Oriental Institute Journal, 2019, №41 (1)

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UDC 94(100)«1914/19» doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2019-1/6-20

Vadim L. AGAPOV World War I and the Press. Part 1. The experience of England, Germany, France and European Russia

The article deals with the coverage of the initial stage of the First World War in the press of the main belligerent countries: Great Britain, Germany, Russia, and France. The sources are Russian journals of the war period (“Vestnik Evropy” and “Russkoye bogatstvo”), memoirs and diaries of contemporaries and participants of the war (N.N. and P. N. Wrangel, A. I. Denikin, T. L. Sukhotina-Tolstaya and others), as well as studies by Russian and foreign authors (A. F. Berezhnoy, G. V. Zhirkov, F. Knightley, M. Hastings, etc.). The main attention is drawn to the discrepancy between the real events of the war and its idealized image that was formed in the periodical press. It is concluded that one of the reasons for this, in addition to military censorship, lies in the attitudes of European and Russian political circles and intellectuals, who associated with the war hopes for the resolution of all the problems facing the society.

Key words: World War I, England, Germany, France, Russia, intellectuals, propaganda, periodical press


  1. Ajrapetov O.R. Uchastie Rossijskoj imperii v Pervoj mirovoj vojne (1914–1917). Tom 1. 1914 god. Nachalo. M. : Kuchkovo pole. 2014. 640 s.
  2. Arsen`ev K.K. Istoricheskie paralleli // Vestnik Evropy`. 1914. № 8. S. 424–428.
  3. Berezhnoj A.F. Russkaya legal`naya pechat` v gody` pervoj mirovoj vojny` : monografiya. L. : Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1975. 152 s.
  4. Buldakov V.P. Mirovaya vojna i demoralizaciya «Svyatoj Rusi» 1914−1916 gg. // Dal`nij Vostok Rossii i strany` Vostochnoj Azii nakanune i v gody` Pervoj mirovoj vojny`. Vladivostok, 2016. S. 18–31.
  5. Bukalova S.V. Pravoslavnaya pechat` o prichinax Pervoj mirovoj vojny` (po materialam «Orlovskix eparxial`ny`x vedomostej») // Pervaya mirovaya vojna: vzglyad spustya stoletie. M., 2011. S. 345–348.
  6. Vrangel` N.N. Dni skorbi. Dnevniki 1914–1915 gg. SPb. : Zhurnal «Neva», «Letnij sad», 2001. 320 s.
  7. Vrangel` P. Zapiski. Noyabr` 1916 – noyabr` 1920 g. T. 1. Minsk : Xarvest, 2002. 480 s.
  8. Golovin N.N. Rossiya v Pervoj mirovoj vojne. M. : Veche, 2006. 528 s.
  9. Denikin A.I. Put` russkogo oficera. M. : Izdatel`stvo «Vagrius», 2002. 640 s.
  10. Zhilkin I. Provincial`noe obozrenie // Vestnik Evropy`. 1914. № 9. S. 333–342.
  11. Zhirkov G.V. Vojna 1914–1918 gg. kak pervaya mirovaya informacionnaya vojna // Zhurnalistika XXI veka: istoricheskij opy`t i sovremennoe razvitie. Vladikavkaz, 2015. S. 33–58.
  12. Zhirkov G.V. Zhurnalistika Rossii: ot zolotogo veka do tragedii. 1900–1918 gg. Izhevsk, 2014.
  13. Inostrannoe obozrenie // Vestnik Evropy`. 1914. № 8. S. 387–407.
  14. Inostrannoe obozrenie // Vestnik Evropy`. 1914. № 10. S. 340–352.
  15. Kareev N.I. V nedavnem plenu u germancev // Russkie zapiski. 1915. № 1. S. 89–103.
  16. Kigan Dzh. Pervaya mirovaya vojna (per. s angl.). M. : OOO «Izdatel`stvo AST», 2002. 576 s.
  17. Kuz`min-Karavaev V. Voprosy` vnutrennej zhizni // Vestnik Evropy`. 1914. № 9. S. 369–379.
  18. Kuz`min-Karavaev V. Voprosy` vnutrennej zhizni // Vestnik Evropy`. 1916. № 1. S. 412–428.
