
The task of modern legal education is to form a professional lawyer who may successfully be implemented in a modern society and achieve high career goals. High-quality professional education is the key to a successful future career. FEFU School of Law has all the necessary resources to provide high quality legal education.

The School prepares bachelors, masters, candidates and doctors of legal sciences. The programmes are designed to prepare highly qualified specialists in Business Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, State and Municipal Law.

The School offers Master’s degree programs in private law, public law, legal regulation and contract management.  Graduates of these programmes will be able to improve legal regulation and legal support for the corporations and other private legal entities, and expanding their international cooperation, apply the norms of civil, business law, criminal law and other branches of law.

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Students who completed a Master's degree will be able to work effectively in Russian and foreign legal entities, enterprises and organizations engaged in business operations in different law spheres.

During the study students are guided to pay attention to courses on foreign legislation of partner countries, considering the geopolitical location of the Russian Far East and the expansion of international cooperation with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. You will also study Theory and History of State and Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, International Law, Rhetoric Theory, and Legal Writing.

You will learn the process of working with Russian and foreign legal databases: ConsultantPlus, Garant, apply regulations, legally correct classification of facts and circumstances, obtain the skills to prepare legal documents.

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You will have an opportunity to take part in moot-courts, business games, role-playing situations, debates, round tables and conferences on the study of various legal issues.

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