Oriental Institute Journal, 2022, №54 (2)

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From the editors of the section

Dedication to the memory of Professor A.A. Shnyrko

DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-2/14-20


Takamura Kotaro’s poem: culturally oriented translation strategy

Japanese poetry: culturally oriented translation strategy prescribes basic linguistic and stylistic parameters of translation with implementation of domestication and foreignization principles. The article deals with comparative analysis of Japanese symbolist-poet Takamura Kotaro (1883–1956)'s poem Russian and English translations, which allows to highlight the primary translation techniques in translation process. The foreign text is adapted taking contrastive linguistic demand and ethnical, or cultural information aimed at influencing readers into consideration. It is revealed that distinguishing different degrees of domestication allows for an extended translation. The Eurocentrism phenomenon is singled out. This phenomenon arises from the cultural incompatibility of East and West and deals with the objective world of Japanese civilization and philosophical esthetic concepts, i.e., ethnical, or cultural contents of the original text. The translation adequacy depends on the implicative component parts and extra linguistic factors. The authors suggest basing the search for optimal decisions on duality of translation strategies.

Keywords: Japanese poetry, translation strategy, domestication, foreignization

DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-2/21-31

Angelina A. PALENKO

Corporate Culture in Japan: Modern Approaches to Research

This article examines main socio-cultural components that influence Japanese corporate culture. Examples are given of the various typologies used to analyze Japanese business culture. (Hofstede, Trompenars). Modern terminology is employed to describe main concepts of Japanese corporate culture. The question of primacy of national culture or rational principles in shaping the existing management model of Japanese enterprises is raised. Changes in perceptions and validations by researchers towards the cultural identity of Japanese corporate traditions are examined. New directions and fields of research on Japanese corporate identity in the era of globalized markets under the influence of contacts with other models of corporate identity are identified.

Keywords: Japan, corporate culture, Japanese corporate culture, identity, cultural stereotypes, development

DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-2/39-38


Social policy in the field of socio-cultural involvement of older citizens of Japan

The actuality of article is due to the problem of the increasing rates senior population in modern Japan, both in the whole world and in Russia. The object of the work is to study the involvement of senior citizens of modern Japan in the social and cultural life of society. During the research the comparative analysis was used. Pensions and health care costs, as well as long-term care, account for a significant portion of social security spending. Measures for social and cultural involvement of senior citizens are important, because the psychological and emotional state of the elderly is of particular importance. Measures are carried out in the following areas: the development of the silver industry, employment of senior people, taking into account the wishes and abilities of older people, the activities of volunteers, including among senior citizens, also their training, the creation of clubs of interest, the organization of daytime elderly people, holding conferences, dedicated to their problems.

Keywords: sociocultural engagement, population aging, social security systems, pension payments, "super old" society, medical expenses

DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-2/39-48


Subsidies as a tool to stimulate the investment attractiveness of Japanese regions

The relevance of the article is due to the importance of studying the experience of modern Japan in optimizing the distribution of budgetary resources in the framework of programs to stimulate investment activity. The aim of the work is to study the structure of subsidies provided by central and local governments in Japan to improve the investment climate. In order to attract investments from Japanese and foreign investors who create new enterprises and workplaces in the regions, special economic zones are being established; credit rates, tax payments are subsidized, as well as a number of expenses of investors (costs of administrative procedures, rent of real estate, personnel recruitment, etc.). Despite the controversy over the appropriateness of subsidies in the context of public finance deficits, the example of Japan's regions shows that subsidies in the structure of fiscal mechanisms play an incentive role for worthy recipients who are able to ensure the goals and objectives of regional development policy in the future.

