Architecture of Buildings and Structures 
Original article

Panfilov A., Tiganov R., Tikhonov R.

ALEXANDER P. PANFILOV, Postgraduate Student,*
ROMAN E. TIGANOV, Postgraduate Student,
Department of Electronics and Communications
Polytechnic Institute
RUSLAN A. TIKHONOV, Bachelor Student,
Department of Mathematical and Computer Modeling
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Technologies
Far Eastern Federal University
Vladivostok, Russia

Virtual acoustic simulation system for small-sized recording studio CC SAM

Abstract. The article discusses the modeling of the acoustic characteristics of rooms using virtual development environments, based on statistical, geometric and wave methods for calculating acoustics, optimized for small recording studios. With the aim of designing new and improving existing spaces in terms of architectural acoustics. This article may be useful to acoustic engineers, architects, sound engineers and music industry figures.

Keywords: architectural acoustics, auralization, recording studios, raytracing, impulse response

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Panfilov A., Tiganov R., Tikhonov R. Virtual acoustic simulation system for small-sized recording studio CC SAM. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2022;(3):117-122. (In Russ.)