Ship Design and Construction    
Original article

Pham Trung Hiep

PHAM TRUNG HIEP, Postgraduate Student,
Polytechnic Institute
Far Eastern Federal University
Vladivostok, Russia

Design of ship structures taking into account the technological factors

Abstract. Real designs always include structural and technological defects or features. These include gaps, displacements, and angles of deviations of parts of connection joint, inevitable during assembly. The factors as a rule have regulatory limits. To compensate for their negative impact on the strength of the nodes, the method of increasing the legs of welds is often used. The purpose of this work is to study the influence of the listed technological factors on the strength of structures and to develop proposals for their accounting and compensation. To achieve this goal, using the example of the external structural protection of the hull from the ground, a solution to the problem of the stability of plates with different loading conditions along the edges, including concentrated forces, is proposed. The roles and influences of the listed design and technological factors, as well as the legs of welds, on the strength of structures are considered. Proposals have been formulated to compensate for negative factors by increasing the legs of welds. The results of the work are important both for the development of design methods and for technologies of assembly and welding for ship structures, which operating in extreme conditions.

Keywords: ship structures, technological factors, gaps, displacements, deviations, influence on the strength, welds

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Pham Trung Hiep. Design of ship structures taking into account the technological factors. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2023;(1):20–30. (In Russ.).