  19. Lenin V.I. Socializm i vojna // Lenin V.I. Pol. sob. soch. 5-e izd. T. 26. S. 307–350.
  20. Majskij V. Germaniya vo vremya vojny` // Russkie zapiski. 1915. № 1. S. 266–291.
  21. Manujlov A.A. Finansirovanie vojny` // Velikaya zaby`taya vojna. M. : Yauza; E`ksmo, 2009. S. 447–488.
  22. Markov O.D. Russkaya armiya 1914–1917. SPb. : Izdatel`stvo «Galeya Print», 2001. 160 s.
  23. Mokievskij P. Vil`gel`m Vundt o «zakonnoj vojne» // Russkie zapiski. 1915. № 1. S. 291–299.
  24. Nelipovich S.N. Brusilovskij prory`v. Nastuplenie Yugo-Zapadnogo fronta v kampaniyu 1916 goda. M. : Cejxgauz, 2006. 48 s.
  25. Obzor voenny`x soby`tij // Vestnik Evropy`. 1914. № 9. S. 379–384.
  26. Oliger N. Na vojne (kartiny` i my`sli) // Vestnik Evropy`. 1916. № 6. S. 171–199.
  27. Os`kin M.V. Galicijskaya bitva. Avgust 1914. M. : Cejxgauz, 2006. 48 s.
  28. Os`kin M.V. Russkij soldat v okopax Pervoj mirovoj. M. : Veche, 2018. 368 s.
  29. Os`kin M.V. Shturm Karpat. Zima 1915 goda. M. : Cejxgauz, 2007. 48 s.
  30. Pervaya mirovaya vojna v ocenke sovremennikov: vlast` i rossijskoe obshhestvo. 1914–1918 gg. V 4-x tt. M. : Politicheskaya e`nciklopediya, 2014. T. 3. Liberal`ny`j vzglyad na vojnu : cherez katastrofu k vozrozhdeniyu / Otv. red. S.V. Sheloxaev. 543 s.
  31. Pokrovskij M.N. Predislovie // Soldatskie pis`ma 1917 goda. M.-L. : Gosudarstvennoe izdatel`stvo, 1927. S. 5–14.
  32. Ryol` Dzhon K.G. Vil`gel`m II Germanskij imperator (1888–1918) // Shindling A., Cigler V. Kajzery`. Rostov-na-Donu : «Feniks», 1997. S. 510–538.
  33. Rozental` I.S. Obrazovannoe obshhestvo i narod // Rossiya v gody` Pervoj mirovoj vojny`: e`konomicheskoe polozhenie, social`ny`e processy`, politicheskij krizis. M. : Politicheskaya e`nciklopediya, 2014. S. 399–423.
  34. Svechin A.A. Obshhij obzor suxoputny`x operacij // Velikaya zaby`taya vojna. M., 2009. S. 5–179.
  35. Semenov G.M. O sebe: Vospominaniya, my`sli i vy`vody`. M. : OOO «Izdatel`stvo AST», 2002. 384 s.
  36. Suxotina-Tolstaya T.L. Dnevnik. M. : Sovremennik, 1979. 559 s., il.
  37. Sy`tin I.D. Stranicy perezhitogo // Zhizn` dlya knigi. M. : Kniga, 1985.
  38. Takman B. Pervy`j bliczkrig. Avgust 1914. M. : OOO «Firma “Izdatel`stvo AST”»; SPb. : Terra Fantastica, 1999. S. 640 s.
  39. Xejstings M. Pervaya mirovaya vojna: Katastrofa 1914 goda (per. s angl.). M. : Al`pina non-fikshn, 2017. 604 s.
  40. Xolodov V.A. Pervaya mirovaya vojna v vospriyatii naseleniya Orlovskoj gubernii (po danny`m orlovskoj pressy`) // Ucheny`e zapiski Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarny`e i social`ny`e nauki. 2010. № 3–1. S. S. 123–131.
  41. Sheloxaev V.V., Solov`ev K.A. Rossijskie liberaly` o Pervoj mirovoj vojne // Novejshaya istoriya Rossii. 2014. № 3(11). S. 184–196.
  42. Knightley Ph. The first casualty: From the Crimea to Vietnam: The War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist and Myth Maker. New York and London : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975. 466 p.
  43. The history of The Times. Vol. IV. The 150th anniversary and beyond. 1912–1948. Part I. 1912–1920. London : Printing house square, 1952. P. 228.
  44. Tompson J. Verdun og Somme. I tekst og bilder. Carlton books, Soul Media, 2008. 66 p.
  45. World war I // Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago-London-Toronto, 1945. Vol. 23. P. 748–792.

