Biryukov D., Biryukov Yu., Lebedkin A.

DMITRY BIRYUKOV, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Head of Training Laboratory, Department of Fortification and Special Facilities, e-mail:

YURI BIRYUKOV, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Hydraulic Structures, Building Structures and Solid Mechanics, e-mail:

ANATOLY LEBEDKIN, Engineer, Department of Technology, Organization and Economics of Construction, e-mail:
Military Institute (Engineering and Technical)
Military Academy of Material and Technical Support named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev
8 Makarova nab, St. Petersburg, Russia, 199034

Improving the methods for assessment of construction-in-progress facilities of the military infrastructure taking into account their technical condition

Abstract: The article presents the results of the study of methods and approaches for assessing uncompleted construction objects taking into account their technical condition. It contains a survey of various factors which may affect decision-making in matters concerning their further use. The authors present various approaches to determine the value of the uncompleted construction objects and to provide a clear description of such objects according to a number of definite parameters which take into consideration the technical condition of each, the degree of their preparedness, the period of their being in caretaker status, etc. The survey of research works highlights the need for improvements in the existing methods of assessing uncompleted construction objects as well as those of evaluating the variants of their sale. The authors present the basic approaches to the method they develop of assessing the uncompleted construction objects of military infrastructure and the measures to improve the existing techniques. They determine the consistence of resolution of the problem to define the main criteria for assessing the options for the disposition of objects of uncompleted construction of military infrastructure for the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The main criteria that most fully disclose the specificity of uncompleted construction objects of military infrastructure including special purpose facilities have been identified and allow assessing the options for the disposition of these objects within power structures and security services.

Keywords: construction, assessment, uncompleted construction, object parameters, effectiveness of investments, sales criteria.


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