News in Press-centre

Apr 21, 2016 - FEFU News
Italian researcher Alessio Russo headed the Laboratory of Urban and Landscape Design at the School of Arts, Culture and Sports of Far Eastern Federal University. In FEFU the invited specialist will continue his own research on the impact of landscaping on the elimination of pollution in urban areas, will oversee the development and implementation of design projects and will study the benefits of the island location of the campus for students and academics.

Alessio Russo's research interests embrace urban landscaping, integrated urban planning, water management, and design of parks and gardens. The Italian designer is planning to develop projects in these areas together with the students and academics in the new lab, further embodying them in the city and campus environment. He will also train future designers to use 3D-modeling in their work and to use plants in landscape design properly, depending on the climatic conditions. In the future, Alessio Russo aims to integrate the University laboratory into international partnerships.

"From scientific point of view I'm interested to study what benefits the FEFU students and academics get from the nature. There not so many universities in the world, surrounded by sea and forest. They are usually located in urban areas, and in this respect the FEFU campus is unique," said Alessio Russo. "I will be happy to develop and implement projects that will help make the area even more pleasant to stay.

Alessio Russo holds BSc in Agriculture, Forestry, and Landscape Design from the University of Naples Federico II,  MSc in Landscape Design and Planning from the University of Pisa, he received his PhD in Urban Forestry from the University of Bologna, he studied as postdoctoral in Milan University, and he is the author of articles in the leading international journals. In different years he worked in the field of Landscape Design in the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.

The invitation to lead the laboratory in Far Eastern Federal University immediately seemed interesting to Italian with the real Russian surname ("Russo" in Italian means "Russian"). Despite the fact that Alessio has never been in Russia before, he was always attracted by Russian culture, literature and art.

Far Eastern Federal University consistently and dynamically enhances international competitiveness, including by inviting the leading international specialists and postdocs for permanent employment. In 2015, 45 young candidates of sciences and 43 reputable researchers chose FEFU to continue their scientific careers. In February this year, the FEFU Laboratory of Climate Research was headed by another visiting researcher from Italy: Nobel Laureate Riccardo Valentini.