UDC 94(571.6)+332.146 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2019-1/21-36

Aleksey A. ILLARIONOV Strengthening of Transport Links in the Amur River Basin in the second half of the 19th – early 20th Century: the Factor of Public-Private Partnership

The article is devoted to the role of public-private partnership (PPP) in the transport development of the South of the Far East at the initial stage of the colonization of the region by Russians (the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century). The subject of the work is PPP as one of the factors of colonization of the Amur region. The attention of the author is focused on various organizational forms of partnership between the public and private sectors in the transport development of the Far East. The specific conditions of the region, such as transport distance and border position, caused extraordinary practices (administrative, economic) development of the territory. Applying a comparative historical method and system analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that PPPs, including concession agreements, had an exclusive role in securing Russia with new territories where ordinary market and administrative decisions either did not work or did not have the necessary effect.

Key words: public-private partnership, state, Amur river basin, water transport, region, joint-stock company, concession


  1. Alepko, A. V. Zarubezhny`j kapital i predprinimatel`stvo na Dal`nem Vostoke (konecz XVIII v.– 1917 g.). – Xabarovsk: Izd-vo Xabar. gos. ped. un-ta, 2001. – 334 s.
  2. Vasil`ev S.A. Sxema putej Dal`nego Vostoka. – SPb., 1913. – S. 15.
  3. Volegov S.V. O razvitii dorozhnoj seti v Priamur`e v nachale XX v. // Istoricheskij opy`t osvoeniya Dal`nego Vostoka. – Blagoveshhensk, 2000. Vy`p. 3. – S. 175.
  4. Vy`sokov, M. S. Ocherki istorii svyazi na Dal`nem Vostoke (30-e gg. XVIII - nachalo XX v.). – Yuzhno-Saxalinsk: IMGIG, 1985. – 85 s.
  5. Gallyamova, L. I. Dal`nevostochny`e rabochie Rossii vo vtoroj polovine XIX – nachale XX v. – Vladivostok: Dal`nauka, 2000. – 309 s.
  6. Zhurnal Osobogo mezhduvedomstvennogo dorozhnogo soveshhaniya pri Priamurskom general-gubernatore. 1915. – Xabarovsk: B.i., 1916. – 47 s.
  7. Zuev V.F. Nesostoyavshiesya zheleznodorozhny`e proekty`. // KVZhD i ee vliyanie na razvitie politicheskix, social`no-e`konomicheskix i kul`turny`x processov v Severo-Vostochnoj Azii. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferenciya: tezisy` dokladov i soobshhenij. – Vladivostok, 1997. – S.113.
  8. Kabanov, P. I. Amurskij vopros. – Blagoveshhensk, Amurskoe kn. izd-vo, 1959. – 256 s.
  9. Nikol`skaya, V. V. Dal`nij Vostok. Ocherk prirody` yuzhnoj poloviny` Dal`nego Vostoka. – M.: Geografgiz, 1962. – 215 s.
  10. Protokoly` mezhduvedomstvenny`x soveshhanij s uchastiem predstavitelej torgovli, promy`shlennosti, gorodskix i obshhestvenny`x organizacij Amurskoj oblasti po voprosam, svyazanny`m s razvitiem transporta gruzov po rekam Amurskogo bassejna v predpolozhenii osushhestvleniya meropriyatij, namechenny`x Amurskoj e`kspediciej. Vy`p. VII. 17 i 22 noyabrya 1911 g. // GAPK, nauchno-spravochnaya biblioteka. – S. 2, 6.
  11. Sergeev, O. I. Kazachestvo na russkom Dal`nem Vostoke v XVII–XIX vv. – M.: Nauka, 1983. – 127 s.
  12. Troiczkaya, N. A. Uchastie burzhuazii Evropejskoj Rossii v osvoenii Dal`nego Vostoka v period domonopolisticheskogo kapitalizma // Xozyajstvennoe osvoenie russkogo Dal`nego Vostoka v e`poxu kapitalizma: Sb. nauch. tr. / Pod obshh. red. A.I. Krushanova.– Vladivostok: DVO AN SSSR, 1989 – S. 129–134.
  13. Trudy` komandirovannoj po vy`sochajshemu poveleniyu Amurskoj e`kspedicii. Vy`p. XII. Obshhij otchyot dorozhnogo otryada. T. 1. Vodny`e puti / Sost. P. P. Chubinskij. – SPb.: B.i., 1913. – 706 s.


