News in Press-centre

Apr 7, 2017 - FEFU News

Far East Federal University (FEFU) introduces Russian culture and traditions to the Japanese high school students from Kanto International Senior High School (Tokyo). On 3 April, school students from the Land of the Rising Sun attended a culinary master class and learned to cook one of the oldest Slavic dishes: pancakes.

Under the guidance of the FEFU Student Catering Facility staff, the Japanese guests for the first time kneaded the dough and fried pancakes in hot frying pans. The national cuisine suited school students to taste, especially with jam and condensed milk.

“It was interesting to try to cook pancakes, because there is simply no such dish in Japan. I thought it was very exciting, and it was really delicious!” said Kanto Hakita Momoko, the school student.

International high school students came to FEFU for a month's exchange program. They study the vocabulary and grammar, and participate in master classes on folklore and Russian art in the FEFU Center of Russian Language and Culture. An important feature of teaching is the combining of university classes with a trip across Russia. On April 4, the guests will go to St. Petersburg, where they will get acquainted with the main attractions of the cultural capital.

“I'm looking forward to this trip, because I can learn more about your culture and history. This is my first time in Russia, and I was very impressed by the FEFU campus, its location, and how kind and sympathetic people are here. I am very attracted by the beautiful nature of your country—it would be great to unlearn here and then to stay in work!” said Enomoto Hiroki.

On weekends, participants in the exchange program live in Russian families: thanks to this immersion they can learn more about the national life and traditions of the country. Guests from Japan have traditionally been accepted by the students of the FEFU College of Humanities and Economics, who also make regular visits to Tokyo.  

Often, the graduates of Kanto International Senior High School seek to enter FEFU after completing their studies. Among the visiting international students, there are those who also attended the university on this exchange program several years ago. One of them is Koizumi Yu, the third year student of the Oriental Institute–School of Regional and International Studies.

“I studied Russian for three years in Japan and then decided to enter FEFU. I read Russian classics and I like to watch Russian news. Now I'm trying to work as an interpreter, including helping my compatriots,” said Koizumi Yu.

Far Eastern Federal University for more than 25 years is the only Russian partner of Kanto International Senior High School, which specializes in teaching foreign languages. Thanks to the bilateral exchange program, school students visit the friendly country, study foreign culture and language.