaeva YU. V. Krest’yanskaya sem’ya u vostochnykh slavyan na yuge Dal’nego Vostoka Rossii (50‑e gody XIX v. – nachalo KHKH v.). – M.: In-t ehtnologii i antropologii RАN, 1997. 315 s.

2. Barbenko YA. А. Krest’yanskoe rasselenie v Primorskoj oblasti kak chast’ russkoj kolonizatsii Priamur’ya vo vtoroj polovine XIX v. Dissertatsiya... kand. ist. nauk. – Vladivostok, 2010. 276 l.

3. Busse F. F. Pereselenie krest’yan morem v YUzhno-Ussurijskij kraj v 1883–1893 godakh. – SPb.: b. i., 1896. IV, 166, 57 s.

4. Vol’f А. E. Rabota А. V. Sukhanova v Pereselencheskom upravlenii v YUzhno- Ussurijskij  kraj (oktyabr’ 1895 – iyun’ 1896 gg.) po materialam RGIА DV // Ojkumena. Regionovedcheskie issledovaniya. 2015. № 3. S. 85–102.

5. Vremennyya pravila dlya obrazovaniya pereselencheskikh i zapasnykh uchastkov v Primorskoj i Аmurskoj oblastyakh // Spravochnye izdaniya Pereselencheskago Upravleniya Ministerstva Vnutrennikh Del. Vyp. VIII: Sbornik uzakonenij i rasporyazhenij o pereselenii. – SPb.: b. i., 1901. 3, XXV, 499 s. S. 142–148.

6. Vysochajshe utverzhdennoe Obshhee Polozhenie o krest’yanakh, vyshedshikh iz krepostnoj zavisimosti // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe. T. XXXVI. Otdelenie pervoe. 1861. St. 36657. – SPb.: b. i., 1863. 1058 s.

7. Grum-Grzhimajlo G. E. Opisanie Аmurskoj oblasti / Red. P. P. Semenov. – SPb.: b. i., 1894. V, 639, VIII s.

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9. Kabuzan V. M. Dal’nevostochnyj kraj v XVII – nachale KHKH vv. (1640–1917). Istoriko-demograficheskij ocherk. – M.: Nauka, 1985. 264 s.

10. Kaufman А. А. Pereselenie i kolonizatsiya. – SPb.: t-vo «Obshhestvennaya pol’za», 1905. X, 349, 81 s.

11. Kobozev P. А. Kolonizatsiya Dal’nego Vostoka // Trudy gosudarstvennogo kolonizatsionnogo nauchnoissledovatel’skogo instituta. T. 1. – M.: b. i.,1924. S. 213–268.

12. Kolonizatsiya Sibiri v svyazi s obshhim pereselencheskim voprosom / Komitet Sibirskoj zheleznoj dorogi. – SPb.: Kantselyariya Komiteta ministrov, 1900. X, 376 s.

13. Krest’yanstvo Dal’nego Vostoka SSSR XIX – XX vv. / R. G. Bendyuzhnik i dr. Pod red. А. I. Krushanova. – Vladivostok: Izd-vo Dal’nevost. un-ta, 1991. 416 s.

14. O dobrovol’nom pereselenii sel’skikh obyvatelej i meshhan na kazennyya zemli i o poryadke perechisleniya lits oznachennykh soslovij, pereselivshikhsya v prezhnee vremya // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie tret’e. T. IX. 1889. St. 6198. – SPb.: b. i., 1891. 1481 s., razd. paginatsiya.

15. O dozvolenii krest’yanam Vostochnoj Sibiri, ne smotrya na izbytochnyj nadel zemli, pereselyat’sya v drugiya mestnosti // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe. T. XXXI. Otdelenie pervoe. 1856. St. 30788. – SPb.: b. i., 1857. 1112 s

16. O nekotorykh izmeneniyakh v dejstvuyushhikh uzakoneniyakh, kasayushhikhsya dobrovol’nago pereseleniya sel’skikh obyvatelej i meshhan v gubernii Tobol’skuyu i Tomskuyu (krome Аltajskago okruga) i general-gubernatorstva Stepnoe i Irkutskoe // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie tret’e. T. XVI. 1896. St. 12777. – SPb.: b. i., 1899. 823, 421 s.

