
"Architecture: Design: History, Theory, Innovation"

calendar.png April, 12-15, 2021


The Registration Form and the text of the paper must be submitted before March 15, 2021 on e-mail address:
Coordinator:Alla Kopeva   +7 (924) 239-65-43
                     Oksana Maslovskaya  +7(924) 240-29-90

Competition of students projects
(Bachelor, Master) on sections «Architecture», «Design of architectural environment» (1-5years)

calendar.png April, 12-17, 2021

arrow.png  DOWNLOAD APLLICATION FORM arrow_L.png

Projects must be submitted before March 25, 2021 on e-mail address:
Coordinators: Egor A. Van-Kho-Bin  +7 (917) 077-10-72

Competition of students artistic works on section «Fine Arts»

calendar.png April, 12-17, 2021


Artistic works must be submitted before March 25, 2021 on e-mail address:
Coordinator: Elena N. Abramovskaya  +7 (924) 125-02-43

INTERNATIONAL scientific conference

«Architecture, Design: History, Theory, InnovationS»

April, 12-15, 2021


Submission of papers on the International Scientific Conference "ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN: History, Theory, Innovations" is open. The Conference will be held in Vladivostok (Russia), from 07 April to 09 April 2020 in the framework of “ARCH'Pacific-2020” International Youth Forum of Architecture and Design.

Papers should be mailed by . Submission deadline is March 15, 2021


Papers of 4-6 A4 pages of text, including figures are accepted for publication (Rules for papers - see below). Papers will be published in the Conference proceedings, which will be included in RISC database. The Collection will be published on FEFU website ( and on Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU website ( The printed version of the Collection will be published after the Conference.


Languages: Russian, English

Paper contains: authors information, summary, keywords, body text, reference list, tables and figures

Formal (admission) requirements:
·      A4 paper format, MS Word file (.doc, .docx);
·      Margin setting: left, right, top, bottom – 2cm
·      Body text font type: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
·      Figures, tables, literature reference font type: Times New Roman, 11 pt.
·      Line spacing: not less than 1.2
·      Alignment: full
·      Paragraph (first line indentation): 1.25 cm (please, do it automatically trough the “Paragraph” context menu, not manually with Space or Tab button)
·      Hyphenation: none
·      Page numbers: yes
·      Interlinear references should be put into square brackets.
Paper structure:
1. AUTHORS INFORMATION (in the beginning of an article) – name, middle name and family name fully, science degree, occupation, department, school, university (or another institute), city, country, e-mail. If an article is written by student(s), graduate or postgraduate student(s), author’s name should be followed by the name of mentor.
2. TITLE OF THE PAPER – should be taped in uppercase bold letters after skipping one line; alignment – center;
3. SUMMARY (abstract of the article) – after skipping one line, not less than 200 words (contains subject matter of the work, its goals and objectives, scientific novelty);
4. KEYWORDS – after the abstract (with paragraph); list of the main terms used in the article (combinations of not more than two words) – 1-2 lines of text;
5. BODY TEXT – after skipping the line – the main text, preferably divided into several entitled sections; may contain pictures, tables;
6. CONCLUSION – the main results of the research (10-15 lines of text);
7. REFERENCE LIST – should be drawn up in order of citation and numbered.

References. The full name of the book or article, place and year of publication, publisher should be given. Quantitative parameters are required (for the book – total number of pages, for an article or chapter – page number: P. 24-32). When referring in the text, the number of source and used page should be noted in square brackets: [5, p. 7].
Illustrative materials (figures) should be placed in a body text, and should also be provided as separate files. File formats: for photos, pictures – jpeg (250 dpi); graphics, diagrams, etc. are accepted with lower resolution in .exls, .cdr format with captions.
The formulas should be placed in a body text; it is desirable to minimize their number.
Tables should be titled, located directly in the text.
The electronic version of the paper should be sent in a separate file: IvanovII_paper.doc by e-mail: .

Coordinators: Alla Kopeva +7 (924) 239-65-43;
                         Oksana Maslovskaya +7(924) 240-29-90

Sample of paper: 


IVAN IVANOV, Student, e-mail:
PETER PETROV, PhD, Professor, e-mail:
Department of Architecture and Urban Design, School of Engineering
Far Eastern Federal University
8, Sukhanov St., Vladivostok, Russia 690091

                                                                                       PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF CITY’ SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

Abstract: Realization of programs of the Russian cities development demands the new organization of management allowing to apply strategically focused techniques and methods of providing a sustainable development. In this regard problems of a sustainable development of the city at the present stage gain the special importance. …
Keywords: urbanization processes, sustainable development, reconstruction of the cities, improvement of the environment

1. Port cities - the driving force of economic development. The processes of urbanization and related challenges of sustainable development are most evident in the coastal cities, which occupy a special place in the evolution of human civilization. In fact, the phenomenon of urbanization is largely concentrated along the coasts ... (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.Port cities development in 1970-2009 [5]

Conclusion. Based on reconstruction experience and revival of some of the coastal cities it can be stated that the renovation of the urban environment is based on an integrated accounting baseline and follow-up focus on the key parameters of sustainable development. ....

