Oriental Institute Journal, 2021, №51 (3)

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UDC 39 (=571)    DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/6-16


Value Orientations in the Traditional Culture of the Nivkhs (Based on the Folklore Materials)

The article analyzes the spiritual-moral and moral-ethic values that are reflected in the traditional Nivkh folklore. Most of them have universal human significance, but they were shaped by the habitat and ethno-cultural specifics of the indigenous Far Eastern peoples. Good heroes of Nivkh folklore are an example of a correct lifestyle bequeathed by ancestors, while negative characters are always punished for their unseemly actions. Oral texts are used in folk pedagogical practice. The most important values are related to kinship, natural environment, and priority of traditional culture. The author emphasizes the frank poetization of sublime love, which distinguishes the Nivkh folklore from the traditions of the neighboring Tungus-Manchu peoples. The possible influence of Japanese culture on the assessment of the problem of suicide is noted. The study showed transformation of a number of value concepts under the influence of changing reality.

Key words: Russian Far East, indigenous peoples, the Nivkhs, cultural specifics, spiritual values, traditional folklore

UDC 390(571.6)    DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/17-26


The Main Factors of Changes in the Sphere of Spiritual and Value Orientations in the Culture of the Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Far East In the XIX–XXI Centuries

The period of the XIX–XXI centuries for the indigenous peoples of the Far East is a time of fundamental changes in the field of their own culture and identity. These changes could not pass by the spiritual and value orientations of the aboriginal ethnic groups. During this period, they turned from completely independent ethnic groups into a part of a large multinational state, with a fundamentally different spiritual sphere and social structure. In addition, during this period, the state itself, which included the Far Eastern peoples, also underwent global, sometimes revolutionary transformations in all spheres. We tried to analyze the main aspects of this process and identify the role of the factors that influenced the transformations in the field of spiritual and value orientations in the culture of the indigenous peoples of the Far East. These factors include the role of the state, Christianization, and a different model of the social structure of the Eastern Slavs.

Key words: indigenous smallnumbered peoples, Russian Far East, spiritual and value orientations, cultural transformations

UDC 947.05(571.6)    DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/27-35


Russian Holidays in Harbin at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century as Spiritual Values of the Far East (Based on the Material of the Journal "Railway Life in the Far East")

The article, based on the material of the journal "Railway Life in the Far East", examines the main Russian holidays in Harbin of the pre-revolutionary period as spiritual values of the Far Eastern region. It is noted that settlers from Russia in a different culture had created a significant cultural heritage that has come down to us in the form of print. It was determined that the publication paid much attention to the coverage of mass holidays and festivities. The article revealed descriptions of New Year's celebrations, all-Russian memorable dates, professional anniversaries, children's holidays, and folk festivals. The author comes to the conclusion that the magazine's leisure and educational activities ensured the preservation of cultural traditions, norms, and values, which contributed to the formation of the cultural space of the Russian diaspora on the Chinese territory.

Key words: Harbin, culture, holiday, spiritual values, traditions, customs, cultural space

UDC 394.262.5:159.9(571.63)    DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/36-48


Material Values in the WISHES of the Vladivostok New Year's Tree of Wishes-2020 in Russian: on the Question of the Consumersociety

The article explores material values based on the texts of the Vladivostok New Year's Wish Tree-2020 in Russian. In part, it is possible to find the data of the author and the addressee, namely, gender, age, marital status, and field of activity. The following list of material values is singled out: money, housing, car, equipment and other objects of the material world, travel, and festive events. A linguistic analysis of the description of  material values is carried out, popular and unpopular positions are identified. Conclusions are made on the tendency to own necessary or prestigious things, about the significant correlation of material values with the sphere of personal consumption of the addressee himself, less often of his close relatives, scanty of a group of people. The author comes to the conclusion that there is no basis to categorically call contemporaries a consumer society, since material values are not dominant.