UDC 82-3(470+519.3) doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2019-1/37-45

Irina V. SOKOLOVA Features of the Reception of a Literary Text in a Foreign Language Audience: an Experience of Comparative Analysis

The paper highlights the features of the reception of a literary text in a foreign language audience: factors of a socio-historical nature (epoch, type of national culture, features of the literary process); cultural and linguistic factors (creative individuality of the author, style, literary norms and codes, traditions); context of the recipient’s life (age, personal qualities, life experience, amount of his/her knowledge, social, intellectual and emotional potential, ability to self interpret the literary work). Using the works of Russian, Japanese and Chinese writers as examples, the ethnocultural aspects are studied in connection with the theme of love, the originality of author’s position, the artistic methods of creating a figurative system of stories, namely: the self-reflection by the character, the principle of pairing in the system of images, the narrative structure specifics, the semantics of names, the chronotope, the motiverelated arrangement of the main theme.

Key words: reception, interpretation of a literary work, contemporary literature, genre of the story, intercultural communication, author and character, narrative structure of the text, dialogue, reflection


  1. Kazakov Yu. Dvoe v dekabre//Kazakov Yu. Rasskazy`. M.: Izvestiya. 1983. - S. 320-329.
  2. Krasny`e tufel`ki. Sbornik proizvedenij molody`x kitajskix pisatelej: Per. s kit. yaz. / Otv. red. A.A. Rodionov; Sost. N.N. Vlasova, I.A. Egorov, A.A. Rodionov. SPb.: Institut Konfuciya v SPbGU, KARO, 2014. 368 s.
  3. Miyamoto Te`ru. Sobaki v razgar leta. Rasskazy` i povest`. Per. s yap. M.G. Zhanczanovoj. M.: Izdatel`skaya firma «Vostochnaya literatura» RAN, 2000. 144 s.
  4. Mnogo dobra, malo zla. Kitajskaya proza koncza XX – nachala XXI veka: Per. s kit. yaz. / Sost.: A.A. Rodionov, N.N. Vlasova, I.A. Egorov. SPb.: Institut Konfuciya v SPbGU, KARO, 2013. 464 s.
  5. Sorok tret`ya stranicza. Kitajskaya proza XXI veka: Per. s kit. yaz. / Sost.: A.A. Rodionov, N.A. Speshnev. SPb.: KARO, 2011. 432 s.
  6. Syuj Kun`. Kuxnya// Sovremennaya kitajskaya proza. Bagrovoe oblako: antologiya, sostavlennaya Soyuzom kitajskix pisatelej – M.: AST; SPb.: Astrel`-SPb, 2007. – S. 399-425.