17. O nekotorykh izmeneniyakh v pravilakh o l’gotakh pereselentsam v Priamurskom krae // Dal’nij Vostok Rossii v materialakh zakonodatel’stva. 1881–1889 gg. / Sost. E. M. Goncharova, I. E. Karginova, V. А. Grigor’eva. – Vladivostok: Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj istoricheskij arkhiv Dal’nego Vostoka, 2005. 260 s.

18. O poryadke naznacheniya kredita na pereselenie krest’yan // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe. T. XLI. Otdelenie vtoroe. 1866. St. 43987. – SPb.: b. i., 1868. 1389 s., razd. paginatsiya.

19. O pravilakh dlya pereseleniya pomeshhikami svoikh krest’yan // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe. T. XXXVI. Otdelenie tretie. 1861. St. 33724a. – SPb.: b. i., 1863. 516 s., razd. paginatsiya.

20. O pravilakh dlya poseleniya russkikh i inostrantsev v Аmurskoj i Primorskoj oblastyakh Vostochnoj Sibiri // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe. T. XXXVI. Otdelenie pervoe. 1861. St. 36928. – SPb.: b. i., 1863. 1058 s.

21. O preobrazovanii obshhestvennago upravleniya gosudarstvennykh krest’yan, i o peredache sikh krest’yan v vedenie obshhikh gubernskikh i uezdnykh, a takzhe mestnykh po krest’yanskim delam uchrezhdenij // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe. T. XLI. Otdelenie pervoe. 1866. St. 42899. – SPb.: b. i., 1868. 1079 s.

22. O prodlenii dejstviya pravil, kasayushhikhsya poseleniya russkikh i inostrantsev v Аmurskoj i Primorskoj oblastyakh i ob izmenenii i dopolnenii sikh pravil // Dal’nij Vostok Rossii v materialakh zakonodatel’stva. 1890–1895 gg. / Sost. E. M. Goncharova, I. E. Karginova, V. А. Grigor’eva. – Vladivostok: Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj istoricheskij arkhiv Dal’nego Vostoka, 2006. 320 s.

23. O rasprostranenii na Sibirskiya gubernii postanovlenij o samovol’nom pereselenii gosudarstvennykh krest’yan // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe. T. XLI. Otdelenie pervoe. 1846. St. 19584. – SPb.: b. i., 1847. 668 s.

24. Ob otmene postanovleniya kasatel’no vydachi pereselyaemym gosudarstvennym krest’yanam posobij khlebom iz blizhajshikh zapasnykh magazinov // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie vtoroe. T. XLII. Otdelenie pervoe. 1867. St. 44096. – SPb.: b. i., 1871. 1207 s.

25. Ob uchrezhdenii v sostave Ministerstva Vnutrennikh del Pereselencheskago Upravleniya // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie tret’e. T. XVI. 1896. St. 13464. – SPb.: b. i., 1899. 823, 421 s.

26. Osipov YU. N. Krest’yane-starozhily Dal’nego Vostoka Rossii 1855–1917 gg. – Vladivostok: Izd-vo VGUEHS, 2006. 196 s.

27. Primorskij kraj: Kratkij ehntsiklopedicheskij spravochnik / Red. kol. EH. V. Ermakova (gl. red.) i dr. – Vladivostok: Izd-vo Dal’nevostochnogo gos. un-ta, 1997. 596 s.

28. Redchun V. M. K voprosu ob osobennostyakh pereselencheskoj politiki rossijskogo pravitel’stva na Dal’nem Vostoke vo vtoroj polovine XIX veka. Pravovoj aspect // Kul’tura i nauka Dal’nego Vostoka. 2017. № 2 (22). S. 82–98.

29. CHarnetskij L. Metody i itogi proshloj kolonizatsii Primor’ya i blizhajshie kolonizatsionnye meropriyatiya v budushhem // Sovetskoe Primor’e. 1925. № 3. S. 10–36.

30. SHuman N. K voprosu o zemleustrojstve i kolonizatsii Sibiri // Voprosy kolonizatsii. Sbornik statej / Red. O. А. SHkapskij. – SPb.: Izdanie А. V. Uspenskogo, 1907. 317 s. S. 3–18.


