Chusov A., Protopopova A.

ANDREY CHUSOV, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communications,
e-mail:, ORCID
ALINA PROTOPOPOVA, MA Student, e-mail:
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091

Simulation algorithm for solving problems of electromagnetic
compatibility in the design of buildings in urban areas

Abstract: With the development of technologies related to electromagnetic radiation, the problem of electromagnetic pollution becomes urgent. To ensure electromagnetic safety, standards have been created for the maximum permissible level of electromagnetic radiation, which must be complied with during the design, construction and operation of buildings. The properties of the electromagnetic field depend on a large number of factors, including the terrain and the density of urban development, so it is important to obtain an accurate calculation of its characteristics. The peculiarity of urban relief in modeling is that it is described by an irregular height function with a large number of sharp changes and transitions. Therefore, it is necessary to sufficiently approximate the terrain model in order to adequately reduce the complexity of the corresponding numerical models for calculating field characteristics and thereby increase the speed of calculations.
In the proposed article, an algorithmic solution was proposed for simulating the propagation of an electromagnetic field in complex environments, such as areas and cities with a high density of development, and an feasibility study was carried out for parallel computers.
Keywords: electromagnetic compatibility, environmental safety, computer-aided simulation.


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