Building Materials and Products


Bekker A., Pomnikov E., Makarov O.

ALEXANDER BEKKER, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Director, ResercherID: I-6494-2017, ScopusID:  35610298200, ORCID:, e-mail:
EGOR POMNIKOV, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Department of Hydrotechnics, Theory of Buildings and Structures, e-mail:
OLEG MAKAROV, MS student, Junior Researcher, International Research and Educational Center R&D Center Arctic, e-mail:
School of Engineering
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091

To the assessment of frost resistance requirements
for concrete depending on the temperature regime of structures

Abstract: Concrete, as one of the most frequently used materials in construction, must comply with the necessary requirements determined during the design of structures as part of measures to ensure their durability. Frost resistance plays an important role in the ability of concrete to resist environmental impacts. In this regard, assignment and justification of the frost resistance requirements for concrete in the design process of structures is an important issue. The paper considers the various factors justifying the choice of the specific grade of frost resistant concrete for subsurface structures with technologically independent elements. Numerical modeling of the pile structure was performed to assign concrete frost resistance requirements for technologically independent structural elements depending on their temperature. To solve this problem, a range of air temperatures for a 30-year period was used. As a result of the calculation during the researched period, the average temperatures of the coldest five days of each year in the pile heads were determined. These values were processed using the Gumbel distribution law to determine the design temperature of the structures. Based on this design temperature, the required frost resistance grades of concrete for the elements of the structure were determined in accordance with the Russian regulatory documents.
Keywords: numerical simulation, concrete, frost resistance, subsurface structures, thermal engineering calculations, Gumbel distribution law, concrete grade, temperature regime.

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