Key words: values, material values, modern values, natural written speech, New Year's wishes, psychology of Russians, consumer society


UDC 94(47).048    DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/49-60


Military Aspects of Nerchinsk Treaty Conclusion in 1689

The article, based on documentary sources, examines the military confrontation between the Russians and the Manchus in Nerchinsk during the negotiations concerning Russian-Chinese border establishment in 1689. The study provides detailed data on “war game" of both sides, aimed to put pressure on the opponent, without leading to an open military conflict. China had an advantage in transport communications and in number of military forces that were transferred to the place of negotiations. However, during the aggravation between the negotiators Fyodor Golovin, Russian ambassador, withdrew his troops for a field battle, in which he could use the hand-held firearms and artillery advantage of his troops instead of fortress defense tactics. Thus he realized effectively the potential of his forces, leveling the numerical advantage of the Manchus. This moment influenced the course of negotiations, persuading Chinese diplomats to abandon several unacceptable demands for Russia.

Key words: Russian-Chinese relations, Treaty of Nerchinsk, F.A. Golovin, XVII century, history, border, Transbaikalie

UDC 272/273    DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/61-73


Western Education in Traditional Japan: Lessons of Jesuits

The article provides a brief overview of the education system in Japan, which was in force at the time of the arrival of the first Christian missionaries. A description is given of how  local educational institutions have influenced the Japanese literacy rate, as well as the development of science and art. The motives that prompted the Jesuits to establish their educational institutions in Japan are analyzed. The history of the development of Christian education in Japan from the second half of the 16th to the beginning of the 17th centuries is traced, and the characteristics of the Jesuit pedagogy in the context of Japanese culture are also considered. In addition, the article discusses the Japanese peculiarity of the adoption and adaptation of aspects of foreign culture, especially in those matters relating to education. In particular, the article tells about the history of Western education in traditional Japan. In addition, through the analysis of educational literature and correspondence, educational essays of the Jesuits, the features of the educational activities of the Society of Jesus in traditional Japan are clarified, and an approximate social portrait of students and teachers at educational institutions of the Jesuit Mission is created.

Key words:  Christianity in Japan, Jesuits, Society of Jesus, Jesuit pedagogy, missionaries in Japan, education in traditional Japan

UDC 325.2 + 929.52    DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/74-84


Russian Resorts in Korea in the Late 1920s – early 1940s. (on the Example of the Activities of the Yankovsky Family)

The article focuses on a unique example of the successful development of a large Russian resort in Korea in the conditions of emigration. The research is based on documents of personal origin. The main reasons for the economic success of the Yankovskys were the clan nature of the organization of their economy, the frontier consciousness of family members, which facilitated the process of social adaptation, and the presence of a stable socio-economic context, which was provided by the policy of the Japanese colonial authorities in Korea. In the 1930s, the Yankovsky resort, remaining mainly a vacation spot for their relatives and friends, was an important phenomenon of the Far Eastern Russian emigration’s cultural life. The termination of the functioning of the resorts was due not so much to internal as to external factors: the aggravation of the military-political situation in the region and the beginning of the Pacific War.

Key words:  Russian emigration, Yankovsky, Korea,  Novina, Lukomorye, resort economy, frontier, amateur theater  


UDC 811.581.11+394    DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/85-95

Ksenia M. NAUMOVA  

A Sense of Duty (义 / 义务) in the Chinese Linguistic World View: Tradition and Modernity

The article aims at showing the shifts in the perception of the sense of duty (义 / 义务) in the Chinese linguistic world view as the result of the changing socio-cultural circumstances brought by the processes of globalization between the 20th and 21st centuries. First, the author states the traditional view upon the subject, reflected in the dictionaries, including the etymological one. Then, the up-to-date materials obtained with the help of definitional, quantitative, and interpretation methods, accompanied with the context analysis of more  than 800 examples, are thoroughly analyzed. The table of the most frequent collocations from the Balanced Corpora of the Contemporary Chinese Language is given. In conclusion, the author claims that responsibilities towards the person’s parents are taking a back seat, giving way to civil and social duty. The paper may be of great interest for the reader who studies Chinese philology and culture, as well as cross-cultural communication.