UDC 323.272:94(47).084.2  doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-4/19-28

Daniil Yu. ALEKSEEV   The Great Russian Socialist Revolution 1917–1922: the First Stage

The author offers his own scientific analysis of the revolutionary events of 1917 in Russia, which ended in 1922 with the creation of the USSR. He identifies 4 main stages in the great Russian Socialist revolution: 1) Bourgeois-democratic stage (February-October 1917) – its main content was the overthrow of the autocracy and the establishment of «dual power», which lasted until the October revolution. 2) The establishment of the Bolshevik dictatorship (October 1917 – January 1918) – the stage began with the overthrow of the Provisional government and ended with the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly, which led to the Civil war. 3) The civil war (January 1918 – November 1920) was an open armed confrontation between the «red» and «white», which began after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly and ended with the capture of the «red» Crimea. 4) Formation of the USSR (November 1920 – December 1922) – the stage is characterized by the strengthening of Soviet power and suppression of counter-revolutionary revolts (including those in the Far East), which ends with the formation of the USSR.

Key words: political process, social revolution, February revolution, October revolution, overthrow of monarchy, Civil war, Constituent assembly, Councils, Provisional government


1.         Alekseev D. Yu. Velikaya Russkaya Socialisticheskaya revolyuciya 1917-1922: fevral`skij prolog // Posev. 2017, №5. S. 18-20.

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3.         Mel`gunov S. P. Kak bol`sheviki zaxvatili vlast`.// Kak bol`sheviki zaxvatili vlast`. «Zolotoj nemeczkij klyuch» k bol`shevistskoj revolyucii / S. P. Mel`gunov; predisl. Yu. N. Emel`yanova. — M.: Ajris-press, 2007. — 640 s.

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7.         Yaczkova A. P. Osnovny`e gosudarstvenny`e zakony` Rossijskoj imperii 23 aprelya 1906 g. — pervaya rossijskaya konstituciya. Avtoref. dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2001 i dr.

8.         23 aprelya 1906 g. Vy`sochajshe utverzhdyonny`e Osnovny`e  Gosudarstvenny`e Zakony` // http://www.hist.msu.ru/ER/Etext/apr1906.htm (data obrashheniya: 25.09.2017)


UDC 625.7/.8(091)(571.122)   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-4/29-41

Sevostyan I. VESELOV  Formation of Road Builder Staff during the Period of Transport Development of Oil-Producing Areas of Western Siberia (1963–1977)

This article examines the history of the formation of road builder staff during the period of transport development of oil and gas fields in the North of Western Siberia. The need for the construction of transport infrastructure in oil-producing areas set the task of accelerated formation of staff for road enterprises. The author of the article focuses on the fact that under the leadership of the Soviet government, the Ministry of transport construction carried out the selection of managers, qualified engineers and workers of construction trusts that created a developed network of roads in the northern districts of Western Siberia. In the mid-1960s, the main administration personnel of the road construction enterprises was staffed in order to transfer specialists from the subordinate organizations of Glavdorstroy. The prevailing form of staff replenishment of engineering and technical workers in construction and installation trusts was employment in the workplace and transfer from the organizations of Glavdorstroy. In the late 1960s-early 1970s, the number of specialists in road organizations, trained at higher and secondary special educational institutions of Western Siberia, increased.

Key words: staffing, road builders, transport development, road construction, Western Siberia, road-building enterprises, Mintransstroy, Glavdorstroy, trust


1.         Alekseev V. V., Logunov E. V., Shabanov P. P. Opy`t resheniya kadrovy`x problem v neftegazovom stroitel`stve Sibiri (na materialax Glavsibtruboprovodstroya). – Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo Ural. un-ta, 1987. – 174 s.

2.         Bolshtyanskij M. P. Kadrovaya sostavlyayushhaya dorozhnoj e`popei Yugry` // Dorogi Yugry`: proshloe, nastoyashhee, budushhee. Sb. vospom. aktiv. uch. str-va avtomob. dorog Xanty`-Mans. avt. okr. – Yugry`. – Tyumen`: Poisk, 2004. – 255 s.

3.         Velikopol`skij S. D. Megionskij marafon. – Tyumen`: Mandrika, 2004. – 382 s.

4.         Gavrilova N. Yu. Social`noe razvitie neftegazodoby`vayushhix rajonov Zapadnoj Sibiri. – Tyumen`: TyumGNGU, 2002. – 283 s.