UDC 323.2 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2019-1/46-55

Marina S. TANTSURA, Aleksandra A. SADOVNIKOVA Study of Network Activity as an Instrument of Political Mobilization of Youth (on the Example of Anti-Corruption Rallies on March 26, 2017)

The problem of network activity of youth has become particularly relevant in recent years, when the space of Russian politics has acquired stable virtual characteristics. The practice of mobilizing young people, bringing them out of the virtual space to offline is a fairly new phenomenon for Russian politics that requires close attention. The paper reflects the results of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the content of social networks in the period from 02.03.2017 to 15.04.2017 using the social media monitoring program “IQBuzz”. The obtained data allowed drawing conclusions about some features of the Russian network communication space. The use of the IQBuzz system allowed us to create a complete picture of the network reaction of political protest. The authors also consider the state reaction to network protest activity.

Key words: Internet, Internet technologies, political participation, political activity, Internet activity, network activity, rally


  1. Bell, D. Social`ny`e ramki informacionnogo obshhestva/ D. Bell // Novaya texnokraticheskaya volna na Zapade. M.: Progress, 1986. S.330-342.
  2. Il`in, A.A. Internet-real`nost` kak social`naya aktual`naya i virtual`naya real`nosti / A.A. Il`in // Social`naya politika i sociologiya. 2009. №2. S.304-310.
  3. Kazhdomu vozrastu – svoi seti [E`lektronny`j dokument]. VCIOM. Press vy`pusk. URL: https://wciom.ru/index.php?id=236&uid=116691 (Data poseshheniya: 2.10.2018).
  4. Karpova, A.Yu. Informacionnaya anomiya v politicheskoj kommunikacii / A.Yu. Karpova // Avtoref. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni doktora sociologicheskix nauk. M. 2017. Rezhim dostupa: https://mgimo.ru/upload/diss/2017/avtoreferat-karpova-au.pdf (Data obrashheniya: 19.01.2017).
  5. Kreml` na razvilke: kakovy` posledstviya protestny`x akcij po vsej Rossii / E. Kuzneczova, V. Dergachev, A. Gavrilko-Alekseev [E`lektronny`j dokument]. Ezhednevnaya delovaya gazeta RBK. URL: https://www.rbc.ru/politics/26/03/2017/58d7c6f39a7947448a1a3f45 (Data poseshheniya: 11.11.2018).
  6. Masuda, I. Informacionnoe obshhestvo kak postindustrial`noe obshhestvo / I. Masuda. M., 1997. 587s.
  7. On vam ne Dimon. [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Kanal Yotube. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrwlk7_GF9g (Data poseshheniya: 11.10.2018).
  8. Orexanov, Serafim. Politizaciya mema. Kak izmenilas` rol` soczsetej v rossijskoj politike [E`lektronny`j dokument] // Moskovskij centr Karnegi. URL: https://carnegie.ru/commentary/68620 (Data poseshheniya: 11.10.2018).
  9. Pavlyutenkova M.Yu. Informacionno-kommunikacionny`e texnologi sozdaniya politicheskoj mediareal`nosti v Rossii/ M.Yu.Pavlyutenkova, E.A. Markova // Problemy` postsovetskogo prostranstva. 2017. №2. S. 137-147.
  10. Sistema monitoringa social`ny`x media i SMI. [E`lektronny`j dokument]. URL: http://iqbuzz.pro/ (data obrashheniya: 11.04.2017).
  11. Toffler, E`. Tret`ya volna. M.: ACT. 2002. 784 s.; Bell D. Social`ny`e ramki informacionnogo obshhestva / E`. Toffler// Novaya texnokraticheskaya volna na Zapade. M.: Progress, 1986. S.330-342.


UDC 332.145(520) doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2019-1/56-62

Inna Yu. NAUMOVA Budgetary Mechanism of the Regional Socio-Economic Development in Japan (Hokkaido Prefecture)

The following article analyses the structure of budget financing of the territorial development of Japan on the example of Hokkaido, a region that needs additional incentives and assistance from the central government. Special attention is paid to the main directions of current and strategic plans of the socio-economic development of Hokkaido. The article highlights the hierarchy of budgetary instruments and mechanisms applied at the national and local levels, priorities of budgetary regulation. In particular, the article indicates the main directions of the Hokkaido Comprehensive Development Plan, promoting the improvement of rivers, roads, ports, airports, agriculture and fisheries in Hokkaido, as well as urban planning, housing, the construction industry and the maintenance of government buildings. The features of the structure of income and expenditure budget of the Hokkaido government are also highlighted.

