News in Press-centre

Apr 13, 2020 - FEFU News

Medical volunteers of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) help medical institutions in Vladivostok to reduce the increased burden on doctors due to a new type of coronavirus infection pandemic. 15 activist students went to the children's clinic number 5, clinic number 1 and number 4, medical and rehabilitation centers of the Far Eastern Federal University.

“At one of the meetings of the headquarters to counteract the spread of coronavirus infection, the Minister of Health of Primorsky Region Anastasia Khudchenko asked to attract volunteers to medical facilities. I offered our students the best possible participation and was struck by the civic stance of the guys who responded with lightning speed. Despite all the risks, they volunteered to help people where it is really needed. They do what the heart tells them to. I’m sure that they will turn out worthy doctors in the future, ”said Oleg Pak, Vice-President for Medical Issues, FEFU.

Medical students help mainly junior and middle staff, performing part of their daily duties: thermometry, disinfection, documentation, an examination of patients along with residents and doctors. Also, medical volunteers transport drugs - they take prescriptions from a doctor, buy medicines at a pharmacy and take them to patients, especially the elderly, trying to limit the movement of people in difficult epidemiological situations.

All activists - future doctors, are trained under the programs "medical business", "medical biophysics" and "medical biochemistry". Each of them took a special training course in the framework of the regional school of medical volunteers and combines volunteer work with distance learning and active work in the Student Council of FEFU School of Biomedicine.

Every day of volunteering poses new challenges for students. You need to respond quickly, clearly, sometimes even non-standard. “The reaction of people is interesting: some are surprised and at first perplexed by my presence at the entrance and the intention to conduct thermometry, some immediately understand and thank everyone for being on duty there, sometimes asking questions,” said Stas Stakhov, the 1-st year student  - I responded to the call, most likely, for the same reason that I ended up in medicine: I have such a feature, it's a constant desire to help and be useful. And since now the situation in which such assistance is very necessary, I’m doing this. ”

In addition, Far Eastern Federal University is actively involving medical residents of the 1-st and 2-nd year of the School of Biomedicine in activities to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection on campus. So, more than 30 medical residents participated in the examination of foreign students and graduate students who came to FEFU from countries where cases of COVID-19 infection were recorded. In addition to carrying out thermometry and documentation, they, together with doctors, paramedics and paramedical personnel, conduct daily monitoring of students.

Regional School of Medical Volunteers is a project aimed at teaching first aid to students of medical educational institutions of the Primorsky Region and non-medical specialties of FEFU. Since 2018, the project has been implemented by activists of the FEFU School of Biomedicine under the guidance of a 5th-year student Danil Konkov. For all the time, 160 students were trained who were on medical duty at sports competitions, participated in the organization of health-educational events, and held the traditional “FEFU Donor Day”.