5.         Dolgolyuk A. A. Sibirskie stroiteli v rajonax novogo promy`shlennogo osvoeniya // Sibirskie stroiteli: soby`tiya i sud`by`. Sb. st. Vseros. nauch. konf. (g. Surgut, SurGU, 25-26 noyabrya 2016 g.). – Kurgan: OOO «Kurganskij dom pechati», 2017. – 564 s.

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8.         Karpov V. P., Koleva G. Yu., Gavrilova N. Yu., Komgort M. V. Zapadno-Sibirskij neftegazovy`j proekt: ot zamy`sla k realizacii. – Tyumen`: TyumGNGU, 2011. – 392 s.

9.         Koleva G. Yu. Zapadno-Sibirskij neftegazovy`j kompleks: istoriya stanovleniya: v 2-x ch. Ch. 1. – Tyumen`: TyumGNGU, 2005. – 152 s.

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11.       Lagunov V. Ya. Puti obespecheniya novogo neftyanogo rajona strany` inzhenerno-texnicheskimi kadrami v gody` vos`moj pyatiletki // Istoriya Sovetskoj Rossii: novy`e idei, suzhdeniya: resp. nauch. konf. 11-12 maya 1991.  V 2 ch. Ch. 2. – Tyumen`: Izd-vo TGU, 1991. – 89 s.

12.       Lincer A. V. Vospominaniya o glavnom // Dorogi Yugry`: proshloe, nastoyashhee, budushhee. Sb. vospom. aktiv. uch. str-va avtomob. dorog Xanty`-Mans. avt. okr. – Yugry`. – Tyumen`: Poisk, 2004. – 255 s.

13.       Mashinov Yu. Fartovy`j shlyax Yuriya Shinkarenko // Dorogi Rossii XXI veka. – 2015. – № 6.  – S. 61-74.

14.       Neft` i gaz Tyumeni v dokumentax (1901-1965). – Sverdlovsk: Sred.-Ural. kn. izd-vo, 1971. T. 1. – 479 s.

15.       Prishhepa A. I. Formirovanie upravleniya stroitel`noj industriej Zapadno-Sibirskogo neftegazovogo kompleksa // Vestnik Surgutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2013. – № 1. – S. 72-74.

16.       Ryabchenyuk Vladimir Grigor`evich: nekrolog // Tyumenskaya pravda. – 2011. – 25 fevr. S. 16.

17.       SU-920. 30 let: Megion 1971-2001. – Megion: b. i., 2001. – 34 s.

18.       Tak nam serdce velelo...: Nizhnevartovskomu komsomolu posvyashhaetsya. – Nizhnevartovsk: Media-E`kspress, 2014. – 189 s.

19.       Cys` V. V., Cys` O. P., Alekseeva L. V., Sapozhnikova N. V., Terent`eva N. V., Knizhnikov V. S. Samotlor: pervy`e iz pervy`x: (o stroitel`stve vnutripromy`slovy`x dorog, osnovanij kustovy`x ploshhadok i o roli transportnikov v podgotovitel`ny`x rabotax na mestorozhdenii v 1960-1980 gg.). Otv. red. V. V. Cys`. – Nizhnevartovsk: b.i., 2015. – 187 s.




UDC 339.92    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-4/42-53

Roman V. WAX    The Development of Economic and Political Interaction between China and the DPRK under the Influence of International Sanctions

The article explores the state of economic relations between China and North Korea for the period from 2013 to the present. The author views the dynamics of trade contacts and investment cooperation between the PRC and the DPRK in the context of gradually increasing international sanctions against North Korea. The analysis of trade and investment cooperation between the two countries was based on the official data published by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and estimates of research organizations of the Republic of Korea. The author separately considers the course of development of the political dialogue between China and North Korea in the specified time interval, paying particular attention to the contacts of officials at the local level during 2018. The main conclusion is that under the conditions of international sanctions, China is not afraid to maintain and develop trade contacts with the DPRK. As a result, every year the People’s Republic of China plays an increasing role in the foreign economy and politics of North Korea.