Key words: regional planning, Japan, Hokkaido, territorial socio-economic development, budgetary financing


  1. 平成30年度予算 [Электронный документ] // 財務省 = Бюджет 2018 г. // Официальный сайт Министерства финансов Японии URL https://www.mof.go.jp/budget/budger_workflow/budget/fy2018/index.html (Дата обращения: 04.12.2018).
  2. 平 成 31 年 度北海道局関係予算概算要求概要 [Электронный документ] // 国道交通省 = Обзор бюджетных требований на 2019 г. по линии Бюро развития Хоккайдо // Официальный сайт Министерства национальных земель, инфраструктуры, транспорта и туризма Японии) URL http://www.mlit.go.jp/common/001250787.pdf (Дата обращения: 04.12.2018).
  3. 北海道総合開発計画の推進について [Электронный документ] // 国道交通省 = Продвижение Плана комплексного развития Хоккайдо // Официальный сайт Министерства национальных земель, инфраструктуры, транспорта и туризма Японии) URL http://www.mlit.go.jp/common/001189808.pdf (Дата обращения: 04.12.2018).
  4. 平成30年度予算のポイント[Электронный документ] // 北海道庁 = Основные положения Бюджета 2018 г. // Официальный сайт Губернаторства Хоккайдо) URL http://www.pref.hokkaido.lg.jp/sm/zsi/h30yosangaiyou/30-pointokara18p.pdf (Дата обращения: 04.12.2018).
  5. 平成30年度総合政策部の予算 [Электронный документ] // 北海道庁 = Бюджет Отдела комплексной политики 2018 г. // Официальный сайт Губернаторства Хоккайдо) URL http://www.pref.hokkaido.lg.jp/ss/sum/gaiyou/sesakugaiyou/H30sesakugaiyou4.pdf (Дата обращения: 04.12.2018).


UDC 332.122.66:339.92 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2019-1/63-68

Leonid E. KOZLOV Historical Analysis of the Experience and Prerequisites for the International Integration of Peripheral Regions

This article presents the results of the historical review of the international integration of several peripheral regions, which was conducted in the framework of the research project “The Impact of Regional Policy on the International Integration of Peripheral Territories”. The methodological basis was the theory of the center and periphery of John Friedmann. The Russian regions bordering Mongolia, China, Japan, Norway and Finland, as well as the border regions of the USA and Canada, the USA and Mexico were analyzed. On the basis of these cases, we concluded that the integration of peripheral border regions goes through four stages: 1) the border is controlled by the core, then barter trade occurs at the border, smuggling is also possible; 2) trade for money, the development of commodity-money relations, wholesale trade, including longterm, multi-year contracts; 3) in addition to trade, labor migration is developing; 4) cross-border investment in production, in banks and other financial institutions.

Key words: international integration, center – periphery, border region, Far East, Northeast Asia


  1. Kajbicheva Е. I. Takaya mnogolikaya periferiya, ili K voprosu o tipologii periferijnyh regionov // Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta. 2017. № 7. S. 23-29.
  2. Friedmann, John. A general theory of polarized development / The Ford Foundation. Urban and regional advisory program in Chile. Santiago, 1967. 78 p.
  3. Friedmann, John. Regional development policy: a case study of Venezuela / John Friedmann. Cambridge; Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1966. 279 p.
  4. Tolstoguzov O. V. Tipologiya periferijnyh regionov i osobennosti granichnoj periferii Severo-Zapada Rossii // Regional'naya ekonomika: teoriya i praktika. 2010. № 47. S. 6-13.
  5. Kolesnikov N. G. Prigranichnost' i periferijnost' kak faktory ekonomicheskogo razvitiya regiona // Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka. 2012. № 3. S. 117-120.
  6. Morachevskaya K. A. Prigranichnost' i periferijnost' kak faktory razvitiya prigranichnyh s Belorussiej regionov Rossii: avtoref. dis. ... kand. geogr. nauk. M., 2013. 22 s.



