Director's Adress

Текутьева Л.А.            Dear applicants, students and parents!

Today, the role of the Far Eastern Federal University as a link between science, business, education, and government is of a particular importance. And this role is in the unlocking the entrepreneurial potential of specialists, young researchers, teachers and graduates in the implementation of not just educational, but real projects to create world-class developments and technologies, applied in various sectors of the economy.
Biotechnologies are huge markets for a range of products for the food sector, agriculture and feed industries, oil production, cosmetology and medicine with significant growth potential for the coming decades in the world and Asia-Pacific countries. The special place of the university in this development is reinforced by the presence of the School, which is capable of preparing specialists in demand in the biotechnology business, developing and mastering new breakthrough technologies, in a novel way.

Thank you for your interest in the Advanced Engineering School, the key focus of which is Biotechnology.

I am confident that your desire to take a direct part in strengthening food security and technological sovereignty of the country will be a worthy response to the challenges of today’s world, and the knowledge and competencies acquired at the University will become a good basis and a strong foundation for building a future professional trajectory and career.

Director of the Advanced Engineering School
Liudmila Tekutieva