Key words: China, North Korea, trade and economic cooperation, political relations, trade, foreign direct investment, export, import, international sanctions


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UDC 327    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-4/54-67

Sergey V. SEVASTIANOV, Artyom L. LUKIN, Sergey O. SHISHMAKOV   Diplomacy of Putin and Abe: prospects for political settlement of the Russian – Japanese relations

In this article, the authors trace the recent improvement of bilateral ties between RF and Japan that, according to their view, was largely due to Russian President Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Abe’s strategic vision, high political aspirations and mutual trust. A thorough assessment of significant changes in their positions on the territorial problem during the last two years has been undertaken. Based on that an attempt is made to evaluate whether (in adverse geopolitical conditions in the world and the Asia-Pacific region) the achieved relatively high level of bilateral relationship is sufficient to solve a long-overdue territorial dispute in two recent years. According to the authors, there is still an ample possibility that the genuine hopes of Putin and Abe to solve the territorial dispute by the year 2021 could be fulfilled. However, signing of a Peace Treaty during the next two – three years is not historically predetermined, while Abe’s successor may have different strategic priorities.

Key words: personal features and mutual trust of President Putin and Prime Minister Abe, territorial dispute between Japan and Russia, the 1956 Joint declaration


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13.       Sevastyanov S. Hopes and Realities in Relations Between Russia and Japan: Is a Breakthrough Possible? // East Asia: An International Quarterly. 2017. Vol. 34. No. 1. Pp. 39-62.

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UDC 339.92   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-4/68-80

Valentin I. VOLOSHCHAK, Artyom L. LUKIN   Cooperation between Russia and South Korea as Part of ROK’s New Northern Policy: Preliminary Outcomes

The article explores the current state and the problems of economic cooperation between Russia and Republic of Korea as part of Moon Jae-in administration’s New Northern Policy. The authors provide a brief overview of New Northern Policy formation process and offer an analysis of specific areas of bilateral cooperation widely known as Nine Bridges. Although a number of internal and external problems still remain, the authors consider trade and economic interaction as forward-looking. Within the context of unfolding inter-Korean political dialogue, Russia-DPRK-ROK trilateral projects are now becoming especially relevant. Thus, elevating ties with Russia is interesting for South Korea not only in terms of trade diversification, but also in view of Russia’s positive role in the settlement of the Korean conflict.

Key words: New Northern Policy, Republic of Korea, Russia, cooperation, Nine Bridges, DPRK, Moon Jae-in


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UDC 327.7    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-4/81-93

Semyon A. KOROTICH, Victoria A. DENISENKO, Sophia A. PERMIAKOVA   Transformation of Education in APEC in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

On the backdrop of contemporary processes, related to development and introduction of digital technologies, one could witness formation of the new technological pattern, called the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). The article is aimed at discovering emerging trends in the sphere of education development brought by the 4IR and their effects on the member-economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. The work consecutively describes the impacts of the 4IR on regional processes, especially in the sphere of human resources development, analyzes current international legal and regulatory frameworks related to education development, and highlights the key trends substantiating them with examples of projects aimed at certain aspects of digital transformation of education in the APEC member-economies.

Key words: Fourth Industrial Revolution, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, digital transformation, human resources development, education technologies, education innovations.


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17.       The Asia-Pacific Regional Strategy on Using ICT to Facilitate the Achievement of Education 2030. Seoul, Republic of Korea, 11-12 May 2017 [E`lektronny`j dokument] // UNESCO Bangkok - Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education Official Web-Site. URL: https://bangkok.unesco.org/sites/default/files/assets/article/ICT%20in%20Education/files/amfie-2017asia-pacific-regional-strategy.pdf (Data obrashheniya: 16.11.2018)

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UDC [502.1+379.851]:327(510+470)   doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-4/94-112

Galina V. KONDRATENKO   Cross-Border Tourism: Prospects and Challenges of Russian-Chinese Cooperation

The article highlights the problems and opportunities for crossborder cooperation in border tourism between Russia and China. The development of the tourism sector in Russia and in China reflects the strategies of economic transformation in both countries. Russia is characterized by a project-cluster approach and the development of a special federal targeted program, and the main goal is to increase the tourist flow. In China, the renewal of the tourism industry in the north-east of the country is included in the plans for the revival of the old-industrial base of Northeast China, and the development of tourism is closely related to the growth in the services sector and employment expansion. The analysis of multi-level tourism development strategies and joint documents signed in the field of humanitarian cooperation between Russia and China shows a number of interrelated problems that often go beyond the framework of bilateral cooperation and provide opportunities for the development of new areas of interaction. The rapprochement of the regional agendas of Moscow and Beijing can lead to the formation of a single «tourist space», the emergence of a common «cross-border tourism economy» and the transition of humanitarian cooperation between the two countries to a new level.