UDC 092+930.2 doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2019-1/69-81

Sergey Yu. VRADIY Old Korean Printed Books in the FEB RAS Library

The collection of rare books of the Central Scientific Library at the Far-Eastern branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, (FEB RAS) preserves four Korean xylographs written in Chinese language. The author, touching upon the formation history of the Oriental Institute library in Vladivostok which became the basis of book collection of the Far-Eastern State University and FEB RAS Central Library, describes several Korean old printed books, suggesting the source and timing of these rare xylographs’ arrival to the Oriental Institute library. The rare books Pyongyang Review 平壤志 and Royal Protocol of the Grand Banquet 進饌儀軌, are described in details, concerning the publication’s form and size, peculiarities of its paper and cover, numbers of its volumes and leaves, and the written colophon. On the book cover there are handwritten notes made by its previous owner, military Poruchik Nikita Kuzmin, who acquired these books at the end of the 19th century in Korea and later gifted them to the Library. The books deal with the official lives of Korea, related to the country’s history, geography, and state


Key words: Oriental Institute in Vladivostok, Korean block-print, Kuzmin N. D.


  1. Aziatskij Muzej – Institut vostochny`x rukopisej RAN: putevoditel` / In-t vostochny`x rukopisej RAN (Aziatskij Muzej); otv. red. I. F. Popova. – M.: Izd-vo vostochnoj literatury`, 2018. 895 s.
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  9. Malyavina L. S. Korejskij (Internacional`ny`j) pedagogicheskij institut vo Vladivostoke: ot sozdaniya do vy`seleniya (1931–1937 gg.) // Nauchny`j dialog. 2016. № 3 (51). S. 195–208.
  10. Marakuev A. V. Katalog kitajskix rukopisej v Biblioteke DV Otdeleniya AN SSSR / Sost. docz. A. V. Marakuev. – Vladivostok: Izd-vo DVO AN SSSR, 1932. 34 s.
  11. Petrova O. P. Opisanie pis`menny`x pamyatnikov korejskoj kul`tury`. Vy`p. 1 / Otv. red. D. I. Tixonov. – M.-L.: Izd-vo Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1956. 80 c.
  12. Radishauskajte N. V. «Dlya pol`zy` dorogogo otechestva…». O pervom uchebnike korejskogo yazy`ka i ego sostavitele // Slovesnicza iskusstv. 2017. № 2 (40). S. 66–73.
  13. Simbirceva T. M. Vlady`ki staroj Korei. – M.: RGGU, 2012. 640 s.
  14. Trocevich A. F., Gur`eva A. A. Opisanie pis`menny`x pamyatnikov korejskoj tradicionnoj kul`tury`. Vy`p. I: Korejskie pis`menny`e pamyatniki v fonde kitajskix ksilografov vostochnogo otdela Nauchnoj biblioteki Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – SPb.: Izd-vo S.-PbGU, 2007. 300 s.
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doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2019-1/82-94

Ivan Yu. ZUENKO The Republic’s Elder Son: how Northeast China Ceased to be Chinese Football Leading Force

The author continues his series of articles about development of mass and professional sport in China. In the second article the author puts sport topic in the context of two processes, which are important for understanding modern China: first, the evolution of Northeast China (Manchuria) that during People’s Republic of China 70-years-existence made its way from being most developed and successful region to becoming a periphery; secondly, the decentralization in China that still exists not only in economy but in other spheres of society as well – including sport. History shows that till beginning of 2000s Northeast China was a leading force in Chinese football with most successful clubs in Shenyang and Dalian. Even now, when economical stagnation began to affect professional sport, football achievements of Northeast China still appear to be unbeaten.