Keywords: subsidies, Japan, territorial socio-economic development, attraction of investments

DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-2/49–59


Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau: effective experience of region-center relations

The work gives a short glance at the activities of the Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau in the

gradual formation of the modern image of the economy of the region. The features of the new complex development plan of Hokkaido are highlighted. Attention is also paid to the main feature of the successful Hokkaido development policy – long-term planning is carried out taking about regional specifics. A brief overview of the previous complex plans, their significance for an alignment of the differentiation in the development of the Hokkaido region with the rest of the regions of Japan is made. The guidelines for the further development of the Hokkaido region are determined not only as an important region for Japan, but also as a major center in the international arena in the north-eastern part of the Asia-Pacific region.

Keywords: Japan, Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau, Hokkaido regional economy, Hokkaido complex development plan


From the Translator

DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-2/62–72


Fedor Albertovich Derbek and the Forest People of Udehe – a supplement to the history of the study of the Russian Far East

This is a Russian translation of an article written by an Austrian scientist and journalist Igor Eberhard about a talented explorer of the Russian Far East, Fyodor Albertovich Derbek – about his life and scientific contribution. Factual and reliable information concerning the explorer exists in German, including Derbek’s monograph "The Udehe Forest People. Expeditions to the Amur Region and the Ussuri Region" published in 1956 under a pseudonym Friedrich Albert in Germany. This Eberhard’s article will fill the knowledge about the amazing person with a difficult fate and help eliminate a number of historical inaccuracies occurring in Russia-published articles about Fyodor A. Derbek.

Keywords: ethnographic and hydrographic research, V.K. Arseniev, F.A. Derbek, indigenous inhabitants of the Russian Far East, Udehe (Udege), the monograph "The Forest People of Udehe", publications by F.A. Derbek in Austria

DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-2/73–84

Ravshan R. NAZAROV

The Korean Diaspora of Uzbekistan: history and modernity

Koreans as a significant group of the population have been living in Uzbekistan since 1937, although individual contacts were noted earlier. At the early stages of their residence in the republic (1930s–1950s), the contribution of the Korean diaspora was primarily in the development of agriculture, especially rice farming. Since the 1960s, the Korean intelligentsia has been growing, and the diaspora's contribution to the development of science, culture, sports, and public life has become more noticeable. Since the mid-1980s. the process of growing the national identity of the diaspora is increasing, interest in the development of national culture, language, values, and ties with the historical homeland is becoming more active. Since the early 1990s, the Diaspora has been an important link in the relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea.

Keywords: Koreans, diaspora, Uzbekistan, Republic of Korea, history, modernity


DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-2/85-95


A Learned Lesson: 2022 January Crisis in Kazakhstan and 1989 Tian’anmen Crisis in China in biography of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

The article focuses on several historic parallels between two protest movements: in China in 1989 and in Kazakhstan in 2022. Both are linked to the figure of current president of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev who witnessed Tian’anmen Crisis in China during his work at Soviet Embassy in 1985-1991. Tokayev fixed many of mistakes by Chinese leadership in 1989 and in the result of Kazakhstan January Crisis resolution managed to consolidate all the power in the republic in his hands. Without archive materials an analysis of this event still cannot be fulfilled in a responsible manner but hypotheses of the article is that experience of witnessing Tian’anmen Crisis in 1989 helped Tokayev to be successful in resolution of January Crisis in Kazakhstan in 2022. Material for such conclusion was provided by analysis of Tokayev’s memoirs dedicated to his diplomatic career including the period of the work in Beijing.

Keywords: China, Kazakhstan, Tiananmen, protests, Tokayev

DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-2/96-109


"Xi Jinping Thought" in the Context of a Global Problem "Bad Governance"

In the Russian and foreign research environment, the search for empirical explanations for the phenomenon of «bad governance» continues in a theoretical and comparative context. At the same time, the fifth generation of leaders of the Communist Party of China and the People's Republic of China, led by Xi Jinping, emphasises the importance of developing and strengthening the theory and practice of governance, which can be represented as a hierarchy of actions taken to establish better governance practices at the party, state and international levels. Within the framework of this paper, the author makes an attempt to consider the «Xi Jinping Thought» as an example of «good governance» through the prism of the phenomenon of «bad governance» in the context of the current state of the system of international relations. After analysing the content of the principles and concepts of «Xi Jinping Thought», author comes to the conclusion that it is possible to talk about the formation of approaches to countering «bad governance» both from the neoliberal point of view and from the point of view of Sinicized Marxism, despite the fact that the modern ideological system of the CCP does not ignore the problem of «bad governance», but theorises each of the elements of this phenomenon separately.

