Ship Power Plants

Statsenko V., Eremenko M., Bernavskaya M.

VLADIMIR STATSENKO, Doctor Engineering Science, Professor, e-mail:
Department of Welding, School of Engineering
Far Eastern Federal University
Vladivostok, Russia
MAYA BERNАVSKAYA, Assistant Professor, e-mail:
Peter the Great Polytechnic University,
St. Petersburg, Russia

The method of neutralization of liquid film from toxic gas emissions

Abstract: For the purification of air from gas emissions and aerosols, a liquid neutralization unit is pro-posed. It is a closed case, in which the film flow of liquid along vertical plates is organized. When polluted air moves between the plates, the liquid film as an absorbent intensively absorbs gaseous and solid pollutants. To study the intensity of gas absorption, an experimental stand was designed and manufactured in which a film flow of water and a soda solution is set on a vertical brass plate, air, which contains gases: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide of various concentra-tions, moves upward along the film. In the experiments, the air velocity, fluid flow rate, and gas concentration changed.
As a result of the analysis of the obtained results, it was revealed that when using water as an ab-sorbing element, the optimal air velocity is 0.8–1 m/s, the optimal water flow rate is 1,2–1,37 l/min. This allows you to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide as by 30–45%, carbon mon-oxide as by 20–30% and nitric oxide gas by 18–23%. When using a solution of soda for carbon dioxide as an absorbing element, it is possible to reduce the concentration by 30–40%, for carbon monoxide by 50–55%. When calculating the universal characteristics of the fluid flow in the form of a film, the irrigation value is obtained.
Keywords: gas emissions, liquid neutralization, film, water, soda solution, absorption, experimental stand, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, optimal conditions, reduction in concentration.

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