Key words: tourism industry, ecotourism, macro-region, tourist and recreational clusters, the Far East of Russia, Northeast China


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UDC 327    doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-4/112-117

Aleksandr N. SBOEV   Dialect words in Chinese Internet communication

This article presents some new trends in the development of Chinese Internet language and particularly highlights extensive usage of dialect words in Internet communication. Using the materials of several Chinese dictionaries of Internet words and Internet words collections, the author provides the classification of dialecticisms in Chinese Internet communication. The classification is based on dialect words’ usage and forms of writing. In addition, the article is an attempt to research precedent statements of modern Chinese language in general, and Chinese Internet communication language in particular, which include dialect words, and also to provide examples of foreign borrowings that have penetrated into Internet communication through dialects. The analysis allows to demonstrate the diversity of the types of dialect words used in the modern Chinese Internet communication, and also to shape questions requiring further study.

Key words: Internet communication, Internet vocabulary, Chinese dialects, dialect words, Mandarin, precedent statements, loanwords


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12.       徐朝晖. 当代流行语研究 / 徐朝晖. – 广州: 暨南大学出版社, 2013. – 202页.

Syuj Chzhaoxue`j. Issledovanie sovremenny`x modny`x slov / Chzhaoxue`j Syuj. – Guanchzhou: Izd-vo Czzinan`skogo universiteta, 2013. – 202 s.

13.       张云辉. 网络语言语法与语用研究 / 张云辉. – 上海: 学林出版社, 2010. – 257页.

Chzhan Yun`xue`j. Issledovanie grammatiki i pragmatiki internet-yazy`ka / Yun`xue`j Chzhan. – Shanxaj: Syue`lin` chuban`she`, 2010. – 257 s.



doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-4/119-127

Ivan Yu. ZUENKO   Football as a National Idea: Chinese Dream

The report gives an overview of football development as «No. 1 sport #1» in China. The focus is put on a mismatch of China’s achievements in football and socio-economic development. This mismatch, obvious for observers, coupled with the popularity of football among the country’s leadership, poses an ambitious challenge for China – to become a competitive force in world football. However, the author is rather skeptical towards China’s perspectives. ‘The catch-up modernization’ by administrative measures is ineffective compared to practices in Western-style professional sport. And a protectionist policy towards local players makes them uncompetitive on international level.

Key words: China, football, soccer, World Cup, professional sport, modernization


1.         Zuenko I.Yu. Pochemu Kitaj nikogda ne stanet chempionom mira po futbolu // Moskovskij centr Karnegi. [E`lektronny`j resurs] URL: https://carnegie.ru/commentary/76584 (data obrashheniya: 27.11.18)

2.         Zuenko I.Yu. Stanovlenie i razvitie professional`nogo futbola v KNR // Izvestiya Vostochnogo instituta, 2011. № 2. S. 54-67.

3.         Ivanov G. Futbol v stile kung-fu // Profil`. 22.01.2017.

4.         Poroshin I. Igra na milliard. Zachem Kitaj stal velikoj futbol`noj derzhavoj // Moskovskij centr Karnegi.  [E`lektronny`j resurs] URL: https://carnegie.ru/commentary/63147 (data obrashheniya: 27.11.18)

5.         Trinadczat` kitajskix klubov mogut isklyuchit` iz chempionata // Sportboks. [E`lektronny`j resurs]   URL: https://news.sportbox.ru/Vidy_sporta/Futbol/spbnews_NI764525_13_kitajskih_klubov_mogut_iskluchit_iz_chempionata_Serjezno (data obrashheniya: 27.11.18)

6.         Chempionat tret`ego mira // Gazeta.ru. [E`lektronny`j resurs] URL: gazeta.ru/sport/2017/01/10/a_10469807.shtml (data obrashheniya: 27.11.18)