Keywords: Xi Jinping Thought, bad governance, governance, China, Communist Party of China, new type of international relations

DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-2/110-118


About the problem of surrogacy in Russian-Chinese relations in the context of pandemice

In this article, the authors raise the problem of the imperfection of the international regulatory framework regulating assisted reproductive technologies (ART), in particular, surrogacy. Epidemiological measures taken to combat the new coronavirus infection have made it possible to identify problems of international cooperation in this area and uncover criminal schemes for the implementation of this procedure in Russia. International treaties should regulate relations between all subjects of these relations and differ in detail, which will protect a child born in an unconventional way and guarantee the realization of his rights.

Keywords: imperfection of legislation, international cooperation in healthcare, IVF, surrogacy, Russia, China

DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-2/119-127


Elections to the State Duma-2021: results and prospects

The article analyzes the results of the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation, in comparison with the previous parliamentary elections, assesses the prospects of political leaders in the future elections of the President of Russia. The methods used are comparative-descriptive, analysis of electoral statistics, analysis of documents, scnariy method etc. The main result of the elections was a convincing victory for the ruling party. United Russia lost its record in terms of the number of seats in the State Duma, but retained its constitutional majority and thus consolidated the one-and-a-half-party system or the system of the dominant party in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century, in which power is exercised by the most powerful party, occupying a special position, ahead of all others in elections with an absolute majority. The elections showed that V.V. Putin remains the main contender for victory in the presidential elections in 2024.

Keywords: State Duma elections, political parties, United Russia, Fair Russia, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, LDPR, New People


DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-1/128-139


University Literature Club and Integration of Distance Education Technologies during COVID-19 Pandemic

The study sought to define the role of the distance education technologies (DET) influence on effectiveness of the extracurricular activities during COVID-19 pandemic using an example of Book Club "To Wa or not to Wa" at Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russian Federation). The purpose of the study was to determine the level of DET-based extracurricular activity effectiveness in the context of maintaining the interest and motivation of the book club members. Theoretical methods of research included analysis of pedagogical, methodical, psychological literature on the subject. The empirical data were collected through questionnaires and pedagogical observation. Statistical methods were also partly applied to analyze collected data. The results show that a book club can be effectively and successfully organized operating exclusively with distance education tools on a base of online platform Microsoft Teams and distance education system "1C: E-learning. Corporate University".

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, distance education, distance education technologies, university, book club


DOI: 10.24866/2542-1611/2022-2/140-167

Dmitrii M. BONDARENKO, Vyacheslav V. GAVRILOV. Roman I. DREMLYUGA, Vasilii A. KLYUCHAREV, Dmitrii V. KONONCHUK, Anatolii M. KUZNETSOV, Artem L. LUKIN, Nikolai S. ROZOV, Sergei V. CHUGROV, Ekaterina S. YURCHENKO

Modern neuro/cognitive sciences and humanities: what can they give each other?

This publication contains the seminar proceedings on the problems of integration of neuro/cognitive sciences and humanities, which took place on November 11, 2021 at Far Eastern Federal University. The keynote papers of the seminar addressed the current state of socio/cultural neuroscience and major achievements of the humanities related to the study of the mind and its connection with language. Particular attention was given to substantiation of the significance of the category of the human lifeworld to find the grounds for integration of these spheres of knowledge. Practical aspects of the impact of neurocognitive sciences achievements on social reality were addressed in the report about the relationship between neuroscience and criminal law.

Keywords: social cultural neuroscience, humanitarian, integration, mind, complexity