Key words:  Chinese culture, duty, value system, Chinese language, modern Chinese society, globalization, corpus linguistics

UDC 811.581'42:330.446.23     DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/96-107


Components of Chinese Banking Discourse

The article explores the components of Chinese banking discourse and their linguistic implementation in the discourse of Chinese bank managers. The study examines the verbalization of interactive institutional communication, conditioned by the given framework of the status-role relationship “bank-client” and factors, including communication participants, chronotope, concepts and values, goals and strategies. The findings fill the lack of knowledge about Chinese institutional discourse in general, and its type, Chinese banking discourse, in particular. The considered components of the Chinese discourse form a specialized type of communication within the banking sector of the PRC, which is regulated in accordance with the norms of the studied society.

Key words: institutional communication, Chinese banking discourse, participants, chronotope, strategy of cooperation, values, case texts, discursive formulas

UDC 811.581     DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/108-121

Aleksandr N. SBOEV, Antonina V. NOVGORODOVA

Speech Manipulation in Chinese Web Advertising

The results of speech manipulation research in different languages can be used to establish intercultural communication in various fields. This article is devoted to the study of speech manipulation, in particular to the analysis of the speech manipulation aspects on the material of the Chinese web advertising discourse (online advertising). Language data were collected from the Internet blogger Viya livestreaming with a total duration of about 6 hours. The research describes the standard communication strategy, tactics and also consistency in product presentation made by the popular Internet blogger Viya. We identified four main communication strategies used by Viya: speech strategy of conquering the consumer, speech strategy of appealing to someone’s mind, speech strategy of appealing to someone’s emotions and speech strategy of advantage. The analysis showed that the strategy of conquering the consumer and the strategy of appealing to someone’s mind are the most often used strategies of Viya's advertising.

Key words: speech manipulation, speech strategy, speech tactics, online advertising, blogger Viya

UDC 811.111-26     DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/122-131

Valeriya M. GENZE

Counter-Cultural Discourse in the Context of Rock-Music (Based on the Lyrics of the British Rock-Band Muse)

An analysis of the phenomenon of counter-cultural discourse represented in the lyrics of the British rock-band Muse is reported in this paper. From its very beginning rock-music implements one of the most important functions – an appellative, or persuasive, function. The function is performed via linguistic persuasion, primarily by lexical and grammatical means. The album Drones raises the acute social topics of deprivation of freedom and manipulation of mind. Therefore, the means of linguistic persuasion are able to carry this message in the best possible way, addressing the emotions and social settings of audience.

Key words: counter-culture, counter-cultural discourse, rock-discourse, rock-music, linguistic persuasion


UDC 811.161.1     DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/132-136


Some Difficulties of the Vietnamese Students while Studying the Formulas of Russian Speech Etiquette

The article presents the comparative analysis of speech formulae of the two contacting languages, it considers several differences in the speech etiquette in the Russian and Vietnamese languages. It presents some typical mistakes occurring in the speech of Vietnamese students due to the interlanguage interference. It reveals the following factors influencing the native language upon the Russian language: the discord of some speech clichés, the presence of pronouns in the Vietnamese language, arising from the terms of relationship and determining a choice of addressing forms in the native language, the national form of addressing, not using the subjunctive mood in Vietnamese language pragmatically to express a wish, a question, an advice.

Key words: mistakes, speech etiquette, Russian as a foreign language (RFL), Vietnamese, address


DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/137-154 

Publication is prepared by Yaroslav A. BARBENKO

Materials of the Inspection of the Chinese Language Department of Far East State University, December 1935 – January 1936. Part 3


DOI https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-3/155-158


Round Table "Strategies for the Development of Peripheral Territories: Can Russia and China Benefit from Each Other's Experience?