Oriental Institute Journal, 2021, №50 (2)

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UDC 947.084.34(571.6)    doi: https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-1/6-19

Tatiana Z. POZNYAK

The Experience of Legalizing Opioid Smoking in Vladivostok at the Beginning of the 20th Century

The article is devoted to one episode from the history of the long struggle against opioid smoking and secret Chinese dens in the Russian Far East in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. Representatives of the authorities and society proposed various ways to solve the problem, but the fight against opioid smoking was not effective. Some representatives of the regional administration and the public saw one of the ways to solve the problem of brothels in the legalization of opiocules and gambling houses. Supporters of the idea of legalizing opioid smoking considered it a panacea for bribery of local police, merging it with organized Chinese crime and a way to get rid of dens. Military Governor of the Primorsky Krai and Chief of Police of Vladivostok were not the pioneers, proposing in 1907 to legalize opiokurilnye (opium smokehouses), but they were the only authorities in the pre-revolutionary period who implemented such a method of fighting secret dens in practice, albeit for a short time.

Key words: Far East, Vladivostok, migration, Chinese migrants, opioid smoking, police, corruption


UDC 81+811.161.1+811.581+398.21    doi: https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-1/20-28

Anastasia A. OSIPOVA, CHEN Meifeng

Address in Fairy Tales (Based on Slavic and Chinese Fairy Tales)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the structural and functioning features of addresses in Slavic (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Slovenian, Croatian, Czech) and Chinese fairy tales. The use of this category of texts as research material is, firstly, due to the presence in them of a pronounced cultural component, which influences the choice of the form of address, and secondly, to their dialogic nature. The article based on Russian classical and modern linguistic works considers the concept of address; possible structural models for the implementation of addresses, and the functions they perform are indicated. The paper reveals 7 structural (syntactic) models of addresses in the texts of Slavic fairy tales and 4 – in the texts of Chinese folk works. The dominating in both types of sources syntactic model – N (noun) is specified. The connection between the functions of addresses and the genre character of the studied texts is considered.

Key words: Address, syntax, syntactic models, functioning of addresses, fairy tale


UDC 323.2    doi: https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-1/29-36

Alexandra A. SETSKO, Marina S. TANTSURA

Problems of digital identity of modern youth on the example of the FEFU student community

The article considers the development of information technologies and the strengthening of their role not only in everyday life, but also in the minds of people, especially young individuals, as not fully formed personalities. The author emphasizes that digital identity replaces ethnic, religious, and territorial identity with an abundance of information, freedom of action, depersonalization, and the possibility of selfrealization. Thus, there is a decrease in people's interest in real communication, in which important communication skills are acquired and stable attitudes towards themselves and the world are formed as the basis of self-identification. The article also analyzes the problems of modern society, where knowledge about reality has replaced reality itself so much that the boundaries between true and false are blurred, and the problems of digital identity of modern youth, namely the process of accumulating a digital footprint, personal identification, and the consequences of the influence of information.

Key words: virtual identity, Internet space, simulacrum concept, youth, social networks, digital identity, digital footprint


UDC 393.05(571.121)    doi: https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-1/37-48

Aleksandr E. VOLF

On the Issue of the Disappearance of Ritual Cannibalism in the Military Culture of the Indigenous Peoples of Western Siberia

The article considers the question of eradicating from the military culture of the Ostyaks (Khanty) and Samoyeds (Nenets) of Western Siberia, such a custom as ritual cannibalism. The analysis of literary sources showed that the Ostyaks (Khanty) stopped using it in the first half of the 17th century, and the Samoyeds (Nenets) – no earlier than the middle of the 18th century. The withering away of this custom is connected with the introduction by the Russian state of a yasak (tribute) policy in Western Siberia, and with the announcement of the instigators of civil strife as sovereign traitors. This measure, the construction of forts, as well as the beginning of Christianization, made it possible to establish a relative peace in the northern regions of Western Siberia

Key words: military culture, military ritual cannibalism, epic, hero, nenets, khanty, yasak, voivode, Western Siberia, Russian state


UDC 303(327)    doi: https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-1/49-68

Аnatolij M. KUZNETSOV, Mikhail V. ILYIN, Anton A. KIREEV, Andrei I. KOZINETS, Dmitriy V. KONONCHUK, Anastasiya M. KRESTININA, Marina M. LEBEDEVA, Artyom L. LUKIN, Vladimir V. MALYAVIN, Andrey V. POPOVKIN, Pavel A. TSYGANKOV, Sergei E. YACHIN

What is the Post/Polydisciplinary Theory of International Relations?

On 22 October, 2020, the Department of International Relations at Far Eastern Federal University’s Oriental Institute – School of Regional and International Studies, hosted an open online workshop “What is the post-disciplinary theory of international relations?”. The workshop has brought together a number of leading Russian scholars in international studies and political science. The major themes of the workshop addressed the theoretical conceptualization of contemporary international relations and prospects for the future development of international relations theory. The keynote speaker at the workshop, professor at the FEFU’s Department of International Relations Anatoly M. Kuznetsov, delivered a presentation on the crisis that contemporary theory of international relations has experienced over the recent years, as well as the ways to overcome this crisis. The presentation was followed by a discussion, during which the participants of the workshop reflected on the systems approach to international studies, the problems of actors and their roles in world politics, the changes in object of the study that have their impact on the development of the theoretical framework of international studies and other topics.