1.        Tarasov BG, Ortlepp WD. Shock loading-unloading mechanism in rockburst shear fractures in quartzite causing genesis of polyhedral sub-particle in the fault gouge (Proc. Fourth Intern. Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining), ed. Y. Potvin. Perth, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, 2007, pр. 183-192.
Zhang Z, Zhu D. Experimental research on the localized electrochemical micromachining. RussianJournalofElectrochemistry.2008;44(8):926-930. Cited 2 times. doi: 10.1134/S1023193508080077


Bachelor, master degree students’ projects competition

in “Architecture” and “Environmental design” sections


1st-5th grade Bachelor, Master degree student’s projects fulfilled in 2019-2020 are accepting for participation. 

Graphic materials – projects and graduation projects should be sent in a full scale or as a reduced copy with sizes divisible by 50 cm (50x50 cm, 50x100 cm, 50x150 cm, 100x200 cm etc.). (Exposition materials requirements – see below). Under 20 m2 of exposition area will be given to each participating school.

All the submitted projects and graduation projects will take part in the basic competition, but participation in additional* contest is also available.

The Jury for each contest section will contain architecture and design schools representatives, exhibition participants and invited professionals. Due to contest results the winners will be awarded with 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree diplomas. According to additional contest results special diplomas and prizes will be awarded.

Additional contest

Special contests for the best design with using special materials and systems are provided by the sponsors.


There are two ways to submit the project:

1. To send a project electronic copy to e-mail address until March, 25. The Forum Organization Committee will print and prepare panel for the exhibition. File requirements: full scale (1:1), .jpeg format, RGB color mode, no compression, resolution not more than 250 dpi (200 dpi preferred).

2. To bring projects individually as a prepared panels or as a paper roll. This should be fulfilled until April, 10, to have enough time for assembling.


Participants prepare projects for exhibition by themselves.

Panel requirements:

· Foam board panels are used for assembling projects. Panel size is 100x100 cm, or sizes divisible by 50 cm (50x50 cm, 50x100 cm, 50x150 cm, 100x200 cm etc.).

· Exposition contains two sections: “Architecture” and “Environmental design”. On the right upper corner of sheet there should be placed a 30x30 mm square, colored due to section (red – architecture, blue – environmental design) with a letter on it (B – bachelor degree student, M – master degree student).

· On the sheet bottom there should be a stripe (50-80 mm in height) contains project general information: university, faculty, department, project title, author(s) full name(s), grade number, mentor(s) full name(s).

Project materials spacing scheme

Планшет ENG.jpg

Project files should be sent to e-mail address until March 25, 2021.
The application form should be sent in a separate MS Word file: Name_application.doc.
The electronic version of the project should also be sent in a separate file: Name_project.jpg.

Coordinators: Egor A. Van-Kho-Bin  +7 (914) 077-10-72


Students’ Artistic Works Competition

“Fine Art” Section


“Architecture”, “Environmental design” department student’s creative works fulfilled in 2019-2020 are accepting for participation. 


Compositional graphics

Compositional painting

Computer graphics

Creative works are represented in these nominations: stylization of natural images; transformation of natural objects; fantasy images.

The Jury for this contest section will contain architecture and design schools representatives, exhibition participants and invited professionals. Due to contest results the winners will be awarded with 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree diplomas. Sponsors and partners can award special diplomas and prizes.


There are two ways to submit the works:

1. To send a work’s electronic copy to e-mail address until March, 25. The Forum Organization Committee will print and prepare panel for the exhibition. File requirements: .jpeg format, resolution not less than 200 dpi, file size no more than 20 Mb.

2. To bring works individually as a prepared panels or as a paper roll. This should be fulfilled until April, 10, to have enough time for assembling.


Foam board panels are used for assembling works. Creative works are introduced in a full scale or as a reduced copy. 1 m² of exposition area can be used for one author or for one composition containing creative works of multiple authors.

At each work, the following information should be placed:

Category. Nomination


Title of work


Author name


Year of study, which work is done


Mentor name


University, Department, City, Country


Application forms and works files should be sent to e-mail address until March, 25.
The application form should be sent in a separate MS Word file: Name_application.doc.
The electronic version of the art work should also be sent in a separate file: Name_art.jpg.

Coordinator: Elena N. Abramovskaya   +7 (924) 125-02-43