Materials and construction

International science and technology conference "FarEastСon" is dedicated to the discussion of today’s achievements and farsighted researches in the area of intellectual technology use for solving of real, applied tasks in various areas of industries and energy policies of nations. The conference is organized for the purpose of support of interdisciplinary discussion and publication of scientific-research results that summarizes researches in the technical sphere of knowledge at higher educational institutions, research institutes, major industrial enterprises, science and production unions of the Russian Federation, authors from foreign countries, and results of researches conducted with the initiative of authors.

The goal of the conference is the information support of researchers and experts in the most farsighted research fields and achievements in the area of construction, architecture and materials.

Major sections of the conference:

1. Industrial and civil construction, including sections:

    1.1. Construction materials and products;

    1.2. Construction structures, buildings and facilities

    1.3. Technology and organization of construction;

    1.4. Engineering nets and equipment;

    1.5. Foundations, underground facilities;

    1.6. Engineering and computer graphics in structural design.

2. Architecture, urban planning and design.

3. Materials, including sections:

3.1. New functional materials and technologies;

3.2. Innovations and resource efficiency in metallurgy.

3.3. Nanotechnology application;

3.4. Development and production of perspective products of science and technology;

3.5. New researches in the field of metals and perspective technologies of casting, deforming and anticorrosive protection.

The conference format implies presentations of papers in thematic sections with demonstration of presentation materials. The official languages are Russian and English.

Conference papers will be published as full articles:

- in English: peer-reviewed journal " Material Science Forum (Trans Tech Publications Ltd.,, which is indexed by the Scopus database (Major sections: 3. Materials).

- in Russian: electronic publication that is indexed by the RSCI database.

Paper contents and form requirements:

Only research papers that comply with the conference profile and represent the results of theoretical and experimental research works of authors are accepted for publishing.

Papers that are already published or that are sent to other publishers for publication are unacceptable to send to the organizing committee.

Papers should be devoted to solution of some problem/task, elaborate its essence, present directions and methods of solution. Papers that describe already existing conditions or situations are not accepted.

Major sections: 1. Industrial and civil construction; 2. Architecture, urban planning and design.

The article should be typed in the template.

Major sections: 3. Materials

The article should be typed in the template.

Copyright Transfer-TTP.

Papers should be:

- up-to-date (problems covered by the paper should be of interest for scientific society from the perspective of the current sci-tech development);

- scientific (paper describes research aspects of a task, even if the task itself does not have applied meaning);

- novel (results that are represented in the paper should have scientific novelty, overview articles will be accepted upon special decision of the organizing committee).

The paper should be clearly structured – it must contain commonly recognized parts of research publications:

- Introduction;

- Topicality, scientific meaningfulness of the topic with brief overview of literature;

- Task setting;

- Theoretical part;

- Practical importance, suggestions and results of implementation of experimental research;

- Conclusions (closure).

The results that are represented in the paper must be reasoned via scientific tools: mathematical conclusion, mathematic and experimental modeling, etc. – for the purpose of their scientific reliability. Materials that contain only description of hypothesis or untested suggestions are not accepted.

The paper should represent the complete cycle of wholesome research – it must begin with the task setting and end with the reliable solution of the task. Papers on plans and ideas of task solutions are not to be published. The ideas must reach the level of rule, law, correlation, model, method, algorithm, etc. It’s essential to prove the validity, adequacy and usefulness of idea.

The results that are represented in papers should be formulated as scientific provisions that clearly determine the essence of scientific impact.

The paper should be written in language that is clear for mid-level specialist in the relevant field. Commonly accepted technical terms shall be used.

Research papers should include:

- a title;

- author information (Last name, Initials, affiliation, city, country, electronic address);

- an abstract (100-250 words);

- a list of key-words or phrases (not more then 7);

- references, (20-30 recommended).

The number of authors per paper must not exceed three. The number of papers that an author can publish in a single proceedings volume should not exceed 2. The volume of a paper 4-6 full pages.

Conference proceedings in Russian

The paper should be typed-up via template. Items that are listed above (title, author info, abstract, list of key words) should be duplicated in English also.

The paper volume with given requirements should not exceed 6 pages. Papers with exceeding volume will be accepted for publishing upon exclusive decision of the organizing committee.

Important dates:

- paper submission deadline May, 10 2021; 

- notification about acceptance of paper into the program before August, 30 2021; 

- Conference October, 5-8 2021. 

Registration Fee:

- 200 Euros for foreign participants (payment after May 10, 2021 - 300 euros). 

Travel, accommodation and food expenses are not included in the registration fee and are paid by the participants independently. Due to the currency fluctuation, the organizing committee has the rights to change the fee rates, yet not later than September 1, 2021. 

The payment of the registration fee is accepted from both individuals and legal entities. The registration fee should be paid only after the notification about acceptance of the paper in the conference program, yet not later than September 30, 2021. Please note the paper will be published only after receipt of the registration fee. 

Event location: Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russky Island, Ajax Bay.


- Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russky Island, Ajax Bay (university web-site:

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