Creative Concepts of Architectural Activities


Lapshina E., Koval' M.

EVGENIYA LAPSHINA, Head of Educational Programs of the Chair of PASI, 

Candidate of Architecture, Professor, e-mail:

MIKHAIL KOVAL', MS Student, e-mail:

Department of Architectural Environment and Interior Design, School of Engineering

Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanov St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091


The features of the colour-light design of pedestrian areas
in difficult topographic conditions


Abstract: The article deals with the colour-light design of the pedestrian space in cities with difficult topography. The authors propose a technique of their own of the step-by-step development of an algorithm of the design solution based on the estimation of the three-dimensional and colour-texture characteristics of the natural environment and surrounding buildings. The developed method enables one to make an informed choice of materials and structures, carry out greening of the environment, and provide night illumination in order to develop a multi-level pedestrian space of the city taking into account its difficult topography.
Key words: pedestrian space, difficult terrain, urban development, colour, light, texture, landscape architecture.



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