7.         Buckley C. President Xi’s Great Chinese Soccer Dream // The New York Times. 01.04.2017.

8.         Carlos Tevez: Chinese players aren’t skilled and even in 50 years won’t compete // The Guardian. 21.09.2017.

9.         China’s Football Dream (edited by J. Sullivan). Nottingham: University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute. 2017. 215 p. [E`lektronny`j resurs] URL:

https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/asiaresearch/documents/cso-ebook.pdf (data obrashheniya: 27.11.18)

10.       Yang Shuo, Leng Tangyun, Zheng Fang. An Economic History of Professional Soccer in China: 1994-2016. [E`lektronny`j resurs] URL:www.researchgate.net/publication/310037292_An_economic_history_of_Chinese_football_1994_-_2016 (data obrashheniya: 27.11.18)

11.       独家:习近平出访英国前接受路透采访的问答全文(Interv`yu Si Czzin`pina agentstvu «Rejters» pered vizitom v Velikobritaniyu) // Reuters. [E`lektronny`j resurs] URL: https://cn.reuters.com/article/exclusive-xinhua-idCNKCS0SC0RO20151018 (data obrashheniya: 27.11.18)

12.       足球产业,“热启动”后更需持久 (Neobxodimo vy`derzhat` proverku «lixoradkoj» futbol`noj industrii) // Zhe`n`min`zhibao. [E`lektronny`j resurs] URL: http://sports.people.com.cn/n1/2016/1218/c14820-28957628.html (data obrashheniya: 27.11.18)


doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-4/128-139

Marina P. KUKLA   Pyongyang, Juche 107

September 24–28, 2018 the author visited Pyongyang, DPRK, and took part in the International Scientific Conference «Development of Science and Improvement of Human Welfare», hosted by the Kim Il Sung University. This was the author’s second visit to the DPRK capital. The previous one took place in May 2015. In November 2018 the author also made a short trip to Rajin as a member of the FEFU delegation. The author shares her impressions about the current trip to Pyongyang as compared to her other visits to DPRK focusing on trends in the science sphere and socio-economic processes in North Korea.

Key words: DPRK, Pyongyang, travel notes, Kim Il Sung University, DPRK science policy, socio-economic processes in DPRK


1. V chest’ 70‑letiya obrazovaniya KNDR v Pkhen’yane ustroili masshtabnoe shou [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Pervyj kanal [sajt]. URL https://www.1tv.ru/news/2018-09-10/352026-v_chest_70_letiya_obrazovaniya_kndr_v_phenyane_ustroili_masshtabnoe_shou (Data obrashheniya: 08.12.2019).

2. Kir’yanov O. Kakie podarki poluchali lidery Severnoj Korei. (EHlektronnyj resurs) // Internet-portal «Rossijskoj gazety». URL https://rg.ru/2015/05/27/muzei-site.html (Data obrashheniya: 12.12.2018).

3. 김일성종합대학학보 = Nauchnyj zhurnal Universiteta im. Kim Ir Sena [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Sajt universiteta im. Kim Ir Sena (na kor. yazyke) URL http://www.ryongnamsan.edu.kp/univ/pub/journal?pub_year=2018&section=력사,법률 (Data obrashheniya: 18.12.2019).

4. 김일성종합대학 국제학술토론회-2018 진행 // 로동신문, 28.09.2018, 4 면 = V Universitete im. Kim Ir Sena proshla mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya-2018 // «Gazeta Trud» («Rodon sinmun»), 28.09.2018. S. 4.

5. 김일성종합대학 국제학술토론회-2018 진행 = V Universitete im. Kim Ir Sena proshla mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya-2018 [EHlektronnyj resurs] // Rezhim dostupa: http://www.ryongnamsan. edu.kp/univ/international/scholar/30 (Data obrashheniya: 20.12.2018).

6. 조선인민의 최고령도자 김정은각하 // 로동신문, 28.09.2018, 1면 =Glubokouvazhaemyj rukovoditel’ korejskogo naroda Kim CHen Yn // «Gazeta Trud» («Rodon sinmun»), 28.09.2018. S. 1.s.




doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2018-4/140-143

Tamara G. TROYAKOVA   Book Review: «Roads of Destiny. To Eightieth Anniversary of Korean Russians Deportation. Abstractor Tatyana Kim»


Dorogi sud’by. K 80-letiyu deportatsii rossijskikh korejtsev / Sost. T. N. Kim. Seul: ASIA Publishers, 2016 – 206 s.