Key words: China, football, professional sport, North-East China, decentralization, regionalism


  1. Zuenko I. Yu. Pochemu Kitaj nikogda ne stanet chempionom mira po futbolu [E`lektronny`j resurs] // Moskovskij centr Karnegi. URL: https://carnegie.ru/commentary/76584 (data obrashheniya: 27.11.18)
  2. Zuenko I. Yu. Stanovlenie i razvitie professional`nogo futbola v KNR // Izvestiya Vostochnogo instituta, 2011. № 2. S. 54–67.
  3. Zuenko I. Yu. Futbol kak nacional`naya ideya: kitajskaya mechta // Izvestiya Vostochnogo instituta, 2018. № 4. S. 119–127.
  4. China’s Football Dream (edited by J. Sullivan). – Nottingham: University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute, 2017. 215 p. [E`lektronny`j resurs] URL: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/asiaresearch/documents/cso-ebook.pdf (data obrashheniya: 10.03.19)
  5. Giulianotti R. Football: A Sociology of the Global Game. – Cambridge: Polity Press, Blackwell Publishers, 1999. 240 p.
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  8. Li Narangoa. The Power of Imagination: Whose Northeast and Whose Manchuria? // Inner Asia, 2002. № 1. P. 4–5.
  9. 李诚固、李振泉。“东北现象”特征及形成因素 = Li Che`ngu, Li Chzhe`n`czyuan`. Osobennosti «severo-vostochnogo fenomena» i faktory` ego formirovaniya // Czzinczzi dili, 1996. № 1. S. 38–46.
  10. 薄熙来时代:造就北方的香港大连 = E`poxa Bo Silaya: sozdanie severnogo Gonkonga – Dalyanya [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: http://news.163.com/10/0307/17/616KVRPS000145TH.html (data obrashheniya: 10.03.19).
  11. 延边长白虎:通史 = «Yan`byan` Chanbajxu»: xronika [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: http://yanbianfc.comli.com/club/info.html (data obrashheniya: 10.03.19).


doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2019-1/95-110

Vadim S. AKULENKO, Valentin I. VOLOSHCHAK, PETRAKOV, Alina I. IVANOVA, Olga A. KULAGINA, Aleksey O. LUSHNIKOV, Viktor S. MYADZEL, Elena S. FILIMONOVA Nowadays Rajin: Transport, Education, Trade and Recreation

November 22–24, 2018, FEFU delegation of 3 professors and 7 students visited Free Economic Zone of Rason upon the invitation of the joint venture company “RasonConTrans”. During the visit the members of the delegation had an opportunity to get acquainted not only with the obligatory points of the program – Statues of Great Leaders Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il, and revolutionary places, but also got enough time for free walks around Rajin city. Thus this paper is devoted to their observations and impressions of the trip.

Key words: Rajin, DPRK, FEFU, Khasan–Rajin, port



doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2019-1/111-115

Anna V. BOYARKINA Comprehending the Far East

The review examines the features of the Eastern policy of the Russian Empire at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries, the architects of which were Finance Minister S. Yu. Witte who patronized the Russian-Chinese Bank; the place and role of Kyakhta merchants, as an important mechanism for trade interaction between Russia and China, paving the way to China in order to create a stable sales market for Russian goods; journalist I. S. Levitov, the author of the project “Zheltorossiya”, which aimed at creating a buffer colony in the Russian-Chinese transboundary area. The main idea of the authors is that the inhabitants of the “Russian Asia” who have been closely interacting with their neighbors for many centuries and understand them well should be involved in the process of creating advanced technologies on the economic, financial and cultural markets of the future in the Pacific Rim.


  1. Kuras L. V., Kal`mina L. V., Mixalev A. V. Kapitany` rossijskoj vostochnoj politiki: rubezh XIX – XX vv. [monografiya] / ruk. proekta, otv. red. B. V. Bazarov, nauch. red. L. M. Dameshek. – Irkutsk: Izd-vo «Ottisk», 2018. – 112 s.


doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2019-1/116-120

Aleksandr Ya. SOKOLOVSKIY Russia–India: 70 years together


doi: dx.doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2019-1/121-125

Evgeniy V. PUSTOVOIT, Elena A. GORYACHEVA Round Table “New Trends in the Development of Economic Cooperation between Russia and Japan”