UDC 94(5) doi: https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-1/69-74


The features of the training of administrative stuff and scholars in the Ryukyu Kingdom in the 17th - 18th centuries

The article reflects and analyzes the features of the training of administrative stuff and scholars in the Ryukyu Kingdom in the 17th - 18th centuries. At that time, the island state had been maneuvering between solving economic problems and preserving the professional community and scientific base of the country. In such conditions, the most important issue for the Ryukyu had become a preservation of the special settlement of Kume-mura. It was practically the only scientific and educational conglomerate both in Japan and in Ryukyu, receiving direct financial support from the government, and it played a significant role as a place in the kingdom through which Chinese philosophy, science, literature had penetrated into the Ryukyus. Having been settled by Chinese immigrants, Kumemura was in economic crisis since early XVII century. However, the Ryukyuan government took measures that made Kumemura as one the main centers of the development of Chinese culture and education in the kingdom in XVII-XIX centuries that influenced into the formation of so-called «Ryukyu Culture Renaissance» in the early modern period.

Key words:  Kume-mura, the Ryukyu Kingdom, Confucianism, Kansho, Zhusianism, Kokugaku, estate system

UDC 332    doi: https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-1/75-81


Real Estate Market of the Republic of Korea: the Problem of High Housing Prices and Governmental Measures

The problem of excessively high property values has been a pressing problem for both the government of the Republic of Korea and ordinary citizens for a long time. Today, this question has become a critical problem, since prices on the market are rising monthly, the attempts of the Government of the country to change the situation have not yet led to meaningful outcome, and the pressure on the society continues to grow. This article examines the reasons for the rise in housing prices, the current situation in the real estate market in the Republic of Korea, government regulation measures, and the main market trends. The author draws attention to the policy of the administration of the incumbent President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jaein regarding to the real estate market. The study advances our understanding of the problems of the real estate market in the Republic of Korea and its current status.

Key words:  real estate market, price increase, governmental measures, housing 

UDC 330.15    doi: https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-1/82-88


Directions and Dynamics of cooperation between Russia and Vietnam in the Field of Hydrocarbon Production at the Present Stage

The article examines the dynamics of relations between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits and energy development. On the example of the implementation of specific projects, the process of bilateral interaction within the framework of signed agreements and acts, as well as the prospects for expanding oil and gas cooperation, identified at the level of heads of state, are considered and analyzed. The author clarifies the peculiarities of cooperation in russo-vietnamese relations in the field of oil and gas production pointing out that it functions not only because of profitability and mutually beneficial nature of joint ventures but also due to benevolent political environment which has been formed between the two states. The results of the work of joint ventures are outlined, the ways of sectoral development and the challenges they face are touched upon.

Key words:  energy cooperation, oil refining, oil production, gas production, Russian-Vietnamese
cooperation, cooperation problems


doi: https://doi.org/10.24866/2542-1611/2021-1/89-113

Yaroslav A. BARBENKO

Materials of the Inspection of the Chinese Language Department of Far East State University, December 1935 – January 1936. Part 1

“Oriental Institute Journal” publishes a series of documents related to the dramatic pages in the history of the Far Eastern University and the Russian higher school as a whole. One of the indicative situations that reveal the atmosphere of that time is a set of documents stored in the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East.
These are the documents related to the internal audit of the educational activities of the staff of the Department of Chinese Studies, conducted in December 1935 – January 1936. The audit was initiated by M. Potapov's note in the university newspaper (Fig. 1). The author, on behalf of Chinese-learning students, reproaches the teachers (Rudakov and Zhang are mentioned) for despotism and formalism, evading the decisions of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government. In response, the faculty administration organized an audit of the work of the Department of Chinese Studies, authorizing K. P. Feklin, an employee of the Department of Japanese Studies, and student activists (Potapov and Denishchenko). The “inspection team” presented several analytical and summarizing documents: materials, conclusions, and practical proposals. In these documents, the work of teachers A. V. Rudakov, T. D. Chervonetsky, and Zhang Yue Ren was criticized. As a result, A. V. Rudakov (Fig. 2) and T. D. Chervonetsky (Fig. 3) presented explanatory notes to the administration of the faculty and the university.
The publication of the entire series of documents is scheduled for four issues in 2021.



Angelina S. VASHCHUK, Elena S. VOLKOVA

Reflections on the results of the all-Russian scientific conference with international participation “Reforms of the late 20th – early 21st centuries in the post-Soviet space: regional aspect”

The conference was held in December 2020 in Vladivostok at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the support of the Russian Historical Society and the History of the Fatherland Foundation. The geography of full-time and part-time participants of the conference includes the regions of the European part of Russia, Siberia and the